Shmi Labooda
"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment."
FACTION: The Jedi Order
RANK: Jedi Master
POSITION: Jedi Recruiter, Jedi Councilor, Grand Master/Master of the Order, Headmistress of Telosian Academy
SPECIES: Chalactan
AGE: 31
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 128 Ibs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
[+] Enlightened - She has spent years building and honing her mind. From being a noted Adept of Chalacta, and Jedi scholar she has reached a level of mental and spiritual attainment. With her mental capacities strengthened she has unlocked knowledge into the workings of the mind, giving her the heightened ability to sense the thoughts and feelings of others, and a greater understanding of events and situations before they unfold.[+] Mental Conditioning - Acknowledging her studies with the Chalactan Adepts, her mental conditioning is surely unique. Bodying the Lesser Mark and Greater Mark of illumination, her spiritual training allowed for invulnerability to mental manipulations, illusion, and torture.
[-] Twisted Infatuation - Her deepest darkest secret would be her infatuation with crossing blades. Her biggest flaw is her sheer enjoyment of combat, given the nature of the darkside, this is a terrible trait for her to possess. Most times if and when she is drawn into combat, it requires her complete focus to control her killer instinct, and immense levels of aggression.
[-] Compassionate - While not a bad thing entirely, she is to a fault. From following the ways of the Adepts, and having the ability to understand others, she isn't one to be cautious to the point of reluctance. She looks for and often hopes to get the good from a person, and would forgive rather easily if there was a link between her and the person.
[-] Emotional Input - Her natural empathic abilities are innately powerful, this makes her highly sensitive to emotional input, especially when she is exposed to extreme darkness and turmoil. Being unconsciously able to attune her mind to all those around her, extreme emotions can sometimes become overwhelming. She can slowly erode and be taken over by them, acting on those emotions.
Control Force
- Force Enlightenment - Through prolonged study and contemplation on the Force she developed a passive ability to intuit spiritual truths and principles. She can sense the presence of danger, and intuitively understand whats going to happen in a situation and how to deal with it. She can also supplement her own abilities due to a deep and personal understanding of them, taking the abilities she does know and using them to their highest degree.
- Force Augmentation - Like many other Force adepts, she can use the Force to enhance the physical capabilities of her body. She can leap greater distances, run at greater speeds, and move her body with heightened dexterity.
Sense Force
- Force Sense - While being one of the most basic applications of the Force, years of honing her mind saw her natural aptitude for this ability to increase drastically. Her ability to feel other beings feelings, thoughts, the future, ripples in the Force, impending danger, and the darkside itself are exceptional.
Telepathy - She has the basic ability to mentally communicate over small, or vast distances with other individuals. Her mind has evolved to be able to read, and sense the thoughts of other beings. She is skilled in isolating her own brainwaves, sensing the general mindset of others, and intercepting stray thoughts.
Thought shield - Her training as an Adept taught her how to mask her mind, in order to keep her thoughts, and emotions from mental intrusions. This concentration is second nature to her.
[*]Force Empathy - She is a natural empath, and due to her mental conditioning, her ability to sense the feelings of those around her, is drastically amplified. She can interpret and understand the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others which helps her understand introverts, and know when certain emotions are shrouding others.
[*]Farsight - She has the ability to gain vague impressions of events happening in other places or times by focusing on strong imagery and emotions. Her ability to see possible futures are such that she is capable of detecting when friends are in danger, examining details of past events, and predicting the probable outcome of a stated course of actions. She is also able to apply this in battle allowing her to glimpse moves that an opponent may make, as well as outside forces that might affect the battle.
Alter Force
- Telekinesis - Like most Force-sensitives she possessed the neutral ability to manipulate physical objects with her mind, and creating/controlling physical impulses and forces, such as pressure, friction, and kinetic energy. She uses it for a tremendous number of applications, whether its combative, utilitarian or a combination of both.
- Force Channel - She has knowledge of the first Force form, embodying the standard meditation techniques learned over the course of her Jedi career, learning to use the meditative battle stance to provide a modest boost to her connection of the Force enhancing the effectiveness of her abilities; usually used as an alternative to lightsaber combat.

Lightsaber Skills
- Though her training was done unorthodoxly, since the beginning she distinguished herself as a promising Jedi prospect being extremely capable in her martial skill. Her highly developed lightsaber technique, and higher state of mind proved to her Master that she was able to learn the dangerous and complicated move sets of Form VII. This would mean she was proficient in several other lightsaber forms, such as Forms I and IV, and the deadly lightsaber technique Trakata. She combined the philosophies of Ataru, using the entire body as a weapon, with the wild, raw, and unpredictable tactics of Shii-Cho to create a hybrid form to serve as a base for her induction into Form VII. Despite her passive approach, she is a lethal fighter; Her use of Vaapad allows her to open up the gates that hold back all her inner darkness. She couples the erratic and astonishingly fast bladework of Vaapad with the deadly, and unpredictable techniques of Trakata to create a weave of lethality.
