Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Shiro Shikon

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Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream

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Intent: Primary weapon of Akio Diachi
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Akio Diachi
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Cortosis
Description: The Shiro Shikon is hand-made Vibroblade by Akio. It is custom in certain cultures of assassins to hand-craft their primary weapon. Always one to keep with tradition and custom for honor, Akio did so. This occurred only after a chance meeting with Heol Wraith on the planet of Gallos. While the blade does exemplify itself in conditioning, hardening, and craftsmanship, it is uniquely made to fit Akio’s hands and needs. Others would find that this blade is challenging to use if not odd and cumbersome. In addition, it is very distinctive, making carrying this weapon in a concealed way virtually impossible. It is easy to find this weapon with a metal detector, meaning Akio cannot fly on public crafts with this on his person or in his possession. Several systems would consider this a restricted weapon due to its nature, making carrying it openly a felony. However, the material it is made of means that lightsabers generally short out when touching it.
Primary Source: N/A
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