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The Skakoan Magnate was among the few individuals in the galaxy who could claim to have it all, as they had successfully led the Trade Federation for a number of years since the disappearance and reemergence of Director Gat Tambor on the galactic stage. His leadership had resulted in a significant increase in profits and a widespread influence that extended from the former Imperial Capital of Bastion to the Sith Capital of Jutrand, dominating the shipping and commerce of numerous planetary star systems.

Although even the most mighty of intellectuals needed time to relax and enjoy themselves, and so the Viceroy found himself overlooking the ornate botanical gardens of his vary own Skyhook above the city-wide planet of Skako.

The vivid hues of the blossoms and the calming noises of the water elements offered a pleasant respite from the unceasing responsibilities of governing the Federation. While walking along the carefully tended paths, the Viceroy couldn't resist admiring the serenity of the gardens he had designed with inspiration clearly taken from the Galactic Emperor's Gardens.

The sanctuary served a dual purpose, not only as a place for relaxation but also as a hub of information with its array of monitors and datapads.

Data regarding the Intergalactic Stock Exchange flowed effortlessly from one device to another, enabling him to analyze the wealth of information with his armored eyes. The projections indicated favorable outcomes for the Trade Federation, yet there was still potential for further growth and accumulation of wealth.

This led to the establishment of the Galactic Co-Investment Panel, ensuring that all investments were conducted within specified parameters to guarantee sustained growth over the next seven rotations.

"AWEROROROROR...I am often referred to as the most influential individual in the galaxy, particularly by those lacking force abilities or the ability to wield mystical powers. However, reducing my identity to such a simplistic label greatly undermines my true nature as the successor to the Tyrant of Trade, although I am constantly beholden to his shadow never to emerge from it despite my success."

The Skakoan explained to the recently arrived guest that he would forever be known as the Tyrant of Trade 2.0, simply an enhanced version and not a person with original thoughts and ambitious schemes. Laborr had made significant contributions to the company, however, he could be easily substituted by numerous competent individuals across the galaxy like Aerarii Tithe.

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"I would caution you to claim such things as fact, oh great Tyrant of Trade..." Looking down at the beautiful flowers the magnificent botanical garden aboard the Viceroy's personal skyhook, the Marquis of House Nargath let out a soft chuckle, his honneyed voice rife with hidden venom. To compare himself to the man who had effectively brought the Trade Federation or at the very least it's predecessor in modern times to the forefront was foolish when one could not hope to match those accomplishments. "To be a tyrant, one must be ruthless above all else, have a spine of durasteel and a mind like an sarr'lac pit."

It isn't that the Chairman of the N&Z was any less compared to the Skakoan, but at the very least he had the strength of character and mind to avoid displaying his own arrogance so pretentiously, because he knew that the Trade Federation alone held a few who were his equal, if not superior in terms of the ways in business and the war around it.

" jest aside, I must admit that your most recent endeavour has managed to gain my interest," Tilting his head, the blond Eriaduan human looked straight at Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr . "I thought it very wise to found such an overseeing company which would direct and control your assets, acquisitions and investments in a much more efficient way. Considering the magnitude of the Trade Federation's companies and divisions, I hardly think it was a laughing matter to formulate all of it and bring it into practice..."

Tapping his left feet for a moment, tilting his head to the other side while seemingly in thought, the Marquis continued though. "However, there is one thing that happens to bother me a bit... why hasn't the Trade Federation reorganized its subsidiaries first? Would that not have been the more efficient option?"




Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"You are correct in a matter of speaking, for I am no Tyrant of Trade nor do I wish to be for that simplified title is beneath me. Gat Tambor claimed it though, and was recognized by the galactic powers for it as you may be aware. Marquis Nargath - though he had his shortcomings such as offering investments into the New Imperial Order without considering they would crumble eventually with enough pressure and expansionary efforts." Laborr explained - meticulously observed the intricate pathways and structures within the elaborate botanical gardens of the skyhook, his gaze shielded by armored eyes.

Eventually, his focus settled solely on the individual who had captured his attention. The N&Z Umbrella Corporation, while undeniably ascending in the corporate rankings after emerging from obscurity, was viewed as just one component of a larger puzzle.

They were considered an asset to be exploited until their usefulness waned, at which point they would be disposed of without hesitation. The Marquis probably shared the same viewpoint regarding the Trade Federation, and it would be deemed acceptable to the Executive Board if they were to enter into a tit for tat trade war over resources and influence within important industrial sectors.

