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Character Shinzou Ashina

Shinzou Ashina

"The road to ruin is shorter than you think "

General Information

'Killing bad people is a habit I can't seem to quit.'
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- Shinzou Ashina

Name | Shinzou Ashina
Aliases | One-Eyed Dog, The Disgraced One
Age | 50's
Species | Human
Gender | Male
Faction | Ashina Clan, Lightsworn
Homeworld | Atrisia
Occupation | Rogue Jedi
Force Sensitive | Yes

Physical Information

Height | 6'2"
Weight | 210 lbs
Build | Muscular
Eye Color | Light Brown
Hair Color | Dark Brown
Skin Color | Lightly Tanned
Shinzou is a rather large, muscular Atrisian male, featuring scruff facial hair and an eyepatch that covers his right eye. Beneath the patch he is scarred, and blind. His long hair is usually a mess, but tied back in a ponytail to keep it in place. His body is covered in scars from past battles and is typically always sporting a fresh bruise of some kind somewhere. He is dressed in well-kept and elegant robes, typically black and white with a more colorful haori on top.

Psychological Information

Sexuality | Heterosexual
Relationship Status | Single
Personality |

Sarcastic | Maverick | Playful | Reckless | Passionate

Shinzou is a bit of an enigma when it comes to the Ashina, having fallen from his clan's honor and grace in his youth. He is one to bend but not break the rules and often goes out of his way to do things as he sees fit rather than do what he is ordered to do with specific instructions. He is playful in his sarcasm, though when he truly does mean to be sarcastic, it is often enough to cut.

While he has matured with the years, he still manages to get himself into trouble with his attitude and temper when it does surface. He does well to mask it with his tone and demeanor but there is a time when he forgoes the effort of hiding it. Those are times to be cautious and weary of what is said around him, as he is eager to exchange blows to prove points.

Despite all this, he is fiercely loyal to whatever cause he aligns himself to and his clan above all else. While he may have some differing approaches in how best to handle or move forward, he will remain faithful to those that share his path and put himself in harms way to protect those around him.

Strengths and Weaknesses

+Two Heavens As One+
Shinzou is extremely skilled when it comes to dual-wielding blades, often described to be a violent, nonstop tidal wave of blades that come crashing down against an opponent without respite. A master of Ataru, Jar'kai, and Juyo, Shinzou is also masterful in non-lightsaber forms, focusing around different school of blades to supplement and make his fighting style wild and unpredictable.
-The Force-
Shinzou has mastered the practical aspects of the Force, but heavily lacks in its other aspects. He is short-sighted when it comes to seeing what lies ahead and when it comes to its more mystical elements is less skillful by comparison.
+Warrior Spirit+
Shinzou is a warrior at heart, and his instincts as well as reactions are finely tuned to aid in the heat of battle. His speed, agility, and endurance are all trained to be at peak performance, and with the aid of the Force, his ability to predict his opponent's moves and reaction make him a fearsome combatant in close quarters.
-The Thin Line-
Shinzou treads a fine line between Light and Dark. While he has never fully fallen or succumbed to its temptations, but he often lets his emotions get the better of him and his more violent tendencies tend to emerge in the heat of battle.


Ashina Steel Katana x2 | Forged from the finest Ashina Steel, Shinzou wields two katanas that are traditionally stowed at his right hip.
Lightsaber x2 | Two blue colored lightsabers, typically stowed beneath his robes on his lower back.
Simple Shell Spider Silk Robes | Weaved from Shell Spider Silk, Shinzou's robes are elegant and functional. They can mitigate minor damage from small blaster weapons and vibroknives. His outfit is complimented by a wide-brim straw hat.

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