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Approved Species Shatunja iw Sososuta - Herald of Corruption

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  • Name: Shatunja iw Sososuta - Herald of Corruption
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Amaltanna
  • Average Lifespan: 200 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Unique
  • Description: At a glance, the Shatunja is a fusion of graceful aquatic beauty and monstrous armored crustacean. Red and black organic armor cover much of its body, with large spiked fins emerging from its back almost like wings.
  • Breathes: Type I, can also breathe underwater
  • Average Height of Adults: 3.8 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 1.9 meters
  • Skin color: Blue
  • Hair color: No hair
  • Distinctions: The most distinctive physical traits of the Shatunja are its organic armor appendages formed from the fusion of the Melodie and Sauvax subjects, the large prominent fins that emerge from its back like wings, and the long aquatic tail that is also covered in the organic looking armor.
  • Races: No other races
  • Force Sensitivity: All (There is only one individual)
  • Like all Project Aura Sithspawn, the Shatunja is immensely powerful in the dark side of the Force and has focused her powers into abilities that compliment its aquatic theme and icy demeanor:
  • Watershaping
  • Alter Environment
  • Protection Bubble
  • Dark Energy Trap
  • Telekinesis

[*]The armoring that covers most of its body is highly resistant to damage, even lightsabers will take several blows before it will be pierced.
[*]If the Sith bindings on its Melodie arms are ever broken, its powers over the dark side will grow stronger and it may freeze the environment around it into something analogous to Hoth at night.
[*]The ice tridents it creates through its power are incredibly deadly, having a freezing touch similar to carbonite on victims that are wounded by one, and can pierce most medium armors.
[*]The Shatunja is able to breathe underwater and on land due to its fused origins of a Melodie and Sauvax.
[*]Because of its proclivity for icy abilities, and alchemical alterations to its body, the Shatunja is immune to cold temperatures.
  • If subjected to a ysalamiri bubble or void stone, not only will the Shatunja lose its abilities, it will also be a fish out of water and will be utterly helpless and unable to defend itself.
  • While it can free itself from its bindings for a short time, eventually they will grow back and limit its powers again.
  • Like all Project Aura Sithspawn, the Shatunja is susceptible to direct applications of the light side but can handle more attacks than other Sithspawn.
  • If attacked with a weapon of extreme heat or particularly potent flames, the armor that covers its body will begin to melt and will be weakened enough for normal weaponry to break through and injure the creature. However, once the heat is gone, the armor will solidify again rapidly.
  • Diet: Omnivore, Force Energies
  • Communication: Can speak and understand Basic and High Sith
  • Technology level: While she has access to Galactic Standard technology, like her fellows, the Shatunja eschews its use.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Like other Project Aura Sithspawn, upon her creation, the Shatunja reveres the Sith Lords and Ladies of old and today. It became her belief that every victim that she froze or drowned were feeding the power of the beings she worshiped, to eventually bring the dead Lords and Ladies back from the Netherworld and strengthen the living beyond any challenges.
  • General behavior: The Shatunja is an acquisitive and possessive creature. Whenever she is dispatched to attack the enemies of the Sith, she will take trophies back to her lair with those trophies generally being the frozen bodies of victims that attempted to stop her directly. She is protective of these trophies, often referring to them as her precious collection, and she will strike against any that attempt to take one of her collection. Besides that, the Shatunja is a solitary creature and prefers to lurk in a lair near bodies of water or frozen places.

As the next subject for Project Aura, the first and only one that Taeli would oversee through her apprentice Eldaah Aderyn, the search began for someone of a more aquatic nature. Traveling to Yavin VIII, Eldaah abducted a recently turned Melodie named Mirissa, placing her in stasis and bringing her to the lab on Amaltanna. The Melodie was kept in a special cell filled with the waters and specific minerals needed for the Melodie while the second subject was procured.

The second subject was a Sauvax, albeit one that was anathema to his species. The Sauvax, never taking a name, believed war was the purest way to everlasting peace and had incited several bush conflicts in the Outer Rim to gain experience to eventually assault his homeworld. However, before he could attempt this attack, he was defeated in battle by a militia organized by a galactic shipping conglomerate after he raided one of their storehouses. His forces devastated, he would have died as well if not for Eldaah spiriting him away.

He was offered a chance to become stronger, and readily accepted it. Taken to the Project Aura ritual chamber, the Sauvax and Mirissa were enraptured by the dark spells and alchemy. Fused within a cocoon of blood and dark energies, Mirissa's spirit dominated the Sauvax as her latent Force Sensitivity ignited, cajoled into existence with a little prodding from the Lady of Secrets. Emerging from the cocoon, the new creature, Mirissa's Melodie form was fused and overgrown with an organic armor, the remains of the Sauvax forming the appendages emerging from her back. Taking the name and title of the Shatunja iw Sososuta, Herald of Corruption in Basic, the new creature was prepared to serve her new Sith masters in a frosty possessiveness.
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