Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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| Social Information |

  • Name: Shantay
  • Alias: N/a
  • Titles: N/A
  • Occupation: Slaver
  • Planet of Birth: Unknown
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Maritial Status: Single
  • Force Sensitive: No
| Physical Information |

  • Species: Zeltron, with Arkanian, and Firrerreo Genes
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 25
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 126 Ibs
  • Eye Color: Orange
  • Hair Color: White
  • Skin Pigmentation: Red

| Affiliations |
  • N/A

| Strengths & Weaknesses |

[+] Genetic Engineering - Shantay was subject to genetic engineering for most of her life. With her DNA being baseline Zeltron, Arkanian, and Firrerreo were engineered into her DNA. Through this process she has has only gained the regenrative abilities associated with the Firrerreo.

[+] Peaked Strength Level - From her days in the Fight Pits she has become quite conditioned. She possesses the peak strength level of a woman her age, size and weight. She engages in intensive regular exercise and combat training, and is more than capable of lifting twice her weight.

[+] Martial Prowess - She has only developed these skills as a means of survival, when she was thrown into slavery she was forced to use her own martial prowess to thrive in the slave pits. She has proficient knowledge of a variety of weaponry and different martial arts, now as she has gotten older she has been able to hone them a little more.

[-] Genetic Engineering - Being one of the first subjects of that particular 'Genetic Project' she was considered a mentally unstable failure, and was disposed of. She is a psychopath; she lacks empathy, has an incapability for remorse, selfishness, and an innate thirst for violence. This can leave her open for manipulation, and she can easily be deterred mentally.

[-] Genetic Engineering Con't - Her eyes are very sensitive to sources of extreme heat, and very bright flashes of light. When traveling offworld, she's usually forced to wear blinders on planets with hotter, younger suns. Sudden bright flashes of light can be very dibilitating for her.

[-] Quick Tempered - She has anger issues...which can get her in trouble.

| Biography |

She was the first test subject of a New Generational Project, that was led by a Arkanian geneticist who had become obsessed with learning the secret behind Telomere genotherapy. With sponsorship, this group of geneticist and researcher founded a colony on some Outer Rim world, where they decided to subject children to surgical slave conditioning, and experiment on them before subjecting themsleves ot the treatment. Shantay was among the first batch of children to undergo the treatments. She was to be genetically engineered to be a specimen of perfection. Everything, from her intelligence, physical constitution, to her appearance were designed to be excellent, though the results weren't exactly what they were looking for. They conceded that she was a failure, unbalanced both genetically and mentally and incapable of reaching that state of living forever in a state of perfection.

With the first batch of kids being deemed a failure, the arkanians desire for more children eventually outgrew his resources, and he was forced to contact a mass slaver organization in order to procure more kids. As compensation they sold Shantay and she was taken to join the numerous slaves being held at secret locations across the galaxy. The slaver organization was built around violence, and the slaves were forced into fight Pits as contest of strength. The victors were sold off to high-paying bidders.while the failures who survived were auctioned off to buyers who needed laborers for high-risk jobs.

She ultimately fared well in the pits, surviving numerous fights and earning the notice of her minders. While still young, she was singled out for her potential and saddled with the responsibility of overseeing the fights between younger children eventualy working her way up in the ranks of the system. Her pesonality becoming twisted due to all the death and torture she witnessed at a young age, she had become the very thing she despised during her captivity.


Much approval of your career choice. Were Nemene still alive they would be the best of friends.

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