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Approved Tech Shatter Beam Pistol

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Image Source: SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire
Intent: A personal weapon for Augustus Fel
Development Thread: Click

Manufacturer: ORED and Arakyd Industries
Model: Shatter Beam Pistol
Affiliation: Mandalorian Crusaders

Modularity: Yes
  • Under-barrel attachments
  • Over-barrel attachments (Scope & etc.)
Production: Limited
Material: Duraplast, polarizing field insulation, Dallorian Alloy.

Classification: Laser Beam Pistol
Size: Handheld
Length: 23cm
Weight: 1.8 kg

Ammunition Type: Plasma canister
Ammunition Capacity: 50 seconds of total use before reloading
Effective Range:
  • Optimum range: 50m
  • Maximum range: 125m
Rate of Fire: Continuous stream of a beam.

Special Features:
  • EMP & Ion Resistant
  • Modular (See Modularity)
Description: This pistol is simply the shatter beam technology 'ported' to a pistol version. It brings that arm-mounted system to be handheld. It shares the same properties of the shatter beam in terms of power output. A strong continuous beam of laser that has a large kinetic force behind it, able to tear a durasteel door from its frames. Its piercing capabilities are improved the longer the beam stays on its target, yet that is not the pistol's primary capability. As stated earlier, the kinetic force behind it is what delivers a great amount of damage due to possibility of delivering internal hemorrhage and wounds rather than having to pierce through the armor.

Additionally, keeping the beam longer on a user with an energy shield or an object with an energy shield, the beam could overload the energy shield.

Against lightsabers, the weapon's two primary advantages are:
  • The kinetic force behind the beam may knock the handle of the lightsaber from the wielder's hands.
  • The beam cannot be deflected but it is absorbed by the lightsaber.

The weapon was designed by an underworld genius on Socorro who specializes in unconventional weaponry and works for various criminal organizations. A mysterious figure who has recently disappeared from the radar of the underworld completely and without any trace.

Moreover, dallorian alloy is used as a material to coat from inside the duraplast in order to prevent overheating which such a powerful beam easily does. Dallorian alloy has be found the best alternative against overheating which occurs also in the normal shatter beam laser on droids but due to being droids they are equipped with cooling systems such as liquid nitrogen.

Yet, it does not come with its weakness. It has a much lesser time of activity before needing reload. 40 seconds of fire. The weapon also comes with recoil which increases the longer the weapon is fired. This resonates with the fact that the longer the beam stays on an object the greater the damage.

Primary Source: N/A
The Last Son
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
The Last Son
[member="Augustus Fel"], I will be judging your submission today. And here is my first words.

I am scared, yet in awe of this weapon. First of all, A shatter beam is rarely used, so it will be quite different, and more difficult to fight against someone using this kind of weapon. However, this is a wrist mounted weapon. So here is what I want.

Expand upon how you created this weapon and how you acquired knowledge of this type of weaponry.

Now. I have a choice for you. either lower the range of this weapon to 75 optimum and 125 Max, and lower the time that this weapon can be used to 40 seconds. The constant damage of this weapon is ridiculous. Not over the top considering the tech, but still, more powerful than likely any other type of "sidearm" sized weapon. As well, a wrist mounted weapon can hold more power than that of a blaster pistol considering this was mounted on a droid. Also, mention that you will have some form of recoil of this weapon, and when using it, will have to focus upon keeping the weapon under some kind of control when firing. *Fire a one bullet, Instantly done and over recoil. Fire a full auto weapon, and it will continue to kick*


If you wish to keep the weapons power as it, then I will request a 10 post development thread Alone, or 20 post thread with another person. Here is my reasoning.
  1. First of all, I do not recall anyone using this specific type of tech on the board. I do recall weapons "Like" this, but not as powerful to this degree.
  2. This weapon was mounted on a droid's arm. It was built for this droid in particular. As such, I want to see how you acquire the knowledge of this weapon, and how you learn to control this weapon. Considering Newton's Third law of Action=Equal but opposite reaction, Means you WILL have a massive amount of recoil the longer you use this weapon. How do you train yourself to control this? Either way you choose to proceed with this sub, I will like you to add in that there is recoil to this weapon due to the constant stream of kinetic and energy being thrown at someone.
  3. 100 meters is around the lower end of most rifle weapons ranges. If you were to go out and fire a weapon on a firing range, you don't use a pistol for a hundred meter range. You use a rifle. Let alone, this is your Optimum range. Which means, this CAN, and WILL be fired at longer distances the more you train with this weapon. As well, I am not fond of seeing a beam of energy flying in circles and S shapes across the battlefield when they can't even hit you with a weapon of the same size. IE: Blaster pistol.
Tag me, and let me know which one you will be doing.


[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

Chose the first path, too bored to a dev. Thanks for the kind words :p Edited!
Augustus Fel said:
It shares the same properties of the shatter beam in terms of power output.

Small question on this, how does it retain the same power output? From my understanding the droid would help provide power to the weapon itself, so moving it to pistol form how would the power be supplied?

If anything I see the firepower being lower than what the arm mounted weapons and a shorter time frame in which the beam is able to keep a consistent stream. Also can you add a strength and weakness category to the submission as well. [member="Augustus Fel"] Other than that I enjoyed the submission it looks really solid and organized thank you :)


[member="Spencer Varanin"]

Thank you for the kind words, as well, Overlord. :p I think the word power makes it confusing, what I meant by power was damage rather than energy. In terms of energy I've put the plasma magazines as the source which are changed as the conventional bullet magazines we use on Earth.

I lowered it from 60 to 40 but if necessary I can lower it to 30.

Yet, I really want to retain its firepower as I feel it becomes obsolete if its damage capabilities are lowered. :(

I will add the strength and weakness section as soon as we sort the edits completely.
[member="Augustus Fel"]

To keep it where you want it, may I suggest a 10-15 post development thread of tinkering and such (meaning you can raise it back to 50) with out dev 35-40 would be a good range for the energy.


[member="Spencer Varanin"]

I will dev it with this char and another character of mine - [member="Rohlan Verd"], is that okay? Cause he is basically the mysterious underworld engineer that made it, so the dev thread would be brilliant to have the flashback story engraved on Chaos.

Archive it until then please, I will PM you or the RPJ team when I am done with it. :p Thank you, Overlord!
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