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Approved Melee Weapon Shard of Heresy

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Manufacturer: Hraelga Nacht
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Sword
Size: Large

Image source: [X]

  • Made from meticulously grafted and sharpened shards of a zillobeast plate and Hraelga's own flesh and armor plating to add stability and strength
  • Tunqstoid tang to add strength and stability to the blade
  • Bryn'adul spellwork and runes.
  • Bones from her victims
  • Resistant against Energy weaponry: The Shard of Heresy is capable of deflecting blaster bolts, though unlike lightsabers, due to the weapon's irregular shape, the wielder has little control over where the blasts would be deflected to and thus can't be used in a similar matter as a lightsaber.
  • Lightsaber resistant: The Shard of Heresy is made out of a shard from a ZIllo Beast's plate which had been found in the laboratory where Hraelga had been kept for decades. As such, it has the same immense strength and resilience that put it on par with cortosis and phrik when it came to structural integrity and raw resilience against energy based weaponry, including lightsabers.
  • Force Cleave: Thanks to its zillobeast component and blade, the Shard of Heresy can effectively cleave through force-related constructs, force push, tutemenis and even force lightning since none of those seem to be able to get a hold on it. The added bryn'adul runeworks grant it additional resistance against force powers, though only the blade, not the user.
  • Unwieldy blade: Though Hraelga is strong, stronger than most normal Draelvasier...or natural Draelvasier, even she can't sustain long periods of combat with this weapon, its heft and shape simply don't allow her to maximize her speed as much as she would normally do, weighing her down and thus debuffing the speed she once was known for to that or normal Bryn'adul warriors.
  • Force Syphon: The Shard of Heresy is a living weapon, created from Hraelga's own flesh and bone intermingled with the zillo beast plate and the bones of several of her most recent victims. It craves the Force and siphons it from its user in order to strengthen its ability to nullify the force when used by others. However, while doing so, the one it siphons the force from can't use any of their own force abilities.
  • Force Nullification/suppression: While force nullification and suppression may work on the blade, removing its own nullification powers, it would revert the use of the force towards its wielder again as the Siphoning is no longer active, the blade itself would still have its high resistances due to the main component being the zillo beast plate shard.
After her breakout from captivity, Hraelga had laid bare the entire laboratory in which she had been kept for the better part of four decades, in her rampage through the lab, she found a veritable stash of materials both common and exquisitely rare, most likely all ment as parts of the lab's research and exploration into the realms of possibilities. However, to Hraelga these materials only ment one thing: she could craft herself a weapon and as such, she began to utilize her strength to bend, break and sharpen the materials to her liking, utilizing her forced knowledge on the galactic standard language to read manuals she could find through the strange thing called the holonet and forged herself a crude, but nevertheless powerful weapon out of the materials she had chosen: a shard of a zillobeast's plate, a tunqstoid rod which she fashioned into a heavy, but nigh unbreakable tang for her blade and the cleaned bones of her victims within the laboratory were used for additional decoration, parts of her own shell and armor-plating were also incorporated the grant a reddish hue to the blade's interior and some additional strength to the overal structure of the weapon.

Her knowledge on the Bryn'adul's seers and their workings with runes and several other strange powers allowed her to etch runes into the blade, strengthening it and allowing it to become semi sentient, a blade with a thirst for blood and a hunger for the force...

Out Of Character Info

Intent: to create a unique, terrifying weapon for post Hypergate war Hraelga to wield
Permissions: Hraelga Nacht

Technical Information

Affiliation: Hraelga Nacht
Modular: No
Material: Zillo beast plate, Tunqstoid, Bone
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Hraelga Nacht Hraelga Nacht

Interesting weapon!
  • Because it is an imbued/alchemised weapon, I would like to ask you to add to the weakness what happens with the blade under Force Suppression/Nullificaton effects.
  • And I have concerns about this, I would like to ask you to link something from the canon what provides this effect, because this is not how the Force Drain works, the Force Drain drains the life force and heals the user, and not generates / makes you Anti-Force user.
    Force Drain: The Shard of Heresy seems to drain its wielders force, basically while it becomes practically immune to the force, it does have to rely on the user's force sensitivity to do so, barring the one wielding it from using the force while it is being used in combat.


1. Yeah, used the wrong word to describe it, but in essence the blade siphon's the force through the connection with its wielder in order to amplify its own resistance against the force and nullification/ignoring most powers (the physical ones, not like the mental powers) and in return the user is sort of locked out of their own usage of the force. (it's basically a weakness that exists solely in contrast to that particular strength)
2. Did add the force nullification/suppression thing in the weakness segment, but as explained, this would mainly revert the blades own nullification if it were to be used on it, since it is only a living weapon through the bryn sorcery.

Hope this helps
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