Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shakiah Tachi (WIP)

[SIZE=10pt]NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Shakiah (Sha-Key-Ya) Tachi (Ta-Chi) [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10pt]FACTION: Jedi
RANK: Master
AGE: 24
GENDER: Female [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]HEIGHT: 5’8[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]
EYES: Like a d[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]eep pool of blue water[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]HAIR:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Light, long red hair
SKIN: Golden

[SIZE=11.5pt]- Force Calm [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]- Animal Friendship [/SIZE]
- Levitation
- Healing


[SIZE=11.5pt]- Telekinetic: 5[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]- Telepathic: 3[/SIZE]
- Sense: 7
- Protection: 6
- Healing: 6
- Destruction: 0

- Resourceful
- Cartography
- Observational

- Shakiah has the power to look at someone and almost sense your motives. Force wielder or not, your expressions, movements, stains, wrinkles, eyes, ect. All of this will tell Shakiah everything she needs to know about you. You may try to hide your true feelings, but she will always know if your motives are pure or not. Along with this, she can tell you where you have been, what you have been dining upon and any other detail no one may have noticed about you. (Although she has this amazing power, she cannot know what you are thinking. Therefore, not being telepathic) Because of this, she is hyper-sensitive to touch, smell, sound and sight.


[SIZE=11.5pt]- Shii-Cho: Mastered[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]- Makashi: Basic[/SIZE]
- Soresu: - Basic
- Djem So: - Mastered
- Niman: - Mastered
- Jar’kai:- N/A
- Ataru: - N/A


[SIZE=11.5pt]Although she is very stubborn, she compassionate and understanding. Shakiah also is determined, but she is also sweet. Along with that, she tends to feel a bit too compassionate sometimes. Therefore making it a little hard to let go of things. She may not be the strongest physically, but her intelligence and leadership helps her help others. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Shakiah is about peace and finding a way to settle things other than violence; this has to do a lot with her recently new found[/SIZE] past. But there was something always within her that kept her always on her toes, trying to solve things. When there were fights amongst Padawans about silly things, Shakiah would give something up to appease the other side; therefore making everyone happy and yet again, making peace. Because of her special skill of reading into people, she always kept quiet and observed others. She could tell you if you had a bad day or not by looking at the wrinkles on your forehead or how your cloak was creased. She was always considered an outcast because no one could understand her.


Shakiah does not remember much about her past. She was always told she was taken as a baby from her family. From as long as she can remember, she had lived in the Jedi Temple. Every so often she gets glimpses of loving faces, and can almost feel the violence that was in her very past. She long ago stopped asking about her past because none of the other Jedi would speak of it. This of course, had made her very suspicious. Her dreams always consisted of explosions, screaming and shouting. It always ended with a cloaked figure carrying her away. As she got older, she pushed the topic further but none of the Jedi would speak of it. Her Master always told her she was too curious for her own good. The nightmares only got worse from here on out. It started to affect Shakiah's focus to the point where other Jedi noticed. One dreary day, her master sat her down and told her the truth:

[SIZE=11.5pt]"Your Family's planet had been part of an attack. Some Jedi and I had been there to help oversee a peaceful transition but that was not the case. We had managed to find you. We could sense you were strong within the force. Since there was no hope for saving the planet, we went back to get you --- Your family was already dead, Shakiah. We found you crying in the corner; covered with a blanket. It was only by fate that you survived. You were destined to do good my dear Padawan, don't let your past keep you from becoming the warrior you were meant to be.... You were so young, so strong in the Force for someone that size. I know you have a longing to be accepted. But don't use that to keep you from doing great things..."[/SIZE]

Although she hadn't remembered her family, it was the brutal violence that disturbed her more. How could anyone decide who lives and who dies by the point of a weapon just because they were considered inferior? Her nightmares slowly died down but the pain within; knowing her family was gone still haunted her. With her focus back on track, Shakiah was able to grow within the Force. Her Master helped her with many of the things that made Shakiah curious. Shakiah's biggest curiosity was maps. Learning about the Galaxy and everything within was always exciting. In her spare time when not training, she spent time learning how to draw out maps, and learn about every planet and moon in the Galaxy. After years of training, studying and severaldangerous missions, Shakiah was granted Knighthood. Passing only some ofthe trials but enduring the ones she failed well.

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