The Mother of All Psy-Pires
Intent: To create both a new acolyte of Nine as well as provide an antagonist for personal stories
Pictured: "Factory Default" form
Image Source:
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source:
Name: Shi'ido-Vampiric-Biot MK 1 (Westenra Mina)
Manufacturer: Nine Lives
Affiliation: Nine Lives
Model: N/A
Production: Unique
Modularity: No
Material: Biot tissue
Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 104 kilograms
Height: 1.7 meters
Movement: Bipedal (Can flow through small spaces)
Armaments: None, but it is very proficient at their use, and can use its one body to form weapons.
Misc. Equipment: Telescopic, Thermal, X-Ray and night vision capable and enhanced hearing, via having it genetically designed into it.
Composed of specialized biot tissue based off of both Masquer and Shi'ido DNA that allow it to form its body, mimicking skeletal systems and vital organs, along with the blood of a human female, fooling most medical scanners, including military grade ones.
Extremely high regenerative speed, roughly thirty percent of a Gen'Dai, depending on its form
Extreme reflexes, speed, strength depending on its form
Capable of altering its appearance, including mimicking clothing, if needed.
Multiple combat databases on melee weapons and martial arts.
Biot's brain so close to that of a normal human it can fool Jedi into thinking it is human, albeit an unusually calm one.
Specialized glands on its body based off of research into ysalimiris force canceling bubble render it highly resistant to telekinesis and mental attacks, though not immune.
Programmed for running various types of business, from shipping to manufacturing.
Extreme empathy and emotional intelligence programming, enabling it to guess both the motivations and intentions of others, as well as detect lies, with a disturbing level of accuracy that borders on supernatural. This allows it to function as a psychologist.
Vampiric Regeneration system based on Nine's species, allowing it to feed on psychic energy to survive and heal faster
Why won't you die?: The highly regenerative nature of this biot means it is extremely difficult to outright destroy using solely conventional means. Damage from weapons such as vibro blades repair in minutes (It can even regrow limbs!) while the Blunt trauma will only displace the super pliable organic tissue it is made of, even a direct hit on its brain with a blunt weapon will only displace the tissue, not destroy it. Even Flame and Cryo will do little damage thanks to enzymes released from its super pliable brain. It also possesses great speed, reflexes, strength depending on the form it uses and is naturally resistant to electrical damage, though to different degrees depending on its form . In its stealth form its body becomes pliable to the point of being almost like liquid, allowing it to flow through tight spaces. If damaged while at full size and if it needs to repair more quickly then its current guise allows, it can grow fangs and feed on a Victim's psychic energy, though this will not actually kill the victim, merely render them unconscious for a few hours and with a day of memory loss. Lastly, if blown to bits, if a sample is recovered within three hours and bombarded with gamma radiation it will grow into a perfect copy of what has been destroyed. As long as ten percent of its body and a quarter of its brain is intact it will repair itself fully. It can form weapons via tissue hardening in its stealth form. It also cannot feel pain, and even destroying an organ like the heart won't down it permanently. The brain must be completely destroyed or most of the body must be.
Mage Killer: When the production method rendered an early sample force dead Nine immediately saw the potential and exploited this, studying ysalamir to aid in the creation of the final being, rendering it much more resistant to telekinetic and mental attacks,, due to specialized glands emitting much weaker versions of a ysalamir's Force Canceling bubble, though attacks of sufficient strength by Knight level practitioners can still injure it, though it will be much, much harder than normal to grip or choke it. It is still vulnerable to every other kind of Force power.
Learning: Is able to learn new skills, particularly in business, social, and martial arts, due to its near purely organic nature
Stealth: The biot is capable of astonishingly quiet movement. In a near liquid state it can flow through even the smallest cracks in a structure until it finds an exit, reforming on the other side. In addition it is capable of altering its appearance, both to hide in the general populace as well as for mission specific configurations to its programming. Socially it will fool any into thinking it is purely organic, and pass a turing test without raising suspicion even once, and only the most sensitive of military scanners could detect the chemicals present that signify a biot, though if it happened to be using its pheremones when the scanners were nearby, those would be detected.
