Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shhhh!


Rowena roamed the aisles of the vast archives.

She pushed a small hover-cart that was filled with holo-books, each one needed to be returned to its proper place on the shelves. There was also a tray of data sticks and chips that needed to be sorted and returned as well. It was shaping up to be the ideal day of quiet work. Indeed, Rowena had come to think of the Jedi Temple as a home by now. But there were times when the bustling temple was a bit... overwhelming.

The padawan had yet to make many connections; it had never been easy for her to make friends.

So, she preferred being here in the dim-lit archives, where she could hide away. Rowena offered small smiles and nods to those she passed by in the aisles, taking care not to hit them with her cart and occasionally moving her things out of the way when someone was obviously eyeing the section she was working in. She did her best to shrink down, to make herself less noticeable.

Rowena was fairly good about keeping her wits about her. However, there were times when those wits were wrapped up in research or lingering on a particularly good holo-book plot. As she approached the end of an aisle and went to round the corner, she felt her cart bump into something. No, not something... but someone! Over correcting the cart in her shock, the whole thing tipped to the side, spilling holo-books and data sticks with quite an embarrassing clatter.

"Oh!" she gasped. "A-are you alright? I'm so sorry!"


Teru Challo


TAGS: Rowena Soh Rowena Soh

There was something familiar wandering the halls of the archive.

A feeling he had steeped himself in for a great length of time as a padwan. Simpler clothes lacking the distinct feeling of the jedi to help him scour for that inkling of solitude.

One could take advice more readily if they didn't feel as though they were being coached by a teacher.

Teru's already slight form and height aiding in the appearance of a fellow student more than an instructor. His idle fascination with the holo-texts always remained just that. Idle fascination. Containing a plethora of information just outside of his reach without assistance. A frustration at times, and a kindness at others.

Some had stumbled across strange texts and information that had led to many a stress filled events. It did pain him however when he could see the lightening of a spirit from what they read. The silence as he watched the cheery colors flow around them. Watched them nudge someone else to share in that joy.

But it was not for him.

Instead, he kept his focus on that feeling. And heard the faint hum of a repulsor-cart moving through the aisles. His hands moving as if he needed to touch the shelves to navigate as he rounded the corner and felt the cart run into him. He had seen it coming. It was hard to miss with his force enabled vision. Tracking it along the whole time in his peripheral to make sure it would run into him.

He hadn't planned for them to overturn the cart however to avoid further injury. The sounds causing him to flinch as he held a hand up, trying to touch the thing that had run into him.

Playing ignorant as he turned his head side to side to hear before waving a hand to dismiss the worried tone.

"That's. That's alright. I didn't see you coming. So that's my bad." His hand finally dropping from the air to find the corner of the cart, a smile growing as he kept turning to hear her as she spoke. "Do you, work here, in the archives?"



Rowena took in the man she'd crashed into with the cart. He was young, but maybe a few years older. Somehow, she was surprised. Even though, she didn't really know whom she had been expecting to find. I didn't see you coming. Rowena's face took on a bright red blush as she realized why – the coverings worn over his eyes. A Miralukan, perhaps?

She felt awful.

By now, most of the other archive patrons had gone back to their reading. Rowena was able to let out a small breath of relief now that eyes were no longer on her. The teen's eyes lingered on the young man with blue-hued skin, just to make sure he was truly okay.

"I really ought to watch where I'm going with this,"
she said, giving the cart a tap with her hand as she bent to pick up holo-books. "Yes," she said, glancing up momentarily. "I'm one of the junior archivists."

She got the holo-books back onto the cart quickly and without trouble. Though... they were now woefully out of order. Rowena knew she'd have to put them right before setting back out to put them back on shelves. In the meantime, however, she realized that she was being dreadfully rude.

"My name is Rowena Soh, by the way,"
she said, adding a kind smile that he surely wouldn't see. "Is there anything I can help you find?"


Teru Challo


Tag: Rowena Soh Rowena Soh

He felt a tinge of guilt at making her feel suddenly the center of attention. He'd of rather crawled into some unknown rock in space than suddenly be pushed center stage in such a large place. But it was something he had begun to overcome with an overbearing Master pushing him forward.

Perhaps gentle steps here could remove the need for such harsh treatment later on.

"You are working. And it sounds like you are replacing the books. I should have been more attentive." His hand making a slight sideways wave to dismiss the worry.

His free hand resting on the cart as he kept turning slightly to catch her speaking. Listening as she scooped up the scattered items, ensuring the cart didn't decide to wander off without her as he waited patiently. Content to see the other patrons had gone back to their readings as she spoke once more.

A smile appearing as she gave her name. Playing still at being blind as she smiled in return.

"Teru. Teru Challo. I enjoy listening to everyone. There's a... pleasant atmosphere here in the archive." His smile never quite leaving as he thought for a moment. "There was. Something. I'm a bit jumbled up at the moment. But."

He ran a hand across the surface of a book, feeling the inscription across the back before nodding.

"I can help you sort these a little while I think about it. I think it was on the second level but... I'll remember in a bit." A hand reaching out before remaining in place. A silent prompting to guide him along. "I'd like to help if you don't mind."



"It's nice to meet you, Teru," Rowena said. It was certainly the truth, she didn't have many friends around the temple yet. However, next time she will make sure not to crash into any potential friends. She watched as he moved a hand across a book's cover and was immediately intrigued. But she blinked as he asked to help and held his hand out.

"A-are you sure?" she asked. Then, she admitted rather sheepishly, "I would appreciate the help."

Rowena guided his hand to her forearm – after all, she didn't want to alarm someone she didn't know by taking their hand. "This way," she said. "There's a quiet corner over here."

The padawan navigated towards a work table, there were already empty chairs at the end waiting. "Here we are," Rowena said, using her quiet library voice. After pushing the cart out of their way, she set the stack of holo-books on the table between them and took a seat opposite Teru.

"Are you a jedi here at the temple?" she asked, then immediately chided herself inwardly. It was a silly question, but she supposed it was one way to make conversation. It wasn't her strongest suit, after all... she spent most of her day around books and not people.

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