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Faction Shawty Had Them Apple Bottom Jeans (Clubbing Thread Open to GA / NJO / Ask for Invite)


Location: Zeltros - Club Rogue
Objective: Dance & Have Good Time - Meet Fellow Faction Members
Tags: Open to GA / NJO

The music was way too loud, but the air was electrified with the pheromones, alcohol, and bad decisions for recklessness. This planet was a testament to hedonism and probably the last place you would expect to see a Jedi. Yet tonight this particular club was actually packed with Jedi and other members of the Galactic Alliance. Sometimes even the good guys needed to kick back and relax, get into some trouble and raise a little hell. An attack on Coruscant was eminent, the war was dragging on, hope could be hard to reach for but sometimes a glass of liquor was easier. So tonight was the chance to do just that. Members were dancing, drinking, gambling, socializing, and all manner of things.

As Kat navigated the crowded club she couldn't help but feel this all felt familiar. Unknown to her she had spent a lot of time on this planet in her youth. Of course that had been another way of escaping, but those memories were still buried deep within. She was trying not to worry about it for the night. She just wanted to have fun and meet some of the members of her group that she didn't know, and maybe even spend some time with old friends.

Ronhor wandered into the nightclub, almost immediately being met with bright lights and a cacophony of sound. How did people enjoy this kind of thing? He raised an eyebrow at himself deciding it was best to try and experience parts of the Galaxy he'd never have experienced before. Shaking his head to himself, Ronhor headed over towards the bar, leaning against the edge of it and waiting for the bartender to get a free moment, instead of yelling out or tapping his hand against the counter. Patience was a virtue at the end of the day, though Ronhor could already feel a migraine starting to build up from the bright lines as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

New experiences are a way to learning. Have to think of it that way.

It was strange to him to look at all of the people dancing. Of course, Zeltros was out of Alliance space, but you'd think more people would seem panicked over the situation...or perhaps that was this was. People dancing to get their minds off things. Dancing as if they didn't have a care in the world because they wanted to believe it themselves instead of dwelling on the chaos. Hm...Maybe night clubs weren't as bad as he thought they were. Finally though, he managed to get the bartender's attention, holding his finger up with a small smile on his face.

"One water, my good sir."

Ignoring the strange looks that the people around Ronhor were giving him, the man took his glass of water, taking a small sip from it before turning around to take a look at the nightclub, wincing at the brightness of the lights. Artificial lights still weren't something he enjoyed. Sure, they had them back home but in planets like Zeltros and Coruscant, they always seemed to be brighter, like they were trying to burn a hole through your eyes. It was something he was trying to get used to.

TAGS: Open to anyone who wants to interact!
Senator of Cato Neimoidia


23:00 || Open

The Galactic Alliance was facing difficult circumstances as adversaries from the Sith Order to the Dark Empire was beginning to converge upon them, threatening to encircle them from all directions.

While they had a sole ally in the liberated galaxy in the form of the Mandalorian Protectors, the outcome of the recent Federal Assembly session suggested that maintaing a peaceful alliance was improbable.

The impending invasion of Coruscant was the most pressing matter facing the Alliance, yet these concerns were disregarded as the Senator made his way into Club Rogue on the vibrant Party Planet of Zeltros.

Amidst the lively gathering of partygoers and zeltrons, there was a glimmer of hope that fellow senators from the Federal Assembly would be in attendance. This would present an opportunity for the Koorivar to introduce himself and rally support for the impending storm.

"Unfortunately, not a single one of my colleagues is currently here."

Gansorm expressed with a weary breath, as he reached out for another glass of wine from a service droid in close proximity. He swiftly consumed the refreshing liquid, satisfying his parched throat.



Location: Club Rogue
Objective: Dance & Have Fun
Tags: Open

Katarine was enjoying the dance floor, the music pumping as she let her hair down. All around her people were working up a sweat and enjoying themselves. They had glow sticks and neon paint under the black lights and it was turning into one big party. After one of the songs ended Katarine slipped through the other bodies on the floor, making her way to the bar.

"A water please."

She fanned herself as the bartender went to fetch the aqua. Dancing worked up quite a thirst!

Ronhor raised an eyebrow at the new arrival at the bar asking for some water. Heh. At least he wasn't the only one looking for a softer drink. A small smirk spread across his face, before he gently flicked his fingers in the direction of Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah using the Force to send a small breeze of cool air towards the woman fanning herself. There wasn't anything wrong with using the Force for little things like that in his eyes. Sure, there might be a few stricter Force Users who believed it was an insult to the Force, but he didn't see it that way. It was always willing to help people, no matter what.

"Might take him a minute or two to get the water. It took the good Sir a few minutes to get me mine."


Tags: Ronhor Tillo Ronhor Tillo

"Might take him a minute or two to get the water. It took the good Sir a few minutes to get me mine."

Katarine felt a cool breeze and a ripple in the Force as the strangers voice traveled over to her. She smiled and gave him a small wave.

“It’s pretty busy tonight so I guess it’s no surprise. Plus I’m sure he thinks he will get better tips from the hard drinkers.”

"That is most definitely a possibility I suppose. I am not...familiar with these kind of places if I am being honest."

He returned the wave and held his hand out in the direction of Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah , keeping a smile on his face as he bowed his head to her slightly.

"Ronhor Tillo. It is nice to meet you, madame."
Where there was booze to be had, a party to be had, or songs to be sung-

Wedge Draav, the party animal pilot, was there.

Currently, Wedge was knee-deep in the waters of the dance floor, and waist high of alcohol internally.

And, performing an excellent rendition of the robot.

But the flyboy, the pilot, the daredevil and the general nuisance to Commanders and bane of the enemy couldn't help but stare, right at Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah . Or was he staring at the booze behind her? Or flicking back and forth? He looked over his somewhat cool sunglasses, and shimmied his body, still on the dance floor, while the two drank water.

He however, was due for at least six cups of water to make his morning briefing.


Tags: Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Ronhor Tillo Ronhor Tillo

"Ronhor Tillo. It is nice to meet you, madame."

"You can call me Kat. Everyone does. It's nice to meet you! Tell me Ronhor, whats your claim to fame?" She of course meant who are you, or what type of work do you do, but it was a fun way to ask.

She felt a twinge in the Force and glanced over her shoulder to see a pilot staring her way. Or wait was he staring at the booze? Probably the booze. She knew how those flyboys liked to drink! She smiled at him in greeting and glanced over back towards the bar. Where was that bartender anyway?

"Hm? I don't have any particular claim to fame. Just a man likes to wander the Galaxy whilst preserving as much nature as he can. Taking the odd labour job here or there to make ends mean after all. And yourself?"

Ronhor sipped at his water, following Kat's view for a moment before looking back over towards her and giving a short nod. The bartender did seem to be taking a while to get her water. He leaned over the bar for a second, glancing from left to right to see where the bartender was before leaning himself back and returning his attention to his conversation partner.

"Do you come to these kind of places often? You...seem to be in your element here."

Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

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