Specific configurations are as follows
Public Form
The form it uses as a civilian. Its business and financial programming is active in this state, allowing it to do complex calculations of local economies, manage bank accounts and complex finances. Reflexes, Speed, Strength, and electrical durability only twice that of a normal human. Only basic hand to hand databases on a few martial arts are active. Repairs most wounds in the span of five minutes. Public Alias is Westenra Mina
Gladiator Form:
For use in heavy, open combat against multiple opponents. All combat programs active. Reflexes, Speed, and Strength are increased by a factor of four, and electrical durability is increased by a factor of five. This form repairs incredibly fast, often in a matter of a minute or less. Alias is Lynda
Psychologist Form
For treating the various traumas Nine's people might encounter, as well as treating high paying wealthy clients. Reflexes and speed that of a normal human, though strength is wookie level. All repairs take fifteen minutes. No combat or other business programming active. Alias is Lorna. Electrical resistance is highest in this form
Stealth Form
For sneaking into high security areas. As well as the only one that can form weapons from its own body and fight from near liquid state, though fighting as a pile of silly putty like tissue is only done as a last resort. Regeneration rate is as fast as its gladiator form. Reflexes and speed are six times faster than normal, though strength remains at that of its public form. Durability, electric or otherwise, is only that of a normal human. Only melee weapon databases are active. Operates as a freelance spy similar to Vera in this form, though works exclusively for Republic or CIS affiliates. Alias is Ensan
Business Acumen: It has top of the line financial and business programming
Pilot: It can pilot yachts and frieghters no matter its form
Insurance policy: It can leave a piece of itself behind, so in case it is fully destroyed the first time around, it can rebuild itself and try again.
Seductress: Its pheremones make it VERY persuasive. Even Force adepts will have trouble resisting it. This is constantly in effect regardless of form.
Strobes: Strobe effects greatly confuse its tracking systems, and effectively blind it.
Silver: Impaling it with pure silver will disable its ability to regenerate as well as severely weaken it physically so long as it remains in contact with the main body
Sonic: Sonic weapons will cause it to overheat and shut down temporarily if it sustains more than one hit.
Microwave: While microwave weapons will not kill it, they will severely slow its regeneration as well as its movement speed in its semi-liquid state, allowing it to easily destroyed by a sufficiently prepped and thorough opponent. Even minor exposure to unshielded microwaves will shut down its combat databases for three minutes.
Lightsabers: If lightsabers cut off its limbs, not only will the limb not grow back for a whole three days, it will also force it dangerously close to overheating. It will be at a severe disadvantage trying to buy time to cool down.
Magnets: Curious interactions with the flesh of the biot causes it to be drawn like metal to high intensity magnetic surfaces.
Acid: Acid is the one weapon it seems truly vulnerable to, eating away at any tissue in seconds, and slowing down its regeneration for a whole day.
Baffer Pollen: Baffer pollen will force it into a semi liquid state, a pool of pliable tissue that will bee slow moving, unable to take form or fight for a few minutes (though it will still regenerate if damaged), making it a relative sitting duck, especially if one has a disruptor.
Asimov-Resistant: The Biot's design is so advanced that while it cannot harm Nine, her artificial daughters, or the Psy-Pires directly or indirectly, it CAN defy any order given to it, so long as doing so would not conflict with those prior directives. It is simply too advanced for it to obey fully, though it will comply with orders it agrees with. It is still difficult for it to truly disobey an order...unless it is in its psychologist form...
Glamour failure: This biot has an interesting problem in regards to being able to pass for human. Its empathy programming is so intense that it will occasionally creep people out, especially those naturally inclined to be suspicious. It cannot seem to dull its empathy in any form, which, when combined with its psychological programming in its therapist form, can sometimes turn to outright distrust among especially anti-social types.
Bacta: Bacta disables its regenerative ability and superhuman attributes for three minutes.
Paddle Beams: Paddle beam exposure causes it to mutate and turn feral, becoming beastial and seeking psychic energy, which it will consume until back to normal.
Effects of Feral mutation state:
Kindness: Its reluctance to resort to violence and its friendly, trusting nature can be used against it by the devious, though they will have to be a master at concealing their intent. Also its reluctance to use deadly force can cause it to be slowed in battle, due to it wanting to cause as little pain as possible or permanently crippling injuries. Savvy foes will attack it with overwhelming advantages and numbers, though even then victory is not guaranteed, for while it prefers not to kill, that does not mean it won't if truly pressed.
