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Shimmerscale-class Battle Carrier


Intent: To provide the Silver Jedi with a battle carrier
Image Source: Adam Kop, commissioned by ShogunEagle
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

Manufacturer: Lucerne Labs
Model: Deluge-class Battle Carrier
Affiliation: Silver Jedi
Production: Semi-Unique (one per writer)
Material: Argentum series Matrix Armor, Iridium doped Mirrsteel with condensed-matter composite inserts per Ossis Starship Frame, starship components

Classification: Battle Carrier
Length: 2200 meters
Width: 650 meters
Height: 750 meters

Armament: Moderate
Defenses: Average
Hangar: 11 Squadrons
  • Passenger Count: ~7,000 passengers and equipment (2 Regiments)

  • Cargo Capacity: 13,350 metric tons
Maneuverability Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Moderate
Hyperdrive Class: x1 (x0.3 with hyperdrive booster)




High Hangar Count: The Deluge-class Battle Carrier carries a large number of starfighters for its size.

Advanced Engines: The Deluge is somewhat faster for a starship of its size at both sublight and hyperluminal speeds.

Advanced Fire Control: The Deluge has an exceptionally advanced fire control systems designed to reduce the effects of hostile electronic warfare and improve the speed and accuracy of the Deluge's own weapons systems.


Low Troop Numbers: The Deluge carries a relatively small number of ground troops for its size. This can make it vulnerable to boarding. On top of that, one of the regiments does not have space for any vehicles, which makes it ill-suited for large scale ground operations.

Low maneuverability: The Deluge is not very maneuverable, even compared to many ships of its size.

The Deluge is an attempt by Lucerne Labs to make a warship that combines the firepower and durability of a large star destroyer with the versatility of a carrier's flight group. This manifested in ship that tried to incorporate the best hull features of the Imperial star destroyer and the older MC85 battlecruiser. It was hoped that such a ship would be an affordable option to member worlds of the ISAF who wanted to field both large battlecruisers and massive carriers, but lacked the ability to afford both. In this financial respect, it has been a success. But it takes a fair amount skill and the right mindset to get the most of a Deluge on the battlefield, as it does not have the staying power or armament of many battlecruisers, nor the carrying capacity of a dedicated carrier. Deluge captains rely greatly on their ability to technologically adapt to situations and exploit the environment to be successful against either a typical battlecruiser or a super carrier.

Technical Explanations:

Crew and Automation: The Deluge was constructed with the inherent understanding that many of its prospective purchasers would be interested in not only initial investment costs, but also maintenance cost. To that end, the Deluge makes extensive use of automation using Calor Series Biocomputers and organoform circuitry to run many of the day to day functions of the ship. This is further supplemented by many droid stations, which can recharge and maintain large numbers of droids which can further reduce long-term costs. The organic crew typically works in three sections during normal operations, with each section being responsible for an eight hour shift during the day. These shifts typically involve overseeing the droids and other automation that keeps the ship working. In times of combat and emergencies, the entire crew is mobilized to improve performance. The Deluge is notable in that it maintains two bridges: a battle bridge and an exploration bridge. The battle bridge follows Lucerne Labs typical practice of a buried, spartan CIC-style bridge in an amphitheatre layout, with the command staff positioned on the bottom floor around a large ARENA-7580 holo-projector. The exploration bridge sits atop of the stern of the vessel, much like a classic KDY bridge tower. This bridge is typically used in non-combat situations, where its panoramic views, cosier creature comforts, and sensor-oriented consoles make it a more comfortable way for the crew to traverse space.

Command and Control Facilities: The Deluge's size makes it a natural choice as a flagship, and building off Lucerne Lab's experience with the Ocean Tide, the ships host a modest but well-thought of Tactical Operations Center that is separate from the ship's own CIC-style bridge. The TOC is dominated by a large ARENA-7580 HoloProjector which occupies the center of the room. This is typically used to display the battlefield in great detail in realtime as seen by friendly sensors. The walls of the TOC are ringed with various computer consoles outfitted with CL-3 Command Links and Merlin Holographic Displays, comscans, and several small holo-tanks for coordinating important but small-scale actions. It is not uncommon for flag officers to modify the rooms to better suit their own physiologies and psychologies.

Engine Systems: The Deluge's engine systems are the ship's pride and joy. The engine block's layout actually takes inspiration from various Imperial star destroyers, while the actual sublight engines are Lucerne Lab's own Nimble-5 Ion Engines. This produces a ship with exceptional straightline speed, though it is not very maneuverable in terms of pitch and yaw. To that end, the Deluge is the first large vessel to incorporate the Gulfstream maneuvering System, which improves the ship's handling at the cost of speed. The ship's hyperdrive is a fairly bulky if reliable x1 system derived from the old MC85 which is integrated with a HIMS device. This ponderous drive can be linked to a Torrential Hyperdrive Booster. This is rarely done, as the command staff and crew tend to dislike the high maintenance of the system, and Jedi passengers frequently find its darkside origins and "speaking" disturbing. The Deluge does have high-powered repulsorlifts that allow it to enter the atmosphere, but there is no provision for landing the ship on ground. Like many Mon Calamari ships, however, it can land on bodies of water and partially submerge itself.

Shielding Systems: The Deluge utilizes Aspis-class Shielding, which provides adaptive but otherwise standard levels of protection for a battlecruiser. This in turn can be supplemented by one of Lucerne Lab's earliest products, the Aegis-class Anti-Concussion Field Generator, to make it more durable against projectile-armed foes. This is rarely done because the ship frequently relies on speed and positioning for defense.

