Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: 'Shiv'

FACTION: Wannabe Bounty Hunter

RANK: Partner to [member="Chips Dumbo"]

SPECIES: Wookiee

AGE: 154

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 7'6 ft.

WEIGHT: 306 lbs.

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Dark Brown

SKIN: Ever seen a shaved wookiee? Not many people have lived to tell the tale.



Tech Savvy: Shiv understands and is able to work with most forms of technology. Computers, star ship engines, blasters, etc. Not much lies outside of his understanding. Anything new that comes his way can be quickly understood after some time has been spent studying it. However, Shiv is unable to work on droids. Mainly due to personal reasons.

Wookiee Strength: Not many can physically match a wookiee in pure strength. Shiv is able to rip limbs from sockets, shatter bones with a well placed punch, or even strangle an enemy with a single hand.

Loyal: Shiv's respect is hard to earn, but once you've earned it you've got yourself a loyal companion for life. Shiv will gladly put his life down for his friends.

Heavy Weapons Expert: Shiv loves and enjoys any blaster or grenade that makes a big boom. Small handheld blaster pistols aren't made for his big hands. So Shiv will happily use weapons that are over sized for most races.

Language Barrier: Not many understand his language. Making communication nearly impossible without any form of translator. Or a notepad and pen.

Lumbering Oaf: Due to his size, Shiv isn't the most dexterous. He's also prone to knocking into anything and is known to be clumsy at times.

Fear of Fire: Nothing scares Shiv more then a raging fire. Or fire being used against him. He's prone to panic if the situation isn't under control.

Shiv appears to be a standard in appearance for a wookiee. Messy brown fur with more dreads then a sarlacc has teeth. Shiv wears a vest that holds all his tools. Resting snuggly in a sling over his shoulder is a T-21 blaster. Upon the wookiee's forehead are a pair of goggles.


T-21 Heavy Blaster / Collection of tools of various purpose / Heavy Plated Vest Armor / Vibro-blade

"The Aluminum Hawk," An Old Junker Version of a YT-2400 Pulsar that was won on a well placed bet on a skilled Pod-Racer by a friend, claiming the ship for the both of them to explore the Galaxy and find whatever pays they have. The Ship itself has been modified by both occupant. Made for Speed and Smuggling.

"You wanna help expand the list?"



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