Mode Locked: Depending on the form, it is at varying levels of threat or helplessness. Some modes have no or reduced combat abilities, and some forms heal faster than others, which can make a difference in battle. Lastly, though its transition time between each configuration is three minutes each, it must remain immobile and hidden during the transition time.
Armor Piercing: Standard armor piercing rounds will punch through even its most durable configuration, potentially damaging vital organs.
Explosive: Explosives are an excellent choice for engaging it, and have a good chance of destroying it in the first go if it isn't fast enough to avoid it.
Unmasquer: Vong unmasquers cause its mass to harden and turn the biot to a stone like state so long as they are in its radius. This renders it easily destroyed.
Diminishing returns: If forced to rebuild from almost nothing multiple times in a row, its regen rate will get slower and slower till its at the crawl of a regular human, forcing it to feed to restore itself.
No range capability: One of its few hindrances is that it lacks any ranged weapon capability or even the ability to learn ranged weaponry, in contrast to every other design Nine has created.
Water: Believe it or not, yes. Concentrated amounts of water will cause its cells to oversaturate and force them to process the water, causing its form to break down to a swollen, translucent form constantly leaking water as it malfunctions and as long as cells remain saturated with water it cannot reform. Even a simple garden hose might prove effective in momentarily slowing it, then attempting to destroy it. Even its most durable form is vulnerable to this weakness. A puddle will do nothing, but a preassure hose will go a long way to victory. Even high amounts of moisture in the air disrupt its ability to function and maintain cohesion while whole. One excellent way of neutralizing it would be to drop it in a large body of water, which will cause it to breakdown to a swollen amoeba like state. Boil the water to five hundred degrees to kill the tissue.
Ion: Exposure to ionic energy from a concentrated source will cause it to revert to its factory ready form and remain unable to look human for three hours, though everything else will still be intact.
Diet: It needs to feed on psychic energy every five days, no matter where it is. If it does not it will mutate and turn feral like if it was hit with paddle beams.
Mandalorian steel: This metal causes it to shift painfully and instantaneously between its forms until it overheats and enters a shut down state where it is temporarily inactive until its internals cool down. This renders it easily destroyed. If it can remove the steel from its body within the first five secinds of contact, it can avert an overheat state.
Garlic: the biot is extremely allergic to anything with garlic products, which causes it to malfunction across the surface of its skin, making it vomit glowing red blood. This will surely give away its artificial nature to anyone.
Then again, how many enemies happen to have Garlic on them?
Salt: Pure salt, even table salt, causes it such extreme physical pain on exposure that the biot has an ingrained phobia of even crossing a door way with a line of the stuff across it. This can be heavily exploited.
Kyber: A programmed psychological weakness, it will be instinctively fearful of samples of kyber crystals, large or small, so long as it is held in the hand and the sample is raw and uncut. It can fight back against the phobia, but it is extremely difficult, and its focus is more on the kyber than the enemy, so most times, it will simply flee. Also, it must be within thirty meters of the kyber for it to take effect.
Programmed for immense empathy, and often as friendly as possible, the biot looks for non-violent solutions first with every confrontation and is anti-corruption in its business practice. It likes animals, and possesses a full range of emotions. It believes in old fashioned heroics and acts selflessly no matter its guise.
The most advanced creation of Nine Lives yet, the Shi'ido-Vampiric biot is a fully functional and near fully autonomous biot that is actually an artificially constructed hybrid between a Shi'ido and an Ooglith Masquer, with a high regenerative capability and flexibility to its shape, it serves as a sentient artificial warrior and paragon of virtue with superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and electrical durability depending on its form. Extremely difficult to destroy with conventional weapons, and more difficult to ensure total destruction, it is nonetheless vulnerable to elemental attacks, acid, microwaves, sonics, baffer pollen and vong unmasquers, and even simple blasts of water. However, given its ability to pass as human save to all but the most distrustful and suspicious, its high level business programming, allowing it to function and run a wide variety of businesses, stealth abilities, as well as the immense difficulty of affecting it with telekinesis, emotion reading and combat skills, its pros far outweigh its cons.
