The Mentor
Reports had run rampant that on the desolate, out of the way world, Tatooine, moisture farmers had been disappearing left and right, only to turn up dead in the process. While Tatooine was not under the protection of the Silver Jedi, the Jedi, regardless of faction, were still responsible for the safety of the galaxy and it's people - and keeping the peace. Josh had volunteered for the mission, taking his Padawans [member="Dusaro Dresari"] and [member="Douglas Starwind"] with him. With the two having obtained their lightsabers, Josh knew that they would now be better able to aid him.
He also wanted Starwind here due to his knowledge of the planet. While Josh had been here for some time, during a troubling period of his life, he did not have the knowledge of the planet that Starwind did. Having been a moisture farmer himself, he hoped that perhaps Doug could provide great insight...
News had gotten around that a new member of the Silver Assembly had been chosen, a few days ago. Just this morning, that new member of the Assembly had been named - Jedi Master Josh DragonsFlame. The newest member of the Assembly would welcome his two Padawans, Starwind and Dresari onto The Final Dragon. The Jedi Master would turn his heel on the ramp and enter the Defender Class Light Corvette, waiting for the two Padawans to enter before the ramp would withdraw behind them and the doors would close. The two would notice though, that a new face was on board this time around. While Padawans Starwind and Dresari were used to Josh's R4 unit, R4-J6, poking it's head out from the cockpit and doing a good deal of the flying, they would not expect the appearance of an HK unit guarding the door...
Either way, Josh would signal to R4, and soon enough, they had left Voss and had punched into hyperspace, on their way to Tatooine...
Once they had shot into hyperspace, Josh would unclip the seatbelt attached to his seat and stand, stretching out before beginning to mix a drink.
"You two aren't nervous about your first real mission, are you?" Josh would remark, smirking in turn toward his Padawans. The dominion missions were different, of course. This would be the first time that the Padawans would be sent onto a full, proper mission, as only a small team. They had been on a crime ring break before, but it had merely been a test, and Josh had led the charge. The two had already been informed before they left that this would be different... This time, they would lead the mission.