Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Name: Riyoka
Image Source: [x] Google search "Asian mountain temple"
Classification: Converted Temple/Developmental Training Facility
Location: Shri-Tal, Mountain Range
Affiliation: Shion Resort and Casino
Description: The bulk of the temple is stone with some plaster and metal reinforcements where it was has been aging. With new roofs and technology inside to store food, seal the windows and gaps for winter or night. They can have short term occupants in one to two week training sessions on the planet.
A landing pad is at the bottom of the main path and leads up to the primary training area. A building with a couple of floors made open and modular to bring in and rearrange equipment as needed for training sesssions within the company. The small section of flppr cut away with a lift that can bring from the basement storage equipment.
The primary living quarters for when people are brought there and inside of the training facility is the large tower. Quarters made for semi comfort when they are staying there with a laving and kitchen area for themt o get and make food. The upper levels reserved for offices and rooms for staff with a lift to take them to each floor.
The final building is a small warehouse designed for developmental training with the dancers and entertainers employed from Saori through Shion. A chance for them to work on their skills and get the early training needed before being sent out to different establishments for preforming shows.
History: Built by the go Nagai when they were still prominent in the system. The temple was originally a place or reflection and worship. When they vanished the temple was overtaken by the other species that held the world and slowly became just another location in the mountains being maintained.
When the silver jedi came to the world it was rediscovered in their general searching of the mountains near the lake temple and marked on the map. A god distance away from major places and able to be used by Shion a subsidiary of Sasori as a training ground to bring people who work for them to teach.
Intent: To train Shion Employee's in standards and practices