BASE: Biot
The fully assembled biot is nearly impossible to kill using conventional means, though it can be done. Genetic engineering and experimental DNA programming create a fully human looking individual both internally and externally with a full range of behavior and emotions, and can feed on psychic energy, making it a sort of Psy-Pire like its mother. It can harden tissues to resist damage of varying sorts. Its nature has left it with weak versions of the Ysalamir force canceling bubble and seems harder to affect with telekinesis. Created by splicing biot tissue samples from her previous creation Vera with more Shi'ido and Masquer DNA, the biot retains some of a natural Shi'ido's amazing shape shifting qualities, enhanced by the super flexible nature of Masquer tissue, the biot is able to reduce itself to an extremely thin, almost liquid state along with its bones and organs, and shape shifts much faster than Nine's previous creations. Nine truly stretched the limits of her knowledge, even going so far as to consult a Vong Master Shaper as to how to get the most out of her design, while making it able to self repair. This required further consulting Gen'Dai genetic sequences also.
The Biot comes with primarily hand to hand and melee weapons training, along with, stealth, business programming, and pilot and psychology programming. All information is stored in the DNA of the cells themselves in whole, including the last memories the biot had in case samples are recovered from a previous destruction or from the memories it had before it was sequestered as a sample. However organic it may seem it is all artificial, thus enabling its specially grown brain to be programmed to an extant and even learn new skills, as it is simply too organic now to be fully constrained by the computational limits of normal droids.
However it is of such advanced nature that though it cannot directly or indirectly harm Nine or her children, it will be fully able to disobey commands given by Nine herself, albeit with great effort...and so long as its defiance would not violate those iron clad directives. (This is curiously easier in her psychology form). It is extremely empathetic, even preferring to make its sometimes necessary feedings as painless and as non traumatic as possible. This empathy can be used against it, as it will often hold back more than is wise. Its forms are created from various 3D imaging and modeling programs, and are deliberately made attractive in order to lower the psychological guard of opponents as well as help make it more persuasive
An extremely dangerous technology. Approach with caution.
Pictured: "Factory Default" form

Image Source:
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source:
Name: Shi'ido-Vampiric-Biot MK 1 (Westenra Mina)
Manufacturer: Nine Lives
Affiliation: Nine Lives
Model: N/A
Production: Unique
Modularity: No
Material: Biot tissue
Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 104 kilograms
Height: 1.7 meters
Movement: Bipedal (Can flow through small spaces)
Armaments: None, but it is very proficient at their use, and can use its one body to form weapons.
Misc. Equipment: Telescopic, Thermal, X-Ray and night vision capable and enhanced hearing, via having it genetically designed into it.
Composed of specialized biot tissue based off of both Masquer and Shi'ido DNA that allow it to form its body, mimicking skeletal systems and vital organs, along with the blood of a human female, fooling most medical scanners, including military grade ones.
Extremely high regenerative speed, roughly thirty percent of a Gen'Dai, depending on its form
Extreme reflexes, speed, strength depending on its form
Capable of altering its appearance, including mimicking clothing, if needed.
Multiple combat databases on melee weapons and martial arts.
Biot's brain so close to that of a normal human it can fool Jedi into thinking it is human, albeit an unusually calm one.
Specialized glands on its body based off of research into ysalimiris force canceling bubble render it highly resistant to telekinesis and mental attacks, though not immune.
Programmed for running various types of business, from shipping to manufacturing.
Extreme empathy and emotional intelligence programming, enabling it to guess both the motivations and intentions of others, as well as detect lies, with a disturbing level of accuracy that borders on supernatural. This allows it to function as a psychologist.
