Wesa new palos!

NAME: Shiro Tagachi De'Vol
FACTION: Mandolarians
RANK: Assassin/Hired Gun Aka Bounty Hunter
SPECIES: Korunnai
PLANET: Haruun Kal
AGE: 38
SEX: Male
EYES: Brown and change to Red at times
HAIR: Black long and Fine
SKIN: Tanish White and Scarred
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but does not accept it

(+) Hardened Like Steel: Shiros training and Years of Service as body guard has made his body Conditioned and Adaptive
(+) Warriors Cunning: Shrio is a Warrior and Acts like one, his Mind is always in Tactics & Strategy
(+) Hidden Power: Shiro is Naturally Gifted in the Force, but he does not Accept his Abilites
(+) Technosavy: Shiro has grown to like new Technology and Droids
(+/-) Swordsman: Shiro is Very skilled with Blades and favors them over any other Weapon
(+/-) Force Eater: Shiro feeds of the deaths of Force Users, this Strengthens him and Often Feeds his Hunger for Power
(+/-) Face of Deceit: Shiros Facial expressions make him a Hard man to Read and talk to
(-) Hungry For More: Shiro Desires Power and Craves for it, This was started when he refused to use Force abilities
(-) Back Stabber: Shiro Will betray anyone for his one Agenda to succeed
(-) Blood Lust: Shiro's Presence is one of Murder and Death

Shiro is a tall Kurannai Male of the age 45, though not in his Prime he still can kick &*$( in combat. Shiros face is Scarred deeply and he is quite ugly to look at. Most of the time he can be seen with his Red Ceremonial Dragon Suit on since its a heirloom and Armed with Dual Steel Blades. Shiro's hair is black and of a Fine straight quality, Its very long and ends past his Hip area. In fits of Rage or when Enjoying Combat too much Shiro's Eyes turn a Blood Red.
Ceremonial Dragon Suit

The Red Eyes

Past Beginnings
Shiro "Tagachi" De'Vol the Emperors Royal and Elite Guard on Huraan Kal. Shiro's upbringing was a Mystery for he was found as a young man of 18 battered and blood during War times and taken in by the Emperors Brother. Shiro was always strange and Quiet he was Different. He showed a Favor for traditional Durasteel Blades and Combat. Shiro's body quickly adapted to battle in the times of War, His body was Conditioned and his Mind was like Stone. Though one thing remained in Shiro's mind. Murder. Shiro was patronized and Glorified for his Cunning and Strength against their enemies. At age 24 he was made Royal guard for the Emperor and had the personal duty to protect him from any en-devour. With this Great Task Shiro was trained even further with his Swords and Hand-to-Hand combat. It was required to learn all the essentials in order to Protect the Emperor, little did anyone know that their Greatest hero was their Greatest Nemesis. Shiro Soon discovered his Force Potential and cast it aside refusing to use it in combat. Shiro viewed Force Users as Weak and unskilled even though he himself used Force Sense often. A hypocrite.
Age 35 Shiro was promoted to Elite Royal Guard and only answered the the Emperor himself. This made Shiro the youngest appointed Elite Royal Guard in Korunnai History. Age 45 Shiro was a Cold stone Blood hardened Combatant skilled and Aged with Conflict. He had been in Service to the Emperor for little over 16 years and was Respected to the point where the people would accept him to lead them and Shiro was an outsider, It went against the laws of their Government. But Shiro Denied the Offer and Ridiculed the People for not believing in their Current Emperor. It was Clear Shiro had his own Agenda.
Age 45 on a Gloomy Day near the Korunnai Palace Shiro's Agenda suddenly was drawn out. It was the Day of Ancients and of the hour to Pray to the gods. Only the Emperor, His Perosnal Guard and Priests could enter the Temple and Armies would stand guard out side the temple as a display of power. This Occured Every year, They would Enter the Temple and once at the Top room bow and meditate till dawn. At dawn the Priests would display their force sensitivity with the Emperor as a act to please the gods then depart. This was not new to Shiro at all, he had been through this for years but yet today was different. It felt the same and looked the same but was different. No one knows why Shiro Murdered the Emperor but its still a fact, Shiro murdered the Emperor. During Prayer and meditation Shiro opened his eyes starring at the Emperor few feet in front of him. The Emperor was in a bowing position and had his eyes closed and the Priests were the same, but lined up in threes on the right and left. Shiro slowly stood up and drew his Twin Dragon blades, The blades made little sound and no one suspected what came next. Shiro with a quick dash cut the Emperors throat.. and what came after was odd. Shiro stood over the Emperors body and Absorbed off his Force Presence as he died.

The Priests went into a panic at the sight of this and fled but Shiro Quickly lashed out in his bloodlust and managed to quickly slaughter five of them, The sixth had ran and blew on the Horn in a call of help. This horn was a panic button of sorts and would call the Armies from below. Shiro Quickly gutted the last Priest and sighed. Shiro quietly walked back to the center of the room and began to meditate again, for within minutes the Armies of Korunnai would come. The Armies had arrived and Shiro slowly stood up accepting the challenge and within 15 minutes 250 men were dead. Blood stained and cut all over Shiro stood their alive and enraged. Its notable this almost in-human act was done passively through the force, but Shiro didnt have time to think about that. Shiro was Weakened from the long combat and slowly walked to the exit when three distinct warriors stood in front of him. Two were men form different Warring Clans of the Korunnai and the other was a Female Jedi? Shiro heard rumors of a Jedi ambassador on the Planet but did not expect to see her. Shiro looked down and gripped his Blades taking a ready stance. First came the Warr-Clan Champions, Shiro quickly gave few slashes a cuts but their skills were similar to Shiro's and they did not take serious damage. With both Warr Champions on each side Shiro got ready again. A lunge came his way and Shiro Quickly parried and slammed his sword pummel into one of the Champions Temples. It bought Shiro some time, Another lunge at Shiro followed by a grab from the Champions off hand. Shiro Managed to avoid the sword lungle barely, watching the sword cut past his flesh lightly. Shiro was slowing down and needed a way out now. Tripping the Champion he started to walk toward the entrance and then suddenly stopped noticing something... The Jedi was gone!
Shiro looked around and got in a ready position, The Force was telling him to dodge but Shiro in his Arrogance did not intill the last minute. This resualted with his twin blades cut in half & broken and his right arm with a deep Lightsaber wound. Energy from Shiro's body sprouted in Red and Purple colors, Shiro knew he lost the battle but was ready to end with a bang.

The Force Energy Shiro absorbed from the Emperor was running out and Shiro knew he needed to flee. The two Champions recovered and took up arms to finish the Betrayer then suddenly Shiro released the stolen Force Energy violently, This repulsed all objects and people by Shiro and almost collapsed the Aged temple. With the Champions and Jedi out Cold Shiro ran to the Jungles of the Planet to escape and recover. Weak, wounded and Beaten in his mind Shiro made an escape of this and Vanished.

Shiro is Remembered as the Betrayer and Killer of the Emperor of Korunnai people. Its Rumored that Shiro Died Fighting, and that the Temple holds his spirit. Many Stories were told about Shiro over the years and he slowly became Legend almost. But in reality Shiro had escaped and started a new in the Galaxy. Planning and waiting for the right time to strike.
This is his story....
(( All Gifs were made by me from This Video ))

Atin Aruetii Beskar'gam - Major Protections
Darth Mauls Lightsaber - Fear is my ally!
Dragon & Deceit - Deadly
Warden Cloak - Lightsaber Resistance
Taozin Amulet - Masks Force Signature
DX-2 Distributor Pistol - No Disintegration!
SBR-24 Destruction Rifle - Beware!
Suicide Droid - Used on once per thread, due to how strong it is.
Annihilator Droid - Used when needed.
NFU Droid - Used when needed.
Dread Hounds - Six in total and are used often in RP
DRK-1 DarkEye Probe Droid - Eyes in the sky.
Force Related Stuff
Known Saber Styles
Form I

Form II

Form III

Form IV

Form V

Form VI

Form VII

(( Most of the Time Shiro will not use his Powers, But this does not mean Never ))