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Approved Tech Sheut Duat, Amulet of the Shadow-Star

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  • Intent: Banishment, and summoning is a thing now.
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: -
  • Permissions: Here
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Jek Bal, with insight from Aten
  • Affiliation: Aten
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: Sheut Duat, Amulet of the Shadow-star
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Ancient Force Imbued Gold, and Metals
  • A vessel for a pocket dimension.
  • Can be accessed by specific, and difficult methods.
  • In the Palm of my hand: As an ancient artifact created by the mystical Mastersmith Jek Bal, it was done with the direct intention of creating what is essentially a "Bag of Holding" or a pocket dimension in which can be accessed through arcane, and mystical ways. Namely, the force.
  • Who Put That There?: As an artifact that can hold objects, or even people within, it is capable of allowing the user to "pull" items into what seems to be "thin air." When in truth, they are simply reaching into the dimension through the force, to grab the item and move it into the current plane of existence. Thus allowing one to hold many items without being heavy, or weighing one down.
  • Sit in Time-out: As a unique effect, the user can move or "store" people within the dimension. These individuals would be held in stasis where upon they have no real contact with the outside world. This Stasis suspends them in a state that isn't beholden to the effects of this current existence. Thus, they do not eat, sleep, or require other such affects of the mortal coil. (Notable NPC's and PC's require permission for this effect to affect.)
  • Broken and Lost: As like any kind of object that can hold items in a pocket dimension, should the artifact be broken, all within will become lost for good. As in, you can't get it back. Everything within will pretty much cease to exist.
  • Inhibitors: Like any items tied to the force, force nullification or suppression can prevent, or even stop the user from being able to access the medallion.
  • Reaching Into the Void: Unlike other such items that may allow an effect of the "Bag of holding," this artifact requires the user to know exactly what they will be pulling. In most cases this requires a strong mental fortitude, or in some, directly voicing what it is the individual desires to pull from the amulet.
  • No, You!: In order to access the Amulet, the user needs to channel the force for a time in which the item can be stored within the Dimension. Should one not know what they are doing, there is a chance for the user to accidentally or forcibly be sent into the amulet of their own strength. Thus trapping themselves within. In that, they would not be able to return to the real world, unless someone knew they were within, and attempted to pull them from the amulet themselves.
  • With the Duel over!: As the artifact requires considerable focus, concentration, and power in order to perform, its impossible to perform in the middle of battle or combat. It must be performed outside of any kind of combat scenario. While there is a chance the user could activate its properties in battle should they be defended against, its still nearly impossible to do so as it requires complete concentration. Shutting off the user from the "outside world" in order to focus on the specific actions one wishes to take. Summoning a weapon or armor to defend one's self is easy and takes no time and could be done in combat, but any other abilities such as containing people, adding weaponry, removing individuals from the pocket dimension, cannot be done in combat.
  • Space is a Mystery: While in theory the amulet would be able to hold untold amount of items within, it sadly cannot. the biggest limitation to the ability to hold items, people, or otherwise within, is that containing the individual is not the only cost associated with the artifact. There is a constant drain upon the wearer. This drain steals the life essence from the wearer in order to sustain individuals within the pocket dimension. Thus, an powerful Master could hold multiple people, and various objects or otherwise within. However, a mere apprentice level or untrained force user would only be able to hold one item TOTAL within. The apprentice would have to choose wisely. Even then, the more "things" within the pocket dimension, the more drain it has upon the user. Living entities have the most drain, with force sensitive individuals even more so. While a simple blade or set of armor would have considerably less draining force upon the wearer.
  • Clearly There: As an artifact of the force, its impossible to hide it from sensitive individuals. Its even rather large and requires the user to wear it around their neck in a rather exposed position. Thus, one can clearly tell that its attuned to the power of the force, and clearly see who has it.

"The Past is gone, you cannot change it!

"But the future is based on the decisions you make."

"The power to make a decision. The power to decide who we become, what action we take next and what our future holds, all in the palm of our hands, within each and every one of us."

-From the Lost Tablets, A tribute to the Prince

An amulet built for the Prince of a benevolent people. Entrusted to Aten, the Sheut Duat, is a rather large amulet that is attuned to the force in which can allow individuals who know of its power, to draw from within. The power that's inside, holding items, objects, and even people. This would allow for one to call to them, from this void, a weapon, armor, even a pen to write upon parchment

As the Prince, and rather non-violent individual that is Aten, it is the perfect relic created by Jek Bal for him. Allowing Aten to use this to his advantage. The man was never superb in physical combat, and thus relies heavily upon the force as well as his capabilities of tactics, utilities, and others in order to survive in a conflict. A "Bag of Holding" that would allow him to summon the desired weapon to fit the situation can give him an edge in battle should it be required.

While Jek has long since perished, its a personal memento of the man who Aten so dearly loved and cared for. As it was during the fabrication of this relic, that Aten grew close to Jek. Becoming one of the few individuals he could call a friend. Instead of a Royal guard or a commoner who was required to treat him in a dignified fashion.

It has since been his return from a time long before, that Aten has held fast to his keepsake, and hopes to use it along side an ally of his.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Lucina Centaris Lucina Centaris

Very creative and cool artefact. However I have concern about the "Sit in Time-out", easy to abuse it, especially in PvP. I recomend to you add it a note, that in the case of PC/NPC, the user's permission's neeeded to the process. And would you do that to explain how big this pocket dimension is? How many objects / people can fit in? One or two sentence is more than enough.
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