Is that a Ori Mother ship compared to anything star wars has ever seen that's major OP. Faster ability of flight by at least ten fold, not to mention the massive power those ships weapons have they can destroy a entire planet and the main gun on the Ori flag ships are at least three time as powerful as the death star. The only thing in the star wars universe you could compare it to would be the death star but even the death stars to slow, the only thing with the same speed would probably be that silver jump ship the Jedi used the royal one, sorry i can not recall the exact name. But besides just sheer amazing speed and weapons lets talk about the shields, the actual shields for that thing are so powerful , The earth force sg-1 hit it with everything they could and it did nothing. It was only after they had help from a bunch of other aliens they actually accomplished anything. The shields are easily five times as strong as the death star. Anyone who has seen the show would agree the Ori ships are majorly over powered , that's just my opinion as a rper and knowing the sg-1 universe and star wars and comparing the two not many people would even have a chance Vs a Ori ship , that being said if you nerfed it a tiny bit and made it slightly more realistic for the star wars universe, I would love to get my hands on one. Huge SG-1 fan seen every episode love the Ori Fleet :Hallowed Are The Ori: