Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shakes off cobwebs

I wish to do more with Phoebe than just an occasional dominion here and there. She's been through a lot and has only been in the present for a few years now after spending over 400 years in carbonite. There is still so much for her to see and explore. What I'm looking for is anybody whom wishes to rp with her be it friend or foe.

If there is anybody whom is 400 years old here it would be wonderful to do a past thread with her.

[member="Isley Verd"] I know you said you wished to go digging. We could go looking for her old Lightsaber or an old family relic. Let me know :)
Hi [member="Phoebe Verd"] - Always happy to RP and have good character development and fun -

Here are my characters:

A FU who is not Jedi/Sith and wants all FUs to be Gods - Krius Syonis

A Sith Knight - Asterion

A Rogue Jedi Padawan - Connor Harrison

A Sith Archer - Eros

A NFU GIA Operative - Ben Trasker

A peaceful FU - Levia Sol

Sadly non who are 400 years old, but just shout if you fancy anything! :)
[member="Chris Gelderd"]

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Seems very interesting...Phoebe likes to consider herself as some sort of goddess. It would be interesting to hear his thoughts.

Connor Harrison

[member="Phoebe Verd"] - If Phoebe is a Force user, he'd be very interested indeed...

Connor Harrison

[member="Phoebe Verd"] - Ah great, well if you take a look at his bio and motives, let me know if you think you'd be able to RP with him.

Basically he sees the Force as a birth-right, a gift, and not something for a Master or Lord to try and dictate how/when/why a person should use what has been given naturally to them.

So once he acquires a few little materials to make armour, he wants to send a shockwave out to any NFUs he encounters as he sees them as mere parasites in the galaxy who are rotting it, and also to the Jedi/Sith who want to enslave others for their own reasons and wars.
[member="Krius Syonis"] - She totally agrees with that! It's why she left the Jedi..they tried to control her and than the Sith did... They should meet

[member="Djonas Vile"] - ooo, sounds like a lot of fun! Gives me a chance to play with my abilities. Throwing something up and I'll be there :)

[member="Darren Shaw"] - Well, I can look anyway I please thanks to my species. Sure, we can rp. Have anything in mind?

[member="Mirta Krayt"] - Yes! We can be friends? I have no girlfriends.

[member="Kasamann"] - I would love a past thread! I was looking at your bio and I think in the past and the present they would get along. It would be nice to have a connection to the past. Phoebe wasn't always evil..

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] - I know pesty things..

Connor Harrison

[member="Phoebe Verd"] - Perfect. I would like to meet her.

Would you like me to open a thread or have you an idea how you'd like to "come back" into the world...?
[member="Darren Shaw"] - Phoebe was frozen for over 400 years so I'm not sure if a past thread would work but if he's that old than awesome! If not we will find something else.

[member="Krius Syonis"] - Well, Phoebe has been back for a few years but mainly she has stuck with the few she knows at CIS. I want her to branch out more. Either one works.

[member="Kassandra Distorith"] - Yes! It has been far too long since we have done anything together. They can bond over their experience!

Connor Harrison

[member="Phoebe Verd"] Ok - I hate passing the buck but do you want to start something so you can place yourself in an environment you feel she'd be at this crossroad, and I will fit Krius in to find/meet her...?

If you can't, I can do it first thing tomorrow morning when I'm at work (more time to be creative!) :)

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