Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ship Weapons

Dual Turbo Ion Cannons

Laser Point defense Cannon



Turbo laser Missile Cannon

Dual Particle cannon Turret

Heavy sustained Ion Beam Cannon

Heavy Composite-beam laser

Sonic Cannon

Broad Triple barreled Nova cannons. Only usable on 1600M+ ships

Immense range. (Even if the target is missed the round keeps going until it hits something.)
Heavy Destructive power.
Heavily Armored.

Strengths & Weaknesses
Accurate of up to 100 km with a 60m margin for error at 100km ranges.

Cannot have more than two triple barreled installations on a single ship due to power drain. (Unless it's larger than 2200m then another can be added at 600m intervals)
Cannot be installed on ships Under 1600M.
Projectiles have to have traveled at least 26 Km to be able to explode on impact.
Very, Very long reload time.
If all triple barreled cannons are fired at the same time, shields cut out. Only if more than one installation is on the ship, when there is only one it takes half the shields power to help it fire.

A Nova Cannon consists of an array of potent gravimetric propellers designed to accelerate a projectile to a fraction of the speed of light. These projectiles carry a sophisticated plasma warhead which burns with the ferocity of a small star for a fraction of a second. As such a well-used Nova Cannon is a terrifying thing to face, as much a psychological tool as a weapon. Those who favor the weapon understand that it is difficult to use and often rendered useless at close ranges.

The Nova Cannon itself is massive; the barrel is the length of all but the largest Corvettes. The projectiles have a diameter of at least 12 meters and are fired at close to light speed after being accelerated by gravimetric coils. When the projectile has traveled the predetermined distance, the warhead implodes with a force equivalent to eight proton bombs. This creates a blast zone the size of a small freighter, powerful enough to destroy a Light frigate in a single hit or cripple even a light cruiser.

Despite it's impressive power these cannons are only really effective at many Kilometer ranges making it highly dangerous to both ships if used in a close range broadside battle if the rounds trrigger systems fail, when not taking into account that the projectiles can only explode after some travel time. If used within that range the rounds would simply punch through Durasteel and only leave a small hole in it's wake instead of wreaking it's devastating payload which would do at least ten times that damage.

The cannon barrels themselves are 16 meters in diameter which gives them a 4 meter thick armor to protect the barrel and projectiles. The cannons require a minimum of 28 meter high, 100 meter long and 68 meter wide housing which also holds dedicated shields to protect it as well as it's own power generators to help with the ships energy reserves that are required for the gravimetric coils that accelerate the projectiles. Even though it has it's own power generators firing the Nova cannons still requires great amounts of energy as such if two of these triple barreled installations are on a ship then firing both at the same time would disable the shields due to the power drain to the ship.

Torpedo turret ?

Heavy quad Turbo laser Turret with two point defense lasers and two short range sensors for added aiming capabilities.

Shield vampire cannon, Drains enemy shields and gives part of it back to the ship equipped with them.

Gatling Mass driver


Ion-cluster Homing Torpedo

Image Source: googled star citizen missiles
Intent: Creating a cluster ion torpedo
Development Thread: Will add if necessary
Manufacturer: ZTI
Model: ZTI Ion cluster Torpedo
Affiliation: Open market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: durasteel, Torpedo components.
Classification: Torpedo
Size: Ship-Mounted
Length: 2 m
Weight: 80 kg
Ammunition Type: Power cell, ion charges.
Ammunition Capacity: A Single mother torpedo holds eight smaller torpedoes
Effective Range: Capital Ship
Rate of Fire: Single action
Special Features:
Advanced aiming
Cluster capabilities

Cluster aiming: The cluster torpedoes number around eight and are able to target just as many ships though to achieve the greatest effect they should be used against Corvettes or larger as they are also able to fire upon weapon emplacements or focused upon the bridge itself.

Premature detonation: If the torpedo is fired upon before it clustered state is achived it will explode into a large ion blast though more often than not this blast will do no harm unless fired upon very close to a ship.

Capable of homing in on enemies, the Ion-cluster torpedoes carry an intense ion charge that will leave a small ion blast at the point of initial detonation before several smaller ion torpedoes that home in on the preset targets before the first initial torpedo is fired. As the smaller ones detonate in a powerful Ion blasts upon impacting a targeted ship or ships. The blast is many times capable of crippling most starfighters, being more powerful than starfighter grade ion cannons.

Primary Source:

Missile pod
Concept Ideas

Pulse Ordnance Multi-Driver (Ground weapon?)
A Pulse Ordnance Multi-Driver is an advanced Pulse Weapon that utilities's pulsed induction fields to propel a variety of heavy munitions with great force and precision over long ranges. A recent development of pulse technology, a Pulse Ordnance Multi-Driver consists of three linked cannons that can fire a mix of high explosive and kinetic projectiles in rapid volleys; whether this be in a concentrated bombardment upon a single target or in arcing trajectories to shower a wider area to equally devastating effect.

These massive ballistic weapons are deployed in batteries, and destroy their targets through the delivery of powerful broadsides of shells fired in volley to overwhelm their enemy in a barrage of destruction. Macrocannons are giant, edifice-size weapons covered with gantries, cranes, power lines and pipes manned by a crew that stands hundreds strong. Macrocannons can also be deployed to serve as potent artillery weapons by Imperial ground forces, though such instances are rare as these weapons are not very mobile, and their range and accuracy drops tremendously when deployed within the confines of a gravity well and atmosphere, to the point that their massive firepower can present as much danger to friendly forces as to the foe.

Ar'Ka Cannon
The Ar'Ka Cannon is a unique weapon of ZTI special projects division design. The cannon is capable of striking any target within a star system. The Ar'Ka Cannon fires a concentrated "Ion Beam", which is tuned to a frequency and wavelength that only destroyed the central nervous systems of advanced organic life forms, and ignored plant life and inorganic structures. This allows structures and plant life to remain, allowing the it's operators to strike at their enemies in a system without wreaking too much damage to the environment of a system's habitable planets, thus retaining the targeted location's suitability for future colonization. The cannon can fire its beam at any point on the surface of any planet in it's platform is mounted on.

Dispersion Shield
The phased energy force barriers projected by Dispersion Shields can be used to fend off close combat attacks with ease, including blows from weapons such as lightsabers that would otherwise smite a lesser foe. Dispersion Shields are also capable of deflecting incoming enemy fire using the advanced shield generators built into the device. If there are any nearby enemy units, users will often aim the shield so as to deflect this firepower into them instead, an action which can cause grievous casualties.

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