Vampiric Regeneration system based on Nine's species, allowing it to feed on psychic energy to survive and heal faster
Why won't you die?: The highly regenerative nature of this biot means it is extremely difficult to outright destroy using solely conventional means. Damage from weapons such as vibro blades repair in minutes (It can even regrow limbs!) while the Blunt trauma will only displace the super pliable organic tissue it is made of, even a direct hit on its brain with a blunt weapon will only displace the tissue, not destroy it. Even Flame and Cryo will do little damage thanks to enzymes released from its super pliable brain. It also possesses great speed, reflexes, strength depending on the form it uses and is naturally resistant to electrical damage, though to different degrees depending on its form . In its stealth form its body becomes pliable to the point of being almost like liquid, allowing it to flow through tight spaces. If damaged while at full size and if it needs to repair more quickly then its current guise allows, it can grow fangs and feed on a Victim's psychic energy, though this will not actually kill the victim, merely render them unconscious for a few hours and with a day of memory loss. Lastly, if blown to bits, if a sample is recovered within three hours and bombarded with gamma radiation it will grow into a perfect copy of what has been destroyed. As long as ten percent of its body and a quarter of its brain is intact it will repair itself fully. It can form weapons via tissue hardening in its stealth form. It also cannot feel pain, and even destroying an organ like the heart won't down it permanently. The brain must be completely destroyed or most of the body must be.
Mage Killer: When the production method rendered an early sample force dead Nine immediately saw the potential and exploited this, studying ysalamir to aid in the creation of the final being, rendering it much more resistant to telekinetic and mental attacks,, due to specialized glands emitting much weaker versions of a ysalamir's Force Canceling bubble, though attacks of sufficient strength by Knight level practitioners can still injure it, though it will be much, much harder than normal to grip or choke it. It is still vulnerable to every other kind of Force power.
Learning: Is able to learn new skills, particularly in business, social, and martial arts, due to its near purely organic nature
Stealth: The biot is capable of astonishingly quiet movement. In a near liquid state it can flow through even the smallest cracks in a structure until it finds an exit, reforming on the other side. In addition it is capable of altering its appearance, both to hide in the general populace as well as for mission specific configurations to its programming. Socially it will fool any into thinking it is purely organic, and pass a turing test without raising suspicion even once, and only the most sensitive of military scanners could detect the chemicals present that signify a biot, though if it happened to be using its pheremones when the scanners were nearby, those would be detected.
Specific configurations are as follows
Public Form

The form it uses as a civilian. Its business and financial programming is active in this state, allowing it to do complex calculations of local economies, manage bank accounts and complex finances. Reflexes, Speed, Strength, and electrical durability only twice that of a normal human. Only basic hand to hand databases on a few martial arts are active. Repairs most wounds in the span of five minutes. Public Alias is Westenra Mina

Gladiator Form:
For use in heavy, open combat against multiple opponents. All combat programs active. Reflexes, Speed, and Strength are increased by a factor of four, and electrical durability is increased by a factor of five. This form repairs incredibly fast, often in a matter of a minute or less. Alias is Lynda

Psychologist Form
For treating the various traumas Nine's people might encounter, as well as treating high paying wealthy clients. Reflexes and speed that of a normal human, though strength is wookie level. All repairs take fifteen minutes. No combat or other business programming active. Alias is Lorna. Electrical resistance is highest in this form

Stealth Form
For sneaking into high security areas. As well as the only one that can form weapons from its own body and fight from near liquid state, though fighting as a pile of silly putty like tissue is only done as a last resort. Regeneration rate is as fast as its gladiator form. Reflexes and speed are six times faster than normal, though strength remains at that of its public form. Durability, electric or otherwise, is only that of a normal human. Only melee weapon databases are active. Operates as a freelance spy similar to Vera in this form, though works exclusively for Republic or CIS affiliates. Alias is Ensan
Business Acumen: It has top of the line financial and business programming
Pilot: It can pilot yachts and frieghters no matter its form
Insurance policy: It can leave a piece of itself behind, so in case it is fully destroyed the first time around, it can rebuild itself and try again.
Seductress: Its pheremones make it VERY persuasive. Even Force adepts will have trouble resisting it. This is constantly in effect regardless of form.
Strobes: Strobe effects greatly confuse its tracking systems, and effectively blind it.
Silver: Impaling it with pure silver will disable its ability to regenerate as well as severely weaken it physically so long as it remains in contact with the main body
Sonic: Sonic weapons will cause it to overheat and shut down temporarily if it sustains more than one hit.