"While efficiency is important, it is crucial to have a solid foundation for transferring investments back into our central portfolio. Without this foundation, we would essentially be operating a sinking ship without a clear direction. The Co-Investment Panel aims to address this issue by reallocating investments from sectors within our current control like Communication and Fast Food Franchises into equitable capital, which can then be used to support new projects and foster innovation and reinvigorate our subsidiary corporations under new management." The Skakoan provided a concise explanation to the Marquis, emphasizing the significance of the Panel's establishment in reallocating investments from inactive subsidiaries back into the investment pool to support new projects and initiatives aimed at revitalizing said subsidiaries.


"Good, good... to mirror oneself to a predecessor is generally unwise anyways...I speak out of experience in that regard," The Marquis smiled somewhat sourly, because whether or not the Trade Federation liked it or not, whether their members even remembered or not, the N&Z Umbrella Corporation had for quite some time stood on higher ground, delivering products to several major factions, building possibly the most prestigious warships besides the more intricate and mind boggling dreadnoughts. They controlled entire systems and under the leadership of probably the second, if not most prominent Nargath in history, they more or less controlled an entire major faction on their own. However, just like the Viceroy, the Marquis felt that this comparison weighed on his own forebearers like his grandfather and father before him. "Find your own path and your own was something my father told me when I was deemed unfit for military service...a wise saying, but one he sadly was unable himself...for my father was a weak man, both in body and mind."

Taking in a deep breath, the Marquis leaned his head a bit backwards and though he was in no way taller or even as tall as the skakoan, there was this unmistakable air of authority and nobility surrounding the man, almost as if it made him look twice as tall and twice as imposing. "So, turning your lesser divisions and subsidiaries into liquidity to strengthen your more profitable assets and ventures. It is surprising how alike we are in those regards...I've had some work laid out for me with restructuring the whole holding into a set of divisions rather than a hotchpotch of internally competing businesses."

Letting out his breath again in a deep, yet seemingly fullfilling sigh, enjoying the freshness of the air and the beauty of the botanical garden, Tertius turned to look at the multitude of gorgeous, rare and quite frankly exquisite plants. "Have you cultivated these yourself, or have you had them brought in and tended to by others?"

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr

My bad, wrong character...




Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"Such advice is certainly sound, even if it orginated from someone who is less than capable." The Skakoan proceeded towards a smaller balcony nearby to appreciate the blooming flowers and the serene atmosphere of the surroundings, although still within conversation range to hear any additional comments and statements from the Marquis. It is crucial to pay attention to life advice as the challenges faced by previous generations are often intertwined with those of the current generation.

Still - there was the matter of the N&Z Corporation to consider, as they had been a crucial member of the Zweihander Union and held significant influence in the Galactic Economy, but such poiltical and economic might occured in the past and would serve little use in the here and now.

"Once you form a holding corporation, the process of separating it into distinct divisions can prove to be quite challenging without causing disruption to company management. It is necessary to allocate members of the holding based on their expertise and tenure within the company to the proposed divisions, followed by the selection of a suitable general manager to oversee each division" Laborr mentioned, casting a quick look downwards while the Marquis focused on examining the nearby flowers and the expert maintenance of the botanical gardens. He was not particularly skilled in gardening, so he had employed high-grade caretakers from Coruscant to manage the impressive layout and ensure that everything survived in orbit.

"Only the best caretakers have been invited from Coruscant to attend to such a grand garden." Laborr said.

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"Such advice is certainly sound, even if it orginated from someone who is less than capable."

"That it certainly is...that it certainly is," The Marquis couldn't refrain from letting out a hearty chuckle, noting that he didn't mind it if the Skakoan would use such terminology for his late father, considering he himself held little to no lover for the man. However, when Rulonom turned the discussion back to the economic and business principles themselves, his dissertation on the separation and collapse of divisions within a holding company wasn't a bad one, earning him a rather approving expression on the usually neutrally-faced eriaduan male. "It is indeed fair to say that if one does not take in account the intricacies that come with the very thought of splitting apart a holdings company in more defined divisions, you'd generally end up with a heap of worthless shells and no management of expertise to bail you out. I had to find someone capable of running a miningbusiness in one of the mining stations on Erinar, not a fun prospect, but it was worth it of having someone who knew the trade well enough to actually lead the division."

