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Shipping Is Fun (Firemane)

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Space, the final frontier. These are the adventures of the starship Ardarvia. Its five-year mission: to explore strange worlds, to seek out new life, to boldly go where no Eldorai has gone before and spread the gospel of the inherent supremacy of women and the subjugation of manlings.

Oh, wait, this is not that sort of story. As fascinating as writing a tale about the travels of intrepid Eldorai ultrafeminists adventuring across Wild Space would be, unfortunately this tale is far more mundane. Firemane Industries was a renowned company that was making a name for itself as an arms manufacturer and provider of PMC services. However, aside from being a useful means for Siobhan and Tegaea to recruit more waifs and strays to join the blessed Order of the Torch, it was also strongly involved in mining.

Deep sea mining was already proceeding apace with aid from Salacia Consolidated, now Firemane was taking its efforts to the stars and was setting up a mining outpost on a distant asteroid in the Kaeshana system. To this end a new type of ship had been constructed, the Liorre-Class. Named after the Eldorai Goddess of Trade, it was a massive ship that contained all the materiels needed to create the outpost. True to Firemane's desire to not only have great reach but also flexibility in its business activities, the massive craft was versatile and able to transport a variety of cargo, namely, ore, liquids, people or even tanks.

Of course, the primary purpose of the ship was to ferry supplies, transport minerals and aid in the construction of Firemane outposts. There was no chance that it would ever be needed to carry sixty thousand passengers, not at all. After all, this was an age of peace and prosperity.

Anyhow, Siobhan was here to observe the Liorre-Class in action. Alas, sometimes being Vice President of a corporation meant that you had to, well, act the part and supervise mundane activities. Well, truth be told she had minions to attend to most things and handle the finer details, but presence was still important. Especially because the Liorre's designers and engineers would undoubtedly be eager to use the chance to remind her of its technical specifications and capabilities. Lieutenant [member="Tempest"], her apprentice and generally loveable minion, was also there...because Siobhan had said so. After all, she was her minion, which meant that if Siobhan had to attend so had she and they could use some master-apprentice quality time. Moreover, she was nice to look at and Siobhan could appreciate some eye candy whilst she sipped her cup of Atrisian tea and gazed out of the viewport at the stars that stretched out as far as the eye could perceive and beyond.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tempest was on the ship, but not in the Crew Lounge like Siobhan. Instead she was in her formidable Beskar armour about halfway down the Seras' length with some of the engineers. The Beskar armour was useful for her because it not only enhanced her strength and intimidation factor, but if something happened she could survive hard vacuum long enough to be rescued.
"Siobhan, Tempest here. I'm at Module Ten...the supplies one. The magnetic lock is jamming again, we'll have to disconnect the manual clamps, cut the power, and let it drift long enough for the hauler to grab it. We need to get the engineers to fix this problem. Can you have a little 'chat' with them and make sure they understand?"
Siobhan was good at 'chatting' with people to make them understand things.

Alas, it seemed Siobhan could not laze around in the crew lounge and hit on pretty ensigns, since she had to do some work. Well, actually not really since having a little 'chat' with unruly minions probably did not entail much in terms of work! As it turned out, Siobhan was good at 'chatting' with people to make them comprehend their place in things.

And so she quickly made her way to the engine room, where the engineers could be found. Eldorai troopers saluted as she strode past them, though she paid them no mind. Within the engine room she found the chief engineer, a moderately self-important looking Eldorai woman dressed in a shiny uniform.

"Lady Kerrigan, this is an unexpected pleasure. We are honoured by your presence," the engineer declared sycophantically, though Siobhan could see her nervousness, even if the woman was doing her best to hide the sweats that had gathered on her palms. Rumours said that the Lady was...not very forgiving when minions displeased her.

"You may dispense with the pleasantries. I'm here to put you back to full efficiency."

"I assure you, Lady Kerrigan, my girls are working as fast and as efficient as they can. Minor technical details are being sorted out," the engineer assured her a bit meekly. Strictly speaking. Strictly speaking it could be argued that Siobhan did not look that intimidating in her girly business suit, but it was the way she carried herself and the aura of power that emanated from her. Never mind the fact that she had a reputation for extreme brutality and a rather volatile temper that would not have made her look out of place at the courts of some of the most despotic Star Queens.

"Immaterial. My apprentice reports problems with the magnetic lock. She says the manual clamps need to be disconnected, the power cut and let it drift long enough for the hauler to grab it. I want you to fix it," Siobhan declared coldly, looking unimpressed.