Microwave: While microwave weapons will not kill it, they will severely slow its regeneration as well as its movement speed in its semi-liquid state, allowing it to easily destroyed by a sufficiently prepped and thorough opponent. Even minor exposure to unshielded microwaves will shut down its combat databases for three minutes.
Lightsabers: If lightsabers cut off its limbs, not only will the limb not grow back for a whole three days, it will also force it dangerously close to overheating. It will be at a severe disadvantage trying to buy time to cool down.
Magnets: Curious interactions with the flesh of the biot causes it to be drawn like metal to high intensity magnetic surfaces.
Acid: Acid is the one weapon it seems truly vulnerable to, eating away at any tissue in seconds, and slowing down its regeneration for a whole day.
Baffer Pollen: Baffer pollen will force it into a semi liquid state, a pool of pliable tissue that will bee slow moving, unable to take form or fight for a few minutes (though it will still regenerate if damaged), making it a relative sitting duck, especially if one has a disruptor.
Asimov-Resistant: The Biot's design is so advanced that while it cannot harm Nine, her artificial daughters, or the Psy-Pires directly or indirectly, it CAN defy any order given to it, so long as doing so would not conflict with those prior directives. It is simply too advanced for it to obey fully, though it will comply with orders it agrees with. It is still difficult for it to truly disobey an order...unless it is in its psychologist form...
Glamour failure: This biot has an interesting problem in regards to being able to pass for human. Its empathy programming is so intense that it will occasionally creep people out, especially those naturally inclined to be suspicious. It cannot seem to dull its empathy in any form, which, when combined with its psychological programming in its therapist form, can sometimes turn to outright distrust among especially anti-social types.
Bacta: Bacta disables its regenerative ability and superhuman attributes for three minutes.
Paddle Beams: Paddle beam exposure causes it to mutate and turn feral, becoming beastial and seeking psychic energy, which it will consume until back to normal.
Effects of Feral mutation state:

Kindness: Its reluctance to resort to violence and its friendly, trusting nature can be used against it by the devious, though they will have to be a master at concealing their intent. Also its reluctance to use deadly force can cause it to be slowed in battle, due to it wanting to cause as little pain as possible or permanently crippling injuries. Savvy foes will attack it with overwhelming advantages and numbers, though even then victory is not guaranteed, for while it prefers not to kill, that does not mean it won't if truly pressed.
Mode Locked: Depending on the form, it is at varying levels of threat or helplessness. Some modes have no or reduced combat abilities, and some forms heal faster than others, which can make a difference in battle. Lastly, though its transition time between each configuration is three minutes each, it must remain immobile and hidden during the transition time.
Armor Piercing: Standard armor piercing rounds will punch through even its most durable configuration, potentially damaging vital organs.
Explosive: Explosives are an excellent choice for engaging it, and have a good chance of destroying it in the first go if it isn't fast enough to avoid it.
Unmasquer: Vong unmasquers cause its mass to harden and turn the biot to a stone like state so long as they are in its radius. This renders it easily destroyed.
Diminishing returns: If forced to rebuild from almost nothing multiple times in a row, its regen rate will get slower and slower till its at the crawl of a regular human, forcing it to feed to restore itself.
No range capability: One of its few hindrances is that it lacks any ranged weapon capability or even the ability to learn ranged weaponry, in contrast to every other design Nine has created.
Water: Believe it or not, yes. Concentrated amounts of water will cause its cells to oversaturate and force them to process the water, causing its form to break down to a swollen, translucent form constantly leaking water as it malfunctions and as long as cells remain saturated with water it cannot reform. Even a simple garden hose might prove effective in momentarily slowing it, then attempting to destroy it. Even its most durable form is vulnerable to this weakness. A puddle will do nothing, but a preassure hose will go a long way to victory. Even high amounts of moisture in the air disrupt its ability to function and maintain cohesion while whole. One excellent way of neutralizing it would be to drop it in a large body of water, which will cause it to breakdown to a swollen amoeba like state. Boil the water to five hundred degrees to kill the tissue.
Ion: Exposure to ionic energy from a concentrated source will cause it to revert to its factory ready form and remain unable to look human for three hours, though everything else will still be intact.
Diet: It needs to feed on psychic energy every five days, no matter where it is. If it does not it will mutate and turn feral like if it was hit with paddle beams.
