Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Shinju's lightsaber

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Intent: To have a submission for Shinju's lightsabers
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Shinju
Model: Lightsaber
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: Crystals can be swapped
Production: Unique (Only One Character)
  • Crystals
  • Internal Components
  • Phrik
Classification: Lightsaber
Size: One/Two Handed
Length: 1.33m
Weight: 2.5kg
Special Features:
Description: Found by Shinju long ago as a broken saber that over the years she has worked on to improve and construct into a weapon of power for herself. Finding and making crystals throughout the galaxy that allow her to commune and feed off of the pain and emotions of the crystals. She worked to find the different parts to improve it working with the Black Rose after the fall of the Lords of the Fringe to improve the casing and construct a second saber able to interlock with the first and based it off some of the jedi sabers she had encountered. The jolt trapped grip to keep others from using it and the enhanced cutting power from the darkside crystals that went into the saber. the final major components were the soul snare crystals able to be used to trap souls the saber as a shaped casing she could use to feed off of and empower herself.
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