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Shalla Duskwalker

"my silence is not weakness,
but the beginning of my revenge."
GIVEN NAME: Shalla Duskwalker
BIRTH NAME: Shizuka Matsunari
AGE: Twenty
SEX: Female
SPECIES: Atrisian Human
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Acolyte
Shalla stands at one hundred and sixty-eight centimetres (5’5”). The first facial feature you’ll recognise of her are those highly distinctive azure eyes that she possess. Her face demure, her nose pert and her lips a healthy shade of pink. In times of happiness, darling little dents of delight appear on her youthful visage, the dimples ever present whenever any form of smile or grin makes itself known. Her shoulder-length hair is a rich shade of midnight black that may appear to be a lighter or darker hue, depending on the lighting conditions. Her skin is fair but boasts a hint of golden undertones and is unblemished without any sign of physical scars. If she was to be asked about her favourite feature, her eyes would win without any further hesitation on her part. Focused and expressive, her eyes are like windows to her soul and carries a message even when her lips don’t. Her figure is slim and athletic with her fair share of muscles gained from her highly physical lifestyle.
Stubbornness has always been a big part of her life, and the young girl had been chided many a time by her parents on being so unnecessary strong willed. When she was young, she had always been an especially quiet child who did not favour talking in the least and was the complete opposite of a chatterbox. It was therefore not surprising that most people had the impression of her as a pushover and someone that they could bully. These individuals would soon find themselves to be so wrong. Hidden behind what looks like a rather docile looking appearance is a real firecracker and incredibly feisty lass that has absolutely has no hesitation to make your life incredibly miserable if she wants to.
Just because she is usually accommodating to those that she finds herself agreeable and on good terms with, certainly does not mean that she is any kind of delicate shrinking flower. As someone who is still trying to get her emotions in check, they can sometimes run amok and place her in a state of emotional turbulence, affecting her judgement or clarity of decisions, including doing things or saying things she may regret not too long after.
A painting done of a rather reluctant Shizuka at age 15.
+ Agile and flexible -
Shalla has always been nimble and agile from an early age and her agility only improved as she got older allowing her to perform acrobatic acts with ease. Unafraid of small passages and areas, she is able to fit and navigate into these narrow areas easily.

+ Keen observation skills -
Highly observant of the environment and changes, she is able to spot things most people might miss. This was a trait enhanced by the need of survival and is ultimately depended on her own personal survival thus far.

+ Highly strong-willed -
She has a strong will and an inner fighting spirit that never allows her to give up, like a flame that never dies. This inner strength keeps her fighting through the toughest of adversities and challenges she has faced in her life so far.

- Slow to trust -
There are two sides to Shalla’s personality. One is cold and distant, the other being warmer and more open. The cold one is the one most are usually used to as they never get around to breaking the ice to get to the warmer more trusting inner core.

- Plagued by ghosts -
A brutal scar of her tragic past, she is still very much haunted by the ghosts of her family. This often leads to inner turmoil especially with regards to her emotions.

- Lost and forgotten -
Once belonging to a noble house in Atrisia, all traces of her family been forgotten ever since the clan was wiped out, and the survivors sold as slaves. She has very much lost her way in life and has no idea where her fate or destiny lies.


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Shalla Dustwalker wasn’t born with the name she now carries. She was born Shizuka Matsunari, a noble-born into a wealthy and influential Atrisian warrior family called House Matsunari. Her grandfather, Hojo Matsunari was an extremely successful warrior and businessman who built his clan and family riches up from nothing. The family left a comfortable life, enjoying the riches and luxuries that came along with their social status within society. Hojo had once even served as sworn blades of the Atrisian throne once, but those days were long over. Despite umpteen attempts by his son Kaito to have children, luck was not on his side. It would only be three years after his marriage to his wife that the family would finally see a newborn enter the family. When Shizuka was born, the Matsunari clan threw a celebration for friends and family to welcome a child into the family at last. A year later, her brother, Hiroki was born. Coming from a line of talented bladesmen, it was thus no surprise to anyone that the children began training in martial arts and bladework as soon as they were old enough to begin training. They were born with warriors blood in them and honing it was highly important to the family’s tradition.

Her first display of the force brought about a big disturbance within the family. During a sparring practice training with her younger brother, she had unwittingly released a blast of force that sent the younger boy flying a few feet away. Observed by her father and the instructor, they were alarmed at the prospect of what it meant. Her brother was fine, albeit a little shocked. Later that night, the young girl overheard her parents arguing about what to do with her and her new “abilities”. Her mother had suggested letting her train with the Jedi, but Kaito vehemently refused. Unlike most, he had never been fond of the Jedi order. He did not want his daughter becoming a Jedi in any shape or form. He eventually shut down his wife’s arguments saying that he would find some way to settle this and find her some training without turning to the Jedi. The events of the day eventually overwhelmed her, and she cried to sleep not knowing how to deal with it all. Little did she know, her trials and tribulations of her life were only just beginning.

Shortly after her eighteen birthday in the beginning of the year, tragedy befell House Matsunari. A conspiracy plotted by two other noble houses, House Eito and Kado to take over them resulted in a bloodbath that saw most of Shizuka’s clan exterminated. The brave warriors of House Matsunari had fought valiantly, but eventually, they too fell against the overwhelming odds. The survivors were rounded up and kept alive against their will, just another form of adding salt to the wound by ripping away everything she knew about life. Fate still had something in store for her, and unlike the rest of her family, it was not her time yet. She was ultimately sold off as a slave for a measly sum of credits that was hardly ever justifiable. The slave masters of Tatooine carried out a practice called namelessness, in which a slave is stripped of both their names and given new ones, and all identifying records of the slave are permanently destroyed, leaving no way for anyone to find them ever again.

Most of these slaves grew up with only one name, and so did she, following the tradition despite not being a slave from birth. It wasn't until very much later where she was given the surname Duskwalker as more of a nickname than anything else. These young slaves bonded together well and gave each other names for their own had been stolen from them. She was given the name of Shalla by the first friend she made, whom she in turn named Decko. Despite their young age, they had managed to create their own identities and form their own little community before their eventual separation.

Shalla’s daily routine mainly involved traversing the scorching desert scavenging for supplies from thousands of years of crashed spacecraft and failed mining projects. These could prove to be highly dangerous as their most obvious competitors were the Jawas and Tusken Raiders who did not take kindly to rivals fighting for their share of the loot. Sent out on their lonesome, most do not ever make it back home, lost forever in the deserts, or killed by the beasts or the ever hostile Sand people. She had to fight to survive, as only the strongest will survive in such an unforgiving environment. True to her name, she would only return just after dusk, leveraging on every single opportunity to bring in more scrap and salvage for more food. Not long after the debacle that showed her as force sensitive, a black-garbed individual from the Sith Empire came for a visit. Turns out, it was more than a simple visit, and the Sith had come here with a goal in mind. Her. This was a critical turning point in her life that would eventually lead her to the greatness and purpose that she so sought for in her life.

Would the Sith be the key to her desires? Only time will tell.

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