Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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She Will Find You

Tyrcas Pallopides

The Qina System
The small Xi-class light shuttle floated in the darkness of space, surrounded by pinpoint specks of light of distant stars, alone. The pilot sat diligently at the controls, monitoring the chrono, dressed in a crisp uniform. The hour was almost up, which meant she needed to inform the sole occupant of the vessel who was in the passenger area behind the cockpit. The comm button was pressed, before the pilot spoke.

"Ten minutes until the hour, Captain."

"Thank you, Lieutenant."

Seated in the comfortable traveling seat of the shuttle, Tyrcas was busying himself with reports - or what constituted reports with the First Order's current state - about other individuals of note that needed to be contacted via secure means. Unfortunately with the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium occupying large sectors of space in the Outer Rim, more open communication wasn't an ideal way to speak about the regrouping planet and system for First Order leadership. So it was down to personal contact, in order to minimize the possibility of being followed or ambushed again.

As it was, the individual whom had been leader of the FOSB was next on the list. Tyrcas had been informed that finding [member="the Major"] would be near impossible, instead he had been told to approach known networks she frequented in order to appear on her radar. It made sense, considering the nature of the Major's position and occupation, though even Tyrcas had to admit the novelty of playing spy was beginning to wear off... sitting around waiting for her to find him was not conducive to time management, yet time was made due to her importance to the First Order.

"On the hour, if there has been no appearance, we will continue to the next network locati--"

"Sir, ship emerging from hyperspace. Waiting on telesponders, but prepare for possible hostilities."

Tyrcas sat forward, peering out of the viewport. Perhaps it was time, perhaps she had found him...

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