The engineer cleared her throat. "With all respect, my Lady, Lieutenant Tempest is not a trained engineer, and my people are working full capacity on several issues. If we divert personnel..."

"I dismiss your claims. Do as I say. Lieutenant Commander. Unless you want to be demoted to latrine duty."

The engineer suppressed a desire to say something scatological and seemed to restrain the urge to flinch. "Of Lady. We shall double our efforts."

"I hope so, Lieutenant Commander. The Goddess is not as forgiving as I am."


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Not long after, Tempest received a sheepish message from the Commander, stating that someone would be there to fix the problem very soon indeed! Tempest chuckled.
"Lady Kerrigan 'had a word' with the Commander?" the crewoman near Tempest asked.
"So it seems. She rarely has to do it twice."
"That's why I like it down here, ma'am. Avoids the trouble."
Tempest looked over at the woman. She was an Eldorai with a smear of oil on her cheek and overalls similarly stained. "What's your name?"
"Laina, ma'am."
"Well, come along with me. Let's check the others."
As the Liorre had an 800 metre connecting corridor between the front and rear where the cargo containers, moving rapidly between different areas was vitally important. Thus, two tracks ran down the corridor, and a monorail like car could shuttle crew from one end to the other in just a few seconds.

Tempest hailed the car, got in, and set off for the next module.

It was always good when you had good minions who fell in line and clicked their heels when the Lady came down to have a word. So now that things had been settled and the engineers were doing as they were told, Siobhan did not dally around but left the engine room so that she could return to the observation deck of the ship.

From the viewingport one could make out the countless stars. Likewise one would see that the engineers had done as they were told and were dealing with the problems involving the magnetic lock. So with that in mind she gave her loveable minion a call. Tempest was shaping up rather nicely and Siobhan was very proud of her. This writer is uncertain when this thread takes place in relation to the one where Galina learns about being a mage, but the the queen of storms would be the one Siobhan wanted to train her.

Once she got used to the idea of her daughter being a force-user in any case. "Had a chat with the engineers. They fell in line. What's your status?" Siobhan asked Tempest over comm whilst an aide brought a datapad containing a report on progress being made.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"I'm not surprised," Tempest replied wryly. "Everything's fine here. We're at Module 10...seems to be working. I was thinking we should have an emergency override code to force the trolley thing to go to a module instantly. Like, if there was a problem you wouldn't want to be waiting for the car to come."

They checked out Module 11 as well, as that was next in line. It seemed to be responding well.

Clearly there was a reason to keep Tempest around beyond her lightning powers and tight butt! Of course, those two things made her super as well. In any case Siobhan acknowledged the call and after some thought nodded, while sipping her Atrisian tea.

"Agreed. I'll pass it on to the eggheads. They'll find a reason to quibble, but who cares." There were people who always quibbled about things, but she was used to that sort of thing. After all, she had been Exarch once upon a time and, Goddess, there had been lots of quibbling because no matter what you did, people sulked.

"Module 11 checks out. Keep me posted."


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tempest acknowledged and they continued along. They came to one of the quad laser turrets, smack in the top-centre of the spine.
“Talk about wishful thinking,” Tempest said aloud.
“They give that turret to the junior gunner. They call it the ‘ghost post’.” The Eldorai frowned. “It sounds better in Eldarai.”
“Your people usually say everything does,” Tempest retorted dryly.

They continued on.
Finally they came to a new sort of module, a sealed gas one.
“So what’s the plan if that one gets hit if it’s carrying fuel?”
Laina gave her a look. “Hope the Goddess lets us in to paradise?” she said, straight faced.
Tempest laughed. “I like you. Ever thought about a job in the wonderful career of being a Firemane engineer?”
“Oh yes, ma’am, but it goes against my vow not to get noticed. It’s safer that way.”
“Ah well, if you change your mind….”
“No offence, ma’am, but I’d rather sit on 16,000 cubic metres of explosive gas than get into the game of thrones.”
“Sometimes I wish I could do the same….”

While Tempest and Laina, who sadly had refused the offer to join Firemane, were having a friendly chat and getting a good look at the Liorre's quad aser turrets, Siobhan was overseeing operations from the bridge. So far everything was proceeding well. As a matter of fact things were terribly mundane from her perspective and soon the freighter would be unloading all the materiel needed to set up the mining outpost. Putting her 'Ashira's Angels: Chosen of the Goddess' Edition aside, Siobhan looked at a datapad that contained technical details. Speaking of her magazine, Miss Kaeshana was extremely sexy, though Siobhan was certain that she had cheated by using ear extenders!

