Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character SHA'RI SORKH - Desperate Bounty Hunter

Now Playing - Looking For Tracy Tzu

[Image Source: Claymore - Rado]

Height176 cm
Weight60 kg
Force SensitiveTrue


Sha'ri is always seen in a white porcelain mask tucked into the hood of a large black cloak. The oversized sleeves are cut short around the biceps, revealing the dangling chakram blades around Sha'ri's arms. Her pants are made of stretchy black felt, and the pantlegs lazily drape over her grey leather boots. The exposed collar reveals the tattoo of a small black anatomically accurate heart, with splitting stripes stretching from the heart that connect and mark all across her body.


Beskar Chakram - The Chakram come in the form of six thin silver hoops that dangle off Sha'ri's arms. The sharp edge of each Chakram is tipped with Beskar, which can parry the blade of a lightsaber. Sha'ri can throw these Chakram and use the force to pull them back, or wield them like melee weapons, allowing for long and short ranged combat on a whim.


Sha'ri is melancholy and nonresponsive in social situations. She only speaks when she is spoken to, and only in frail whispers. She prefers to gesture or take action to expose her intentions. She's a merciless killer and utilizes fear tactics to weather down her targets. Despite this, Sha'ri has a soft spot for children, and will protect them while potentially abandoning any allegiance she might have had earlier. Her second greatest priority is profit, and her first is her son, and only when Sha'ri can see her son's smiling face will she smile too.


  • Acrobatic, dexterous and punctual - Sha'ri is the perfect killing machine. She is capable of performing incredible feats of acrobatics and displays incredible efficiency over her several chakram weapons.
  • Sha'ri displays raw intellect and cunning on the battlefield. She can calculate the ricochet paths of her chakram throws in a split second, and will use her environment to get the edge over opponents.
  • She is a capable force user, exhibiting force ability feats on the level of a Jedi Knight.


  • Sha'ri will neglect any duties she is paid to do to preserve the lives of innocent children. If her work means harming one, she will switch her trajectory to potentially fighting her employer.
  • She is subject to the whims of her "Handler" - an agent of a shady slave-trade organization that has her and her son held hostage in order for Sha'ri to perform duties outsourced by interested stakeholders. Her neck is chipped with a small chemical agent that is released if its ever discovered she has disobeyed an order. This will wipe her memory of the past week, and she will be ordered to perform once again under the facade of a "new contract".
  • Sha'ri is physically weaker than most, as she relies on swiftly executing opponents before they can retaliate. While she can be swift in combat - parrying blows seamlessly - she weathers down quickly, to the point she is mostly forced to retreat.


Sha'ri Sorkh grew up in the custody of "The Collective" - an organization of slave traders operating among the Outer Rim Territories. She was imprisoned and forced into constant combat in gladiatorial rituals - culling the weak slaves to reveal the strongest. Sha'ri was a repeat victor, due to her animalistic lethality in combat. Eventually, in the barracks of a dome world inhabited by slaves, she coupled with a human male due to the need for intimacy in such a desolate place. She had a hybrid child, one that was both Mirialan and Human. Sha'ri felt true passion for the first time, unbridled and unclouded. Eventually, her child was found, and due to her aptitude for assassination, the child was held hostage by The Collective. They told Sha'ri that the child would die if she didn't comply with the contracts she was forced to engage with. Even if she had to kill innocent people, she was threatened into compliance.

She is now only able to see her child once a year, who is under the care of a few good-hearted slaves. Despite the relief in her son having decent guardians, she grew further crestfallen as constant threats were made towards her son's life. She hardened a rock-solid resolve in order to protect her son from harm, and the her stone-like character can only corrode for that one day every year, where she gets to see her son's smiling face.
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