Shmi was born on Chalacta, in the major city of Jordir. She was born to a woman, who had recently brought her freedom, but had sucumb to illness not too long after. Shmi had been raised by relatives, though they sought another home and persisted with their plan to fly the stars in search of another place to lay roots. Before the family could muster up enough credits to afford transport off planet, Labooda was discovered to have been Force Sensitive by the Jedi watchman of the Kastolar Sector. the knowledge of Shmi's midi-chlorian count had evaded the division for years, and by time she was found suitable for training, she was already much older than the average youngling. However, she was taken in and brought under the tutelage of the Jedi watchman himself; Yudrish Gil.Under Yudrishs' tutelage, she had done most of her training away from the main branch of the Jedi Order, being trained strictly in the Kastor Sector. She had been brought up to respect and understand the Jedi Code just like any other initiate. She suffered from traumatic headaches, due to her natural aptitude for empathy. When she was exposed to extreme cases of emotions she would mentally shut down. The uneasiness she experienced worried her master as he thought her training in isolation would hamper her ability to grow, and come to control her empathic abilities, nevertheless he continued to train her the way he did so that he could continue with his assigned duties as well. Much of her training had been hands on, accompanying her Master aiding him on assignment. However her training under Yudrish wouldn't persist for the duration of her training, in the end he was killed in action.
She was transported to the Jedi Academy on Ossuss to continue her training, and it was there she was apprenticed to the very brusque, stern, and suspicious Battlemaster Malak Branka. It was under him that she first started developing her lightsaber skills, although being more scholarly at heart. As she learned under him she developed skills in numerous lightsaber forms, trusting the maturity and mental strength of his padawan to contain the fierce passion she brought to the table.During these years, Shmi had participated in numerous small scale skirmishes alongside her Master, one of the most notable was the Battle of Oroaturoo. With the Sith Empire in ruins, Shmi and Branka had been assigned to drive out the remnants that were staging raids on the Galactic Republics Borders. Wanting to avoid a land battle, they successfully snuck their venator class star destroyer past the scattered fleets by exiting hyperspace between the planet and the opposing fleet itself. Shmi was apart of the Yellow Squadron, under the command of Branka. Although they suffered major losses, the Republic won the battle, but some of the remnant were able to escape. She received recognition for her bravery and intellect during the ensuing conflict, and even learned that she hated flying, and she would get sick after a while, a topic most of her associates would poke fun at. Not too long after she would be dispatched again, as the Republic was now turning its sight on the Fringe. Her Master, along side so many other Jedi felt the Invasion of O'reen was an unnecessary bout, that could've been avoided, and was only drawn upon by extremist ideals. She nevertheless participated in the open battle against the warriors of the fringe. While Branka coordinated Forces from base, she was dispatched with Jedi Master Sochi Ru, a renown Togruta who she briefly trained under during her time at the academy. She could sense the displeasure in the air, as she too began to question her reasoning for being there. however, she persisted with her duty. She fought valiantly, having even been acknowledged for her prowess by Ru and Rasu Gan. However the Republic Forces were overrun and a retreat was called not too long after Jedi began to retreat from the lines due to conflicting beliefs.
Then marked the beginning of another great Jedi Schism, causing differing ideals to sweep the Jedi Order, and conflicting beliefs caused hundreds of Jedi to withdraw from the Order entirely.
Due to her accomplishment in O'reen, and Oroaturoo, It had been acknowledge by her Master and the High Council that she had completed her training and was to be promoted to Jedi Knight. This couldn't have come at a greater time especially with numerous Jedi gone, and an immense number of younglings that needed guidance; the Jedi needed abled body Knights to bring balance to the Order. Upon reaching Knighthood, Labooda wanted to tame and control her lust for combat, something she herself frowned upon, thus she chose to follow the path of the Consular, choosing to harness the powers of her mind, and hone it into a weapon. She joined the acquisition division, taking up the role of a Jedi Recruiter.
She worked with the Republic to seek out and recruit infants, and Jedi hopefuls who showed potential. Having become even more interested in her heritage, she sought to fully become a member of the Chalactan Adepts. She travelled back to her homeworld to study at the Temple of illumination. There she learned techniques that allowed her to attune her mind to the minds and personalities of her peers. She decorated the bridge of her nose with the traditional Chalactan Greater Mark of Illumination, placing it above the Lesser Mark. With these jewels, it stood as a testament to her spirituality and a sign of respect of her roots; being considered one of the most Enlightened Jedi of her time
During her time back at the Temple from the Convocation of Adepts, she would experienced a vision of the return of the Sith under a new banner. However, she and her contemporaries were too late to realize the extent of the situation. The One Sith, accompanied by the Yuuzan Vong attacked Coruscant; focusing on the Jedi Temple. The Republic immediately launched a counter attack on the One Sith invaders, with the help of its new allies. She took up arms against the One Sith defending the Jedi Temple and the younglings stationed there with her. Ultimately, Coruscant was lost to the One Sith, and evacuation was initiated. She went to Anaxes alongside the others.
After years of being known for her powers of enlightenment, her bravery, and loyalty, Labooda was promoted to Jedi Master, without even successfully training a padawan to knighthood. She had been spending time working with the High Council in finding ways in which they could expand their training program to reach hopefuls through the galaxy, but she had been plagued by visions and felt she needed to do something about the new Sith threat. With the Jedi split still, She quietly withdrew from the mainline order with hopes that the different sects would rejoin. She later began work with the Jedi Academy networks. Months later she was asked to sit on the Jedi Council as the war raged and the Republic were being pushed back. Taking up the position, she was in the majority who felt the Jedi should operate independently from the Political world of the Republic, and thus split so they may regroup.