Mandalorian Mystic
Shia Kryze
This beskargam is a tool.
It does not control me.
I control it.
This is the weakness of weapons.
They are tools to kill and destroy.
They are not what gives you power.
You are the weapon.
You are the killer and destroyer.

- FACTION: Mandalorian
- SPECIES: Human / Rattataki
- AGE: 39
- SEX: Female
- HEIGHT: 6' 0" (1.80m)
- WEIGHT: 180lb (81kg)
- EYES: Amber, with an odd flicker as if her eyes catch the light and reflect it like the edge of a blade.
- HAIR: Bald
- SKIN: Pale
- Huntress - Shia was seemingly born to the hunt, with master-grade skills in tracking, stealth, recon, bushcraft and all of the other requirements of hunting the galaxies many and varied lifeforms.
- Killer - Shia takes readily to any form of armed or unarmed combat and is an expert with an astonishing variety of weapons, armour and equipment. But more than that, she has honed her body and her mind to the act of taking life.
- Beastmaster - If it is an animal, or acts like animal (in the case of some droids and Sithspawn) Shia has a ready hand with it, and has possibly tried to ride it at least once.
- Force Adept - Shia is a Force Adept in her own tradition, detailed elsewhere.
- Open - Shia is not simple, but she does wear her heart on her sleeve and is relatively easy to manipulate. Politics is not her forte.
- Bold - Not rash (she's outgrown that) but Shia will always be the one to see what's over the next hill, and this makes it easy for her to overextend strategically and tactically.
- Honourbound - Shia follows the Supercommando Codex relatively strictly.
- Only Rattataki - in a world of Force Users who can sling Star Destroyers, cybernetic warlords, Hutts and other alien species, Shia - like most Mandalorians - relies on technology to give her an edge.
Shia is a tall, bald woman of human or near-human origin with pale white skin and glittering amber eyes. She has a face that almost always gives off a serious demeanour, but one that truly comes alive when caught in the heat of emotion - positive or negative.
Years of brutal training have given her a tough physique of lean curves and muscle layered under scarred skin - although she does not appear to have any body art or piercings at all. She moves with all the self-possession and grace you might expect from someone constantly aware of their surroundings. For a human she is exceptionally well built, for a Rattataki she is positively a giant, her curves concealing muscle that is denser than the average humanoids, and the corresponding strength and speed.
Born to a nomadic offshoot of the ancient Clan Kryze who made their home on the Outer Rim, Shia was orphaned at the age of eight and taken in by friends of her family, who became her family, after her father and mother both died in a mercenary raid on Hutt forces. This was the first of many lessons in the Mandalorian way of life - both that life is brief, and that family is thicker than blood - and that to be Mandalorian transcends species identity.
Clan Kryze - or this nomadic offshoot - upheld ancient honour codes from the time of the Galactic Civil War. While they were no longer pacifists - indeed, they fought for their living, working as big game hunters, mercenaries and other semi-legitimate jobs in order to keep their rag-tag fleet of heavily armed transports flying. The clan did uphold art, culture and honour as some of the cores of the Mandalorian identity - it is one thing to fight, it is quite another to fight and to live at the same time.
By the time she was twelve, Shia was an experienced and skilled artist in the Mandalorian Cubist style.
By the time she was sixteen, Shia was a killer. Selected from among all her clan for the honour of participating in the Protector Trials, she beat every other Mandalorian child of her age through skill, speed, strength or simple plain merciless brutality to gain the rank of Clan Protector - one of the 'police' of her Clan (formed on the traditional Mandalorian Protector model). Indoctrinated, trained and armed to peak not often seen among even her clan, she was granted a coveted set of ancient beskar armour said to date back to prior to the fall.
Without a mount, Shia Kryze is the ultimate humanoid weapon, trained to a peak and armed with equipment dating back thousands of years. Atop a bes'uiilk, fighting in the ancient mounted combat style of her people, she transcends that to the sublime.
With the near-destruction of Mandalore, Clan Kryze turned their attention back to the centre of galaxy. Two individuals claimed the title of Mand’alor, which was unacceptable (if traditional, for such times) and Clan Kryze would support only one. To be Mando’ade is to be more than the inhabitant of a single planet, but when other Mandlorians require assistance, it is the honourable thing to send aid.
Shia was dispatched ahead of the clan fleet to scout out the situation, but arrived only after the Mandalorian Civil War had ended, finding only one standing as Mand’alor - and not, if she were honest, the one she would have chosen. But the Resona're leaves no latitude in this - Mand’alor calls, so she must answer.
(Time under Ra)
(The Netherworld Incident)
(The Reconstruction)
- The Dominion of Myrkr - Dinosaurs, oh my!
- As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal
- Te Aay'han Taylin
- While the Cat's Away
- Let Sleeping Bes'uliik Lie...
- Seeking Legends (Obtaining the Darksaber)
- Bucketheads vs. Trashpandas (Invasion to Utapau, where Shia crashlands in a mine)
- Finding Purpose
- To Pass Through the Fire (Do we really want that planet? - Shia ends up in hell!)
- A Fist Full of Credits (Why Shia never goes on holiday)