Mandalorian steel: This metal causes it to shift painfully and instantaneously between its forms until it overheats and enters a shut down state where it is temporarily inactive until its internals cool down. This renders it easily destroyed. If it can remove the steel from its body within the first five secinds of contact, it can avert an overheat state.
Garlic: the biot is extremely allergic to anything with garlic products, which causes it to malfunction across the surface of its skin, making it vomit glowing red blood. This will surely give away its artificial nature to anyone.
Then again, how many enemies happen to have Garlic on them?
Salt: Pure salt, even table salt, causes it such extreme physical pain on exposure that the biot has an ingrained phobia of even crossing a door way with a line of the stuff across it. This can be heavily exploited.
Kyber: A programmed psychological weakness, it will be instinctively fearful of samples of kyber crystals, large or small, so long as it is held in the hand and the sample is raw and uncut. It can fight back against the phobia, but it is extremely difficult, and its focus is more on the kyber than the enemy, so most times, it will simply flee. Also, it must be within thirty meters of the kyber for it to take effect.
Programmed for immense empathy, and often as friendly as possible, the biot looks for non-violent solutions first with every confrontation and is anti-corruption in its business practice. It likes animals, and possesses a full range of emotions. It believes in old fashioned heroics and acts selflessly no matter its guise.
The most advanced creation of Nine Lives yet, the Shi'ido-Vampiric biot is a fully functional and near fully autonomous biot that is actually an artificially constructed hybrid between a Shi'ido and an Ooglith Masquer, with a high regenerative capability and flexibility to its shape, it serves as a sentient artificial warrior and paragon of virtue with superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and electrical durability depending on its form. Extremely difficult to destroy with conventional weapons, and more difficult to ensure total destruction, it is nonetheless vulnerable to elemental attacks, acid, microwaves, sonics, baffer pollen and vong unmasquers, and even simple blasts of water. However, given its ability to pass as human save to all but the most distrustful and suspicious, its high level business programming, allowing it to function and run a wide variety of businesses, stealth abilities, as well as the immense difficulty of affecting it with telekinesis, emotion reading and combat skills, its pros far outweigh its cons.
BASE: Biot
The fully assembled biot is nearly impossible to kill using conventional means, though it can be done. Genetic engineering and experimental DNA programming create a fully human looking individual both internally and externally with a full range of behavior and emotions, and can feed on psychic energy, making it a sort of Psy-Pire like its mother. It can harden tissues to resist damage of varying sorts. Its nature has left it with weak versions of the Ysalamir force canceling bubble and seems harder to affect with telekinesis. Created by splicing biot tissue samples from her previous creation Vera with more Shi'ido and Masquer DNA, the biot retains some of a natural Shi'ido's amazing shape shifting qualities, enhanced by the super flexible nature of Masquer tissue, the biot is able to reduce itself to an extremely thin, almost liquid state along with its bones and organs, and shape shifts much faster than Nine's previous creations. Nine truly stretched the limits of her knowledge, even going so far as to consult a Vong Master Shaper as to how to get the most out of her design, while making it able to self repair. This required further consulting Gen'Dai genetic sequences also.
The Biot comes with primarily hand to hand and melee weapons training, along with, stealth, business programming, and pilot and psychology programming. All information is stored in the DNA of the cells themselves in whole, including the last memories the biot had in case samples are recovered from a previous destruction or from the memories it had before it was sequestered as a sample. However organic it may seem it is all artificial, thus enabling its specially grown brain to be programmed to an extant and even learn new skills, as it is simply too organic now to be fully constrained by the computational limits of normal droids.
However it is of such advanced nature that though it cannot directly or indirectly harm Nine or her children, it will be fully able to disobey commands given by Nine herself, albeit with great effort...and so long as its defiance would not violate those iron clad directives. (This is curiously easier in her psychology form). It is extremely empathetic, even preferring to make its sometimes necessary feedings as painless and as non traumatic as possible. This empathy can be used against it, as it will often hold back more than is wise. Its forms are created from various 3D imaging and modeling programs, and are deliberately made attractive in order to lower the psychological guard of opponents as well as help make it more persuasive
An extremely dangerous technology. Approach with caution.