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NAME: Shira Krytall
FACTION: None at the moment
RANK: Former Jedi knight
SPECIES: Pureblood sith (genetically enhanced)
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 55KG, much more with armor
EYES: Human, red
HAIR: Long, red/black ish
SKIN: Crimson red
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, due to the earlier occupation as Jedi knight, however most and foremost in the dark side, which led to her leaving the order. Her affinity to the dark side is likely due to her genetic heritage.
-Master of the dark arts:
Shira is a master of a few select dark side force abilities including the force lightning and the force choke for example, with the former being especially potent at short range and the latter strong enough to crush smaller vehicles and destroy smaller structures (with enough time and effort).
-Master of arms:
Shira is an undoubted master of the blade. While other jedi spent their time meditating and thinking about the true nature of the force, Shira trained in the way of the blade. Whit most, if not all onehanded melee weapons she is extremely proficient. Other weapons such as ranged weapons or dual-bladed ones benefit from her inherited abilities as well, however, her true mastery is in the lightsaber and its different forms and combat styles. Former she studied the combat style or the ancient sith lords and can utilize a combat style that is close to Exar kun's.
-Ancient beauty:
Shira carries a nearly unmatched beauty with her. Her skin has just the right tone, her eyes are deep and intense, the small "horns" above her eyes are cute and her face is perfectly symmetrical. Her body doesn't have to hide either, showing just the right amount of softness and muscles, which can be seen through thinner clothing pieces. Aside from that, her movements are done with great elegance.
Shira once was forced to repair her lightsaber in the middle of combat as she was under suppressing fire. As a result of this, she took great care in learning everything that was needed to repair weapons and mechanics.
-Front line Commander:
Shira has experience in front-line combat both in-vehicle combat as well as infantry combat. She is skilled in operating ground, air, and space-based assault vehicles as well as leading troops under her command.
-Fractured void:
Shira always has been strongly connected to the Force. This changed during the time she served. With soldiers, friends dying under her command, a hollowness found it's way in her body and mind, creating a weakness in the structure of the force, which in turn formed a void in her. A hollowness that not even new friendships or a change of pace could defeat as it truly became a part of her. While other people have no problem in recognizing her, as opposed to other voids, they can feel the hollowness, the emptiness and the hunger she is carrying around her. Even without knowing it, Shira is passively feeding off the force around her, be it from the surroundings entities or living creatures. Unbeknownst to her, her force drain is especially potent. While non-force users cant feel this effect, they can feel its consequences. Force-sensitive beings however can feel this almost momentarily.
-Innocent looks:
People often automatically assume that Shira is more a lover than a fighter. Not only does this bring more people to attack her, since they assume that she can't defend herself, but also this often attracts attention when she snaps and decides to defend herself or attack. Aside from that people often decide to chime in to help her in arguments or other situations.
- Calm before the storm:
Shira is laid back and relaxed most of the time, trying to avoid conflict until threatened (physically or verbally), or bothered over a long period of time. As soon as one of these conditions is met, and she finally snaps, she is a literal force of nature both in how she speaks and the effects her words have.
- Unassuming vigor:
If people know that Shira was in the Jedi order, they often mistake her skill for much lower than it actually is. This is both due to her style, as well as her behavior.
- Dark secret:
Shira has a dark secret that potentially can be found out if her mind is read or she gives it out.
-Shattered bonds:
The open talent in the dark side not only destroyed her reputation in the order of her "being close to the dark side), but also greatly hindered her progress in the force abilities of the light side. Things such as mind tricks require an awful amount of concentration, while abilities such as force healing are taking much more time and nearly always will be worse in their result.
-Just... awkward
While Shira is a prodigy in the art of combat, her social skills suffer greatly from this fact. After all, spending hours and hours bashing in on droids lets one hardly get experience in social interactions. Shira has problems stating what she wants unless in a combat situation, where the jedi knight in her takes over.
-Dark intends:
More often than not her beauty got Shira bothered or sometimes even attacked in different situations. Be it a padawan when a bunch of slavers tried to capture her to sell her into slavery, drunk people hitting on her and continuing even though their advances were denied, or even being ignored in political meetings and stamped as "Just here for the looks".
-Black thumb:
Shira's ability to kill any plant she has as soon as she merely touches it is not only scary but also debilitating. Funnily the plants only die when Shira tried to make them grow or works on them with good intentions.
-Commander down!:
Shira carries a painful scar on the left side of her stomach when her starfighter got hit by an anti-air missile once. While this doesn't debilitate her ability to fight efficiently, she effectively is dependent on painkillers and often grabs alcohol as well. Unfortunately, she has low tolerance to alcohol unless she focuses to detox her body with the force.
-Cracked mirror:
Shira's void gives her certain bonuses, however, they are mostly associated with the dark side. As Force-sensitive beings can see the fact she is so hollow, they can use this against her in a way of bringing it up during combat, possibly distracting Shira. Furthermore, she seems to have a weird aura that can be felt by any force-sensitive being, no matter how small. If someone is sensing and trying to find her, they don't find Shira herself, but rather the hole of nothingness she is carrying around with her.
Shira stands tall at 1.75 meters. Her skin is red, her hair naturally is red/black-ish and her eyes are red as well. She often wears black robes while in an enviroment where she feels somewhat safe. Otherwise, she often, if not always wears her armored armguards and leg guards. Aside from that she wears a rather tight chest and upper arm and leg armor underneath other clothing. Occasionally she wears heavy armor as well. Metallic ornaments fit fell together with her skin.
Skillrange (1=beginner,2=trained,3=experienced,4=mastered) | 1-4 |
Force lighting (all variations)(Red lightning)(extremely strong, yet not properly trained) | 4+ |
Force drain (all variations inclusing death field)(inherited talent, undiscovered)(extremely strong, not trained) | 4+ |
Force wound(-choke, rend, crush, etc..)(Trained and extremely strong) | 4+ |
Tutaminis (can block blasterbolts, energyblades and energy projectiles in her hand) | 3 |
Altus sopor | 2 |
Art of movement | 3 |
Force body | 1 |
Force vigor | 1 |
Battle precognition (ability to learn shatterpoint, but undiscovered) | 2 |
General force abilities (cleanse poison, self heal, etc….) | 3 |
LS styles | |
Jar'Kai | 4 |
Trakata | 1 |
Vapaad | 2 |
Niman | 3 |
Shien | 2 |
Ataru | 1 |
Soresu | 4 |
Makashi | 4 |
Shii Cho | 1 |
Additional skills: | |
Hand to hand | 3 |
Mechanics | 2 |
Weaponsmithing | 4 |
Tactics | 3 |
Piloting (starfighters) | 2 |
Weaponshandling (non lightsaber melee) | 3 |
Weaponshandling (ranged combat) | 3 |
Describe your character's backstory up to the point you started RPing him/her. Be sure to update this section as the role-play continues.
Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).
None, not planning to kill any PC
None yet
None yet
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