Hull: Aesthetically, Deluge's overall hull design is broadly inspired by the classic Imperial Star Destroyer's, with a roughly wedge-shaped design that also shows clear influence from Hast's mon calamari shipwrights. From a practical engineering perspective, Deluge's hull utilizes the biomemetic Ossis-class starship frame, which makes it more durable from kinetic attacks at the cost of lowered maneuverability. Most of the ship's internal structure is then constructed in a normal method, but several important areas including engineering and command sections also incorporate Agrinicrete shielding around the room, making these areas less affected by radiation weapons. These internals are then covered by Argentum-series Matrix Armor, which provides an average amount of defense for a ship its size.

Weapons Systems: By using more a wedge design, the Deluge is able to bring the vast majority of its weapons in a devastating forward fire arc. It has two sets of heavy primary weapons designed to be used in a complimentary fashion. A dozen Scythe-class Homing Lasers provide most of the punch, giving the Deluge sustained, long-range energy weapons fire that can be synced together to mimic the effects of composite beam weapons. A set of ten Angon-class Hypervelocity cannons provide bursts of high impact kinetic energy with variable payloads to devastate enemies at range. These heavy weapons are then backed by a large number of Iris-class Turbolasers, which actually provide more firepower than either the homing lasers or the hypervelocity cannons. These in turn are backed up by batteries of plasma turbolasers and mass driver cannons, which provide variable damage types at lower fire echelons. These guns are then backed by auxiliary warhead launchers. Quartets of Tenjin Ion Torpedo launchers are fire-linked to hit a single point of impact. These are typically used to soften up local shielding before hitting the target with the Deluge's heavy guns. The Deluge also incorporates heavy general purpose warhead launchers, which can be outfitted to carry a variety of mission specific ordinance. Lastly, the Deluge has minelayers fitted near the stern of the vessel, which is typically uses to either set up defensive positions or discourage pursuers. Defensively, the Deluge uses combination of jamming arrays and traditional, layered network of point defenses equidistantly across the ship to protect itself from small threats. Rainburst flak cannons are used to disrupt enemy formations at range, whereas Plumbata batteries and quad laser cannons take care of closer starfighters and other similiarly sized objects at closer range. Trudo turrets and Casper emplacements take care of larger and smaller missiles respectively.

Carrying Capacity: The Deluge is notable for for its large number of micro-hangars dispersed across the ship. While each hangar can only carry about four average starfighters, the ship altogether can host eleven squadrons of starfighters, giving it significant and flexible force projection for a ship its size. Typically a Deluge will be embarked with three standard strikecraft wings (nine squadrons), while the remaining two squadrons will be special purpose and/or strategic squadrons, such as an ace Jedi fighter squadron or stealth transports for commando infiltration work. The Deluge also has a small support craft hangar located on its ventral side, which houses non-combat craft to support its supply, maintenance, and transport small amounts of passengers. Like most warships its size, the Deluge is also host to several thousand soldiers. Unlike most warships though, the Deluge's ground forces complement is relatively small at two regiments worth of soldiers: one of these not have the space to support any vehicles or heavy equipment. Combined with only a small number of support craft to transport them, Deluges's ground forces exist mostly to provide limited shipboard security and the occasional small shore party.

Flight Support Features: The Deluge's hangar facilities build off Lucerne Lab's previous experience with the Deliverance-class Carrier and the singular Union-class Assault Carrier. Like these previous carriers, the Deluge's hangars are individually linked to a central maintenance bay through an ammunition/parts transport cart system, feature reinforced exterior blast doors, and contain catapult pressors to rapidly launch craft. Unlike these previous carriers, the individual hangars are quite small and rather luxurious. By having so many different small hangars, the Deluge does not have a singular, large area which can be specifically targeted or boarded by large assault craft. It also allows each craft to have its own catapult pressor, meaning that the Deluge can deploy its entire starfighter complement in a matter of seconds. The central maintenance area in the Deluge houses robotic lathes and milling machines, welders, and molecular furnaces. This allows Deluges the ability to make and manufacture components and munitions for its strikecraft on demand, which allows Deluges to operate for long amounts of time without needing constant resupply: it can theoretically even build complete strikecraft given enough time. But for practical purposes, Deluge's limited manufacturing capabilities are usually not quick enough to grant any immediate tactical advantage (such as making fresh starfighters or large amounts of munitions in the middle of a battle).

Advanced Fire Control: Deluge's weapons, while not particularly numerous compared to many ships its size, have advanced fire control equipment and signals processing that makes them exceptionally precise and effective despite electronic warfare. Its targeting computers incorporate antenna locking, in-line calibration, and helical-motion extrapolators all originally developed by KDY and employed on the star destroyer Judicator. This makes the Deluge's weapons particularly precise during normal field conditions, allowing it to precisely calculate weapon's fire trajectories to accurately hit precise targets at range. This is especially vital when trying to converge the homing lasers at a single point. The advent of the mass deployment of electronic warfare led Lucerne Labs to develop an integrated sensor-targeting computer network that is unique to the Deluge. This network uses the Hydra Mesh Program to feed the targeting computers not only data from the ship's multiple sensor arrays, but also from other vessels on the battlefield. This allows the Deluge to more rapidly burn through sensor jamming through advanced signal algorithms based on multiple sensory input: the signals that stay consistent across all of the sensors are likely to be the actual target. The rest is classified consequently as noise and is filtered out. This is not an instantaneous process, and usually takes minutes to accomplish depending on the strength of the jamming, the skill of the opposing ECM operators, and the environment.

Mobile Jedi Base: Conscious of ISAF's involvement with the Silver Jedi Order, Lucerne Labs designed a suite of several dozen rooms and facilities specifically to house members of that order. Most of these rooms are simple living quarters attached to communal kitchens, baths, and other basic living necessities. It does notably include several combat and environment-oriented simulation rooms, a small workshop, and a meditation chamber.

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