Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ship Creation Questions

I am new at all this, so I apologize for the number of questions I have been asking.

That said, here come some more.
I noticed that Freighters like the YT-1300, YT-2400, and Heavily armed YV-929 aren't really represented by the template from what I see. Drop Ships and Heavy Drop Ships they are not, nor are they as big as Corvettes. If someone (Me) wanted to design or customize one of those ships what Class would they label them as. Starfighters? Corvettes? I ask because this vastly changes their armament. Finally could I simply label a 30 Meter Ship a Corvette if it held to every other standard in speed, weapons, maneuverability, and defenses?
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Factory Judges might weigh in differently, but to me freighters tend to get grouped into twos; light and heavy. A light freighter would be something like the YT-1300. So using the starfighter template would be a good start. Something like the YZ-900 would be a heavy freighter, and would be well placed in the corvette category.

As with a lot of things, there's leeway to be had if you talk with the Factory Judge who picks up your submission. Freighters have always been that one thing in the history of the board that has never really been well defined within the factory. It's to encourage people to make freighters more personal, since they tend to be home-on-the-go for characters, whereas faction warships are for more boom-boom-booooooom, bang bang bang bang.

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