Pointing at a few luscious, brightly colored flowers he noted, the marquis let out another chuckle. "I see you treat everything as a business, even your botanical garden. I must say though, what are those plants over there...those elegantly pastel-colored ones. I would love to have those on Eriadu ..."

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr




Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"Yes....quite a difficult prospect." Laborr observed, looking towards one of the caretakers who was pruning the trees and removing weeds from the flower gardens. The Trade Federation resembled those weeds, abundant with skilled individuals in their respective fields but congested and incapable of flourishing independently until they were plucked and removed from the invesment pool.

The Skakoan ensured that any weeds plucked were converted into tendrils that would entwine around other planets, depleting their resources and increasing the number of individuals included in the employment data for the Federal Assembly. This is the method by which they would ensure their survival -

By deeply embedding themselves in the Galactic Economy to ensure that even if a dominant faction eliminated them from the competition, there would always be alternative opportunities for lucrative expansion outside the limitations of a single market.

"Those are called Bonsai, a small plant known to promoted longevity and intelligence. Difficult they were to acquire since they are not generally known to the wider galaxy and have no known homeworld." Laborr said


Allowing the Skakoan to ponder a bit on the problems that came with running a company, if not a large conglomorate effectively, the Marquis of House Nargath found himself somehow pondering on the same thing for a bit. After all, even though he was rather certain of his case and his ability, there was always the doubt whether or not he had what it took to once again bring the N&Z to the forefront of the corporate world.

Just like Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr no doubt knew in their mind that friendly, somewhat leisurely meetings like these were enjoyable and sometimes actually profitable, Tertius did not deny the fact that just like the jedi and the sith, they would face eachother like gods of war in their field of combat when push came to shove. Business was war, a purer form even than the one the Jedi and the Sith knew, for they dealt not just with their own lives, nor the lives of some hand ful of, they traded in the lives of systems, the prosperity of entire sectors, of entire races even in the case of the Trade Federation and yet... here they were, having a rather insightful and pleasant discussion on company issues and botanical beauty.

"I see, in that case I think it best to forego asking you to bring me into contact with the ones who procured it for you...or maybe not, considering who we are..." The Eriaduan cracked a smile after his somewhat self-depricating joke. "Still, I must say that I am most impressed. Not just with this place, but with the Trade Federation as a whole. You are truly a group of expert individuals with at the very least the cunning to weave with the turning winds."

Stepping to the nearest flower, the Marquis knelt down and blew against the plant's leaves, making the metaphor more clear. "And yes, the winds are turning... The war between the Galactic Alliance and the Sith Order... it can be the moment, the opportunity of all opportunities to seize one's moment. I know you and your people have been hounding the Dark Council for the licenses to operate on Sullust, I ofcourse am also very keen on taking control of the planet's abundancy in technological resources and manufacturing capacity."

Pressing his thumb against his middle finger, the Marquis suddenly made a loud sound as he snapped his fingers. "There are quite a few companies within the Sith order just as keen as us on getting their hands on those things I mentioned... a very lucrative market, certainly now that an all out war may be imminent. So... how do we increase favorability and decrease competition...hmm?"




Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"In the previous eras characterized by the dominance of empires and republics across the galaxy, the N&Z Corporation held significant sway even holding major faction status. However, in the present day, you cannot deny that you have lost your edge and influence." The Marquis may not have appreciated the Viceroy's straightforward evaluation of their company, however, it was an objective analysis devoid of any attempt to manipulate data or skew statistics. The Trade Federation held the top position on the Galactic Corporate Board and would continue to do so by focusing on present market dynamics rather than resting on past achievements.

The Skakoan approached the man, stepping away from the balcony that overlooked a small portion of the botanical gardens. "The war between the Alliance and the Order is merely the foundation stone of a much larger galactic conflict brewing, as the Alliance faces both the Order and the Dark Empire in a two-front offensive for the Core Region. As for Sullust - you are correct that its technology and manufacturing ability would serve both of us well, although you assign it much more significance then is needed when compared to the whole of Sith dominion." Laborr articulated in his typical droid-like manner, clasping his hands together.

While Sullust held significance, it was just one of many star systems that had not yet been tapped into by the Sith Industrial Machine. This fact alone piqued the interest of the Trade Federation, as it presented a chance to acquire these unexploited planets with exclusive contracts and trade agreements.

"That would be your problem to solve - Marquis, the Trade Federation has already taken significant strides in this area. Trade Agreements, Exclusive Contracts with the various Sith Governors, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Government Subsidies for cutting-edge solutions, and an economy heavily dependent on our banking sector to sustain prolonged war production." Laborr said


"Brutal honesty...strange to see that in a member of the Trade Federation," The Marquis could only smile faintly, not even belying any sort of rage or grudge towards this comment. "I can't deny that, my dearest rival."

Raising his hand, the Eriaduan male suddenly raised his index finger upwards, together with a somewhat wider and more menacing grin. "That's why I won't be as nice or as weak as my father or grandfather. The only way is up...and I can promise you, that to disregard the N&Z will not be your best move."

Hearing the Skakoan continue with his brutal honesty or perhaps moreso what Tertius determined to be the Trade Federation's bloated ego starting to rear its ugly head once again, it was no surprise for the Eriaduan male to hear the viceroy mention the notion that the N&Z simply put too much faith and importance on Sullust. In a way the viceroy was right, Tertius saw Sullust as strategically important, but not for the reasons they might have been thinking about. SUllust was at the boundary of the Seswenna sector and with that very sector being the N&Z's heartland sort of speak, it was simply a matter of location and logistics.

"Trading agreements and non-disclosure agreements are only worth it when they are done with the right people," Tilting his head a bit, the Marquis was intrigued whether or not the Skakoan would slip up, even but a single hint to reveal their potential partners would have been good enough, but than again...if the N&Z did not gain Sullust, the loss wouldn't be too great...after all, they were at the cusp of becoming a major partner to the Empire of the Lost, who despite being threatened by all sides, only became all the more anxious and thus more desirable in the process. Because in the end it didn't matter to Tertius wether or not this new partner survived or not, if they collapsed, the N&Z would simply scoop up their brightest minds and best designers, offer them a safe haven and strengthen itself despite losing a partner. "Hmm, if I remember correctly...the IGBC has had a few hiccups and the avcoin hasn't exactly been the most... succesful new currency... I do hope this new crypto you've been hailing as the next generation ends up being more promising."

Still, with a faint smile on his face, the Marquis realised that though he wanted to have the Skakoan slip up on his contacts, he had in fact already slipped up by practically beating his chest that the Sith Order's economy was heavily reliant on them in order to thrive and survive. It was something the N&Z could exploit if they approached this carefully and strategically.

"Ah well, you may have a head start," The Marquis chuckled a bit, looking at the flowers in the botanical garden again. "Though there are multiple ways to approach the issue...because the N&Z could offer the SIth something of equal value and perhaps even greater importance. However, that is for me to know and for you to figure out."




Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"awerorororoAWROROROOR...Make no mistake there is no underestimation of the N&Z Corporation. Despite its reduced size in influence, your corporation is poised to excel due to its deep understandings of the inner workings of the galactic economy, stemming from your history as a major power. This knowledge gives you a distinct advantage over all other corporations, such as Aurora Industries and Arceneau Trade Company." The Skakoan articulated a reply, dismissing the naive idea that the Trade Federation was underestimating a possible rival with a simple gesture of his hand. Competition, he internally asserted, was the catalyst for innovation and advancement throughout the galaxy, and it was within this dynamic that they would flourish.

"The galaxy is constantly changing, with each shift in the galactic map presenting both chances and dangers. We capitalize on these opportunities to the fullest extent possible, yet occasionally lack the necessary resources for the endeavor to prosper. However, through learning and adjusting, we identify the flaws in the plan and are able to reinvigorate it at a future date, making it more robust than ever." Laborr avoided adopting a philosophical tone akin to his predecessor, Gat Tambor. Instead, he acknowledged the transient nature of business ventures and innovative solutions on the galactic stage.

The success or failure of TradeCoin remained uncertain, but the insights gained from it would undoubtedly prove to be invaluable for the Federation's future endeavors.

The Marquis was commendable in his unquestioning acceptance of every utterance from the Skakoan's concealed mouth. Had the N&Z Corporation delved into their research, they would have easily exposed his deception regarding the Sith Economy's reliance on them, given that the Commonwealth and Sith-Imperial Banking Clan were the primary forces driving industry, alongside Aurora Industries. This oversight exemplified the very grounds on which the Federation could thrive in the theoretical economic competition.

"Then I shall await the results of this grand plan to achieve dominion within the Sith Economic System.." Laborr said with a glance.

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