Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shifters Syndicate (Allana)

[member="Allana Gan"]

A smirk played across the shi'ido's face as she looked on, the Nirvana sped through the system while the thrusters and engines were propelling them forward faster and faster. She knew for its size there were few things that could out pace the ship. Few things could match its hyperdrive and she held a grin on her face while her hair shifted back to ankle length bubblegum colored hair. Her flowing kimono and tonfa's as she was looking down towards the planet on the screen. The ship heading down to the surface and was headed towards the jungles of the world. She could run free in there and there was a half shi'ido within the Silver order who she could teach. The protectorates lack of a force order pushing her to seek ones to train with while she exited down the small ramp heading to meet the girl if she was ready.
The forests on Voss appealed greatly to the young woman, serving as a place to hide, to train and to just get away from the bustle of the Silver Order. However she was unsure of what to expect as her new master arrived on the planet, the woman's ship coming to land only a few meters from where Allana had waited.

As the craft landed in a clearing, Allana had to stop herself from drooling at the sight of such a ship. She had seen her mother's craft as it had departed for her six year long journey, but compared to this beauty... Allana was lost for words. Giving herself a moment, she just stood there, taking the whole thing in.

Allana froze as the boarding ramp declined and a woman exited the craft. Coming to her senses, the young Padawan made her way over to the her new Master, offering a low bow in greeting. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Master....?" It suddenly dawned upon Allana that she had no clue to the identity of this woman. Hopefully she would get some answers soon.

[member="Allana Gan"]

Knight looked at the girl who came to greet her and it was her padawan... prompt and on time that was surprising and well a welcome. Usually hunting down padawans could be tiring for her wings as she was blanking on her name. A smile tugging at her lips while she stood there letting the pink bubblegum hair come out while she offered her hand. "I am Jedi Knight.... Knight." She said it like it was a natural thing and waited to see the reaction while her hand fell away and she stood there with a smile on her face now fully on display. Her tonfa's on her belt as she was walking. "How have you been doing padawan?"
A Jedi Knight named Knight? Surely this was some kind of joke. But as she looked up at her new Master she realised that this was no laughing matter and that this woman had not lied about her name. Unsure on how to react, Allana only smiled, trying hard to relay her utter confusion. Apart from her name, her new Master seemed to be well equipped for the job. If the ship was anything to go by, Allana was sure she was in for some great adventures and plenty of learning opportunities with this woman.

"Just fine Master," she replied, "Well as far as I know anyway." She hadn't exactly been the most sociable Padawan. Aside from Barinthus E`ron, Allana didn't class any of her fellow Padawan's friends. She had been left alone for quite some time, isolating herself from the whole Order and only now had she decided to start up her search for a Master. She wasn't fine, that had been a lie, but she hoped to eventually find this positive outcome and no longer lie about how she was feeling to her new master.

"Oh and sorry, I'm Allana by the way. Allana S'hadar." she said, purposely leaving out her mother's maiden name. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Master... Master Knight."

[member="Allana Gan"]

Knight looked at her as she bowed her head. "Well that is good to hear that you are well. It isn't often I am given a chance to teach a shi'ido even a half one so this should be easier. I wish I had someone who could understand when I was learning awhile ago." she was looking at her and turned towards the ship as she spoke. "This is the Nirvana, one of the fastest ships in he galaxy and well only we can pilot it." A smirk was on her face as she had worked to teach herself how to play the navicomputer that the gree created. "So I will have to know about you my padawan."
She's a Shi'ido too? Allana did her best to hide her surprise, having never met another member of her mother's species. Allana had thought that all of the Shi'ido had remained on Lao-Mon their home world, with her mother's family being one of the few to actually leave. Master Knight must have been of the few Dynasties to actually leave the planet, or perhaps she left on her own. Allana was sure that she would learn more of the mysterious Shi'ido as she continued to learn under her.

Looking up at the ship as Knight continued speaking, Allana felt the excitement rise up within her. She had never seen quite a ship like it, and for that reason the Padawan knew that this craft was unique. It's form seemed different to the many she had witnessed on Voss and other civilised worlds. Questions and ideas swelled inside the young woman as her future suddenly became much more astonishing.

"We, Master? Will I get to fly the Nirvana as well?" Now she was really excited!

[member="Allana S'hadar"]

Knight looked at her.... "Most likely I am not allowed to fly it. First time out I spilled caf on the computer and it was the droids fault." She said it matter of fact like while walking and looking at the padawan while she clasped hand in front of herself. "But yu have not told me about yourself, I don't want to have you pushing feather and lifting rocks if you know how to jump gaps and deflect stun shots."

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