However, there was some actual work to do and so she focused on her paperwork. As freighters went the Liorre was rather standard and not particularly extraordinary. What was particularly important about it was its modularity. Through the twenty modules that could be connected to the eight hundred metre long spine, the Liorre could carry a significant amount of cargo, the exact nature of which varied. If all twenty modules were used it could transport up to 60, 000 passengers. Likewise it had about 320, 000 cubic metres of storage space between the aforementioned twenty modules. The modules could be detached from ship via hauler or on landing. Likewise it would carry substantial amounts of bulk cargo, liquids and even a limited number of vehicles, tanks or fighter craft, though it was not designed to land in a hot spot, though it would be useful to reinforce a distant outpost.

Each module was attached via magnetic and physical clamps. And thus haulers were now moving underneath and attaching to the module before it was released and flew off, delivering the supplies and construction materiels needed down on the ground of the asteroid. Siobhan watched this take place through the viewing port while she sipped her drink. Like most freighters, this ship was only lightly armed and armoured, hence why it would it need protection from escort ships. Still, worth the investment.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
This one wonders whether Siobhan’s writer is aware of the colloquial definition of ‘shipping’. If so, she would likely find the title amusing for its double meaning.

Regardless, the inspection continued until the end where they found that each of the modules except the aforesaid ten was working.
The engines at the rear were capable of a decent turn of speed if the ship was not heavily loaded. If it was though it would be as slow as a bantha and less agile than a dewback.

Tempest called for the tram car and got in beside Laina.
“Well, let’s head back to the bridge. Anything you want to add?” Tempest asked.
“Nothing ma’am except…you look very intimidating in that armour.”
Tempest had been Siobhan’s minion for too long not to make the automatic reply. “Then perhaps you better see me out of it!”
Laina’s eyes widened, then she laughed. “So the stories about you and the Countess are true? Conquerors of all they survey, on the battlefield and off it.”
“Something like that. Still, offer’s open to you…the job offer I mean. I guess the other one is too.”
Laina nodded. “I might someday take you up on one…or both.”
The tram headed off and soon they were back to rejoin Siobhan on the bridge.

This one is aware. The double entendre was intentional! Of course, this thread is completely kiddie-friendly. Nothing to see here, no kiddies were harmed. Speaking of kiddies, they should be in bed by now. At least where this one is living.

Regardless, Siobhan would be very proud to hear that her apprentice was picking up on some of her habits and on the lookout for new employees...bed partners for them. In any case, Siobhan would await the pair on the bridge, where nothing particularly exciting had happened. In contrast to Tempest, Siobhan's rather girly attire made her look the exact opposite of intimidating, though she carried herself with commanding air of a queen. Probably less graceful and refined than Anya, but that could not be helped.

"Work is proceeding as planned, looks like we have ourselves a shiny freighter. Construction of the mining outpost should begin as we speak." Siobhan spoke brightly as she approached both of them. "You look...very good in your beskar'gam, Tempest. Have I ever mentioned that, my warrior amazon? Suits you well." One imagines Firemane has no rules against fraternisation, given the fact that said rule would get violated every day anyway. She gave the Eldorai who had accompanied Tempest a one-over. Laina had a smear of oil on her cheek and similarly stained overalls. In Siobhan's opinion it looked very cute. Such a nice wench! "Crewwoman Laina, is it? I hear you've been an...asset. Nice work, both of you."


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Deer in the headlights didn’t begin to cover Laina’s expression. She looked away sheepishly. “Thank you, your worship,” she said meekly to Siobhan. Was it awe, fear or something else?
Tempest snorted. She wondered how long it was before ‘your worship’ become an official mode of address!

“Thank you, Siobhan. If there’s nothing else we’ll leave the crew to their work. They’ve got a job to do, and so do we.”

Siobhan grinned rather broadly. She rather liked 'your worship' as an official mode of address! "You're welcome, dear. Carry on," she said brightly, giving Laina a smile. "Come on, Tempest. You're right, we have some business to attend to." Business or 'business'? The question will probably not be answered.

And so, after giving Laina another amused look, she departed from the bridge, her heels click-clacking on the polished floor, with her loveable minion Tempest presumably in tow. And so the thread ended without any disaster occuring. You see, all the quantum tunnelling balrogs, vampyres and Celestials were already booked for the Apocalypse that'll happen soon.

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