Thermobaric Maniac

"You can blow up the world with the truth. Doing it with explosives is just funner."
Birth Name: IX-IX-CMXCIX
- Code Name: Project Nyne.
- Known As: Shedym.
Home-planet: Arkania.
- Current residence: The Dozen's Cruiser.
Occupation: Mercenary.
- Specializes in: Explosives and demolition expert.
Spoken Languages: Galactic Standard Basic, Arkanian, Mando'a, Huttese, Echani, Umbaran and Binary.
Faction: Kur's Dozen.
Force-sensitivity: Unknown.
~Physical Information~
Species: Genetically designed hybrid. Exact composition unknown.
Gender: Female.
- Biological Age: 27 years old.
- Chronological Age: Unknown.
Build: Mesomorphic. Athletic.
- Height: 1,66m.
- Weight: 57kg.
Hair: Short. Metallic gray (natural).
Distinguishing characteristics:
- Luminiscent eyes
- Abundant tattoos.
- Cuts, burns, callouses and marks in her hands.
- Full back scar-tattooed (explanation of her genetic code, not deciphered.)
- Strengthened muscle mass
~Strengths and Weaknesses~
Enhanced: Shedym was designed to possess greater physical prowess than an average human. The woman possesses a deceptive strength and speed, enough to make her a dangerous opponent even if unarmed. Her reflexes and metabolism also work at a faster pace than those of a human.
Explosives Expert: She has dedicated great part of her life to learning, designing and using thermobaric armament. A demolition expert, Shedym knows how to bring things down. Also, though not many realize this, one needs to know how to build something in order to destroy it efficiently. The hybrid has vast knowledge in construction, architecture and physics.
Combat trained: The original purpose for her creation, Shedym has been trained in many martial arts and taught to effectively handle various types of weapons. Of course, explosive ones quickly became her favorite ones.
Enhanced sight: Shedym has a highly developed sight. She can see further and far more accurately than humans, even being able to capture different spectrum of light and see even in complete darkness.
No Pain: Her nerves have been desensitized to pain, she cannot perceive it and thus, cannot be stopped by it. (She will suffer the consequences of, for example, blood loss, she just can ignore the pain of it)
Excess energy: To compensate for all the requirements of her enhanced body, her system produces a lot of energy. More than it needs. She needs to constantly direct this energy outwards by engaging in some kind of activity. At least once a day she needs to put herself under physical stress, the rest of the day she needs to funnel energy one way or the other which developed into her most famous mannerism: legerdemain (skillful use of the hands, either by manipulating small objects or knives in a constant way, serving as a focus point for her energy).
No Pain: Not being able to feel pain does take the edge out of injuries. However, it also means that she is not good at assessing how dangerous a wound is -unless obvious- and most importantly, she does not present most of the early symptoms of any inner trauma, putting her at risk for she does not seek treatment until its too late.
Hollow bones: Since the enhanced muscle mass providing her strength made her heavier, her bones were made more hollow so as to reduce the weight of her body. This makes them more vulnerable than normal bones.
Instincts: Though she is a very controlled being, there are a set of instincts too far ingrained into her nature for her to control completely. The most notable of them is her aggressive reaction to unexpected physical contact or any type of contact as far as its located in the vulnerable parts of the body (abdomen, back, neck, etc.)If she is prepared she can tolerate it for a minimum amount of time, but otherwise being approached in any way puts her on edge.
Insomnia: A particularly troublesome weakness derived from her excess of energy. Shedym needs sleep but finds it almost impossible to fall into it for she cannot allow energy to accumulate, bringing several detrimental effects to her health.