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Ship Systems and Components: Merrill-Valkner Systems Engineering


Includes advanced radiation protection, multispecies atmospheric processors, redundant safety interlocks, water reprocessors, backup inertial dampeners, artificial gravity, internal lifeform scanners, and osmotic fields. Suitable for ships larger than 25 metres. Steristeel construction.

Highly reliable comprehensive FTL package. Includes moddable/replaceable class-1 hyperdrive, navicomputer, hyperspace maneuvering capability, navigational charts, rapid position recalculation functionality, hyperspace compass, other vital navigational equipment, and route-update security measures. Suitable for ships larger than 25 metres. Steristeel construction.

Projects an area-of-effect subsonic signal that repels animals. The effective radius of a single emitter is 40 metres over open ground, more than enough to cover most light and medium freighters and any nearby campsite. (Campers should bring appropriate ear protection or active cancellation equipment, provided to customers at a modest fee.)

Permits a ship to escape a single interdictor. Suitable for ships longer than 25 metres and no taller and/or wider than 100 metres. Steristeel construction.

Every ship needs relativistic shielding to prevent hyperspace accidents. The Aryzah can be adjusted for fractional time dilation within the ship. A hyperjump will feel significantly shorter or longer to the crew. Objective travel time is unaffected. Suitable for ships larger than 25 metres. Steristeel construction.

An adaptive modular bridge kit capable of integrating control stations and consoles from MVSE and any other manufacturer. Each workstation comes with integrated inertial dampeners and other crash/radiation protective measures. Suitable for ships between 25 and 1000 metres. Steristeel construction.

Miniature Kerts-Bhrg field permits a ship to dive into the outer layers of a star. Suitable for ships larger than 25 metres. Steristeel construction.

A corporeal equivalent to molecular shielding. Available in armor plate or in bulk.

Takes advantage of other vessels' aural sensors to cause headaches, dizziness, and/or nausea, typically on the bridge. More serious effects apply to sonic-sensitive species, such as gotals and lupines.

  • Buckshot Tumbledrive | Mass Production | Closed Market (ask here first), but can be used by ORC members without restriction.
Extremely fast (class-0.25) hyperdrive that deposits its vessel within a few AU or light-years of its destination. Comes with a backup drive for adjustments.
...and many more to come.
The Admiralty
Captain [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"],

Impressed by your work, very intriguing stuff.

Would like to place an order on the Andor and the Aryzah if possible.

- Daro Tarsi
[member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"] :

The Aryzah, if you're feeling free and up to it. Studying my quarry before handing it over only helps my work, and I need time for that. Plus, sometimes it may be better that plans be altered, pending the nature of my findings and my employer.
[member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"] - At your leisure, on behalf of Corellian Engineering Corporation, i'd like to talk about featuring several of your modules on a new luxury star yacht design from our civilian division. Do let me know when you're available.
Would like one sundiver field projector, one aryzah relativistic shield, one chrysalis life support system, and if possible, one Andor Gravity reciprocater, please [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"]
New products available:

Takes advantage of other vessels' aural sensors to cause headaches, dizziness, and/or nausea, typically on the bridge. More serious effects apply to sonic-sensitive species, such as gotals and lupines.

  • Buckshot Tumbledrive | Mass Production | Closed Market (ask here first), but can be used by ORC members without restriction.
Extremely fast (class-0.25) hyperdrive that deposits its vessel within a few AU or light-years of its destination. Comes with a backup drive for adjustments.

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