Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shock Value (Khan Ra)

In Sage’s opinion, Myrkr, the Inner Rim forestal planet that was home to creatures such as the canine Vornskr and the shape-shifting Neti, was the perfect place to learn a gift such as Force lighting. There was one particular stretch of woods on the planet that was rumored to be a Force nexus, an anomalous spot where Force energy was stronger than usual. It was said that practitioners could train for hours as they connected to the eternal well of the dark side. Reaction times would be faster and strength would be enhanced. The woods in question was also ran rampant with carnivorous aliens, so it definitely wasn't for the feint of heart.

Sage hoped that his Sith trainer Khan Ra wouldn't mind meeting him at the edge of the woods in question for their lessons. After all, Khan Ra was a Felacatian. His species had hyper-fast reflexes as well as durasteel claws that could cut through even the toughest hide. Khan Ra would be fine. As Sage heard the distant howls of some type of hound and the loud footfalls of what seemed to be a very large quadruped, he was beginning to feel as if he himself would be not fine. Thanks to the One Sith, Sage was becoming more powerful in his skills, but he was still only near-human. Against a pack of rabid Vornskrs, he could easily end up as a mid afternoon snack.

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan walked carefully through a field of tall grass that met the edge of the forest where he was to meet [member="Sage Bane"]. This would be the first time he had taught an Acolyte... something important for the survival of the One Sith, he was sure. Thought he never understood it. Why train others who may eventually surpass you? Betray you? Take the power that could have been yours? However, it was what was expected of him. And so here he was.

The Felactian soon was within sight of the Acolyte he was training; a near human seemingly similerly built to himself. Interesting. And an interesting spot was chosen for training, as well: a minor Force Nexus. Fitting. Perhaps an excuse for being on a planet owned by enemies; the Mandalorians. No matter. As long as they weren't discovered, there would be no problem. And if they were, well... The force trumps fancy armor.

Khan finally steped within speaking range of Sage, stepping out of the hip-length grass and onto the shorter greener grass that bordered the edge of the forest. "Sage Bane?"
The physical appearance of his trainer was unexpected. The humanoid, with his inky black hair and short golden fur, was younger and scrawnier than Sage had pictured. This was the fierce Khan Ra he had heard about? The creature who fought bravely on the front lines of the battle of Kashyyyk? The one who was said to be able to rip a man in half with his glimmering claws? He seemed to be just a boy. Perhaps the Felactian matured faster than humans and near-humans? Sage was unfamiliar with the species so he wasn’t quite sure.

“Yes, I’m Sage. You’re Khan Ra, I presume?” Sage’s voice had an edge of incredulousness to it. Out of respect for the more powerful Sith Knight, he added a deferential bow, hands folded together. Sage was learning to temper his once ever-present sarcasm around his superiors. Especially ones that knew how to wield lightning powers.

“I appreciate you taking the time to teach me, My Lord.”

“I believe the nexus is this way.” He hooked his thumb in the direction of the adjacent dense forest. “I have sensed the area for any presence of the Jedi.” His shoulders lifted in a shrug. “Thankfully, I have yet felt any signs that we’ll have unwelcome guests during the lesson.”

Sage was intensely curious about the effect that the Force nexus would have on their powers. Although the Acolyte was chomping at the bit to enter the forest, he thought it would be best to let his teacher lead the way.

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan smiled at the skepticism in the boy's voice before nodding. Did he not look the part? Hm. He supposed he was somewhat younger the most of the Knights... All the better, though. To be underestimated is to be given an advantage. Khan gave another nod in return to [member="Sage Bane"]'s bow, taking note of the respect he was shown. He was beginning to like this one.

The Felactian looked over into the forest where Sage had pointed, extending his senses out a bit to confirm what the Acolyte was saying. He couldn't sense anyone nearby. Nor did he sense any absences of the force that might mean Ysalamirs, which would disrupt their training. "Very well." With that, Khan stepped into the woods, eager to see the Force Nexus they were traveling to.
The Felactian, even in his humanoid form, moved through the woods as expected, just like a graceful feline. Sage dutifully followed his trainer, trying not to smack himself on the low hanging branches that were tangled in their path. As the two Sith moved deeper into the forest and closer to the supposed Force nexus, the thrum of dark-sided power could be felt almost instantaneously. At first it was only a twinge, and then a vigorous tremor. They hadn’t even reached the eye of the nexus yet and already, Sage’s body felt as if every cell in his being was overfilled with power.

Training in a Force nexus could prove to be either one of Sage’s very clever ideas or one of his more idiotic ones. It was said that the power the Force nexus imbued in organic beings, allowed them to learn faster. It would also make Khan Ra’s Force lightning power much more lethal, so both teacher and student had to approach today’s training with the utmost care.

A few howling rasps swooped overhead, their beaks crying out with annoyance at the intruders in their home. A slate-skinned slitherette side-winded across the ground under their feet. Other than that, the forest felt oddly empty. Perhaps many of the smaller forest creatures' fragile bodies simply couldn't bear the power that emanated from the nexus.

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan smiled as they got closer to the Force Nexus. He coudl feel it's power from far off. It practically made the air vibrate with power, the way an electrical generator might. He was looking forward to getting closer to it. And, by extension, teaching [member="Sage Bane"] what he himself had only been taught recently by Arcanix. He hadn't yet tested it out on another sentient... Animals, sure. But this would be a first. It was even more entertaining since he doubted Sage knew what was coming.

As they got closer to the Nexus, a thought occured to him. Wasn't this planet inhabited by Vornskrs? Who hunted through the force? Wouldn't they be attracted to a Nexus like moths to a flame? It wans't unlikely that they'd be ambushed at some point. Hm.Not that they would be much trouble. Ecspecially at a Force Nexus.

Eventually the two stepped into a clearing, where the trees began to look old and diseased, where nothing could be heard other then the beating of their hearts and their footsteps in the leaves. Even the annoyed caws of the birds were gone. The Force let it's energy be felt in the air, almost like a solid thing. The Darkside was strong here.

"We've arrived."
It was said that if one left a weapon to sit and marinate in a Force nexus, then eventually, that weapon would be permanently imbued with the Force. Now that the two men were standing in the strongest part of the nexus, Sage could understand why. The clearing that he and Khan Ra entered was deathly quiet, as if all life had been extinguished eons ago. Silent except for a constant humming. Perhaps it was a trick of his imagination, but Sage could swear that the ground itself was breathing, as if it were heaving with the power of the Force. The dark side was everywhere, and he felt incredibly connected to it, as if he and the forest, and even the Felacatian Knight were all one organic being.

“It’s intoxicating, isn’t it?,” Sage asked, his eyes wide and his hands spread, relishing the nexus' exuberance.

The tiny hairs on Khan Ra’s body stood up on end, bristling with the Force. It made the Acolyte anxious all of a sudden. Force knew what kinds of things the nexus would do to them once they started their training session. It wasn’t just the nexus’ effect on their powers that worried Sage. It was the event that the overabundance of energy would somehow spurn a transformation in Khan Ra, bringing out the feral beast in him. It was too late to turn back, however. for the Force nexus called to him like a siren's song, urging him to begin.

“I’m ready when you are, Master Ra.” said Sage.

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan was quiet for a few moments after [member="Sage Bane"] spoke, feeling the Darkside as it swam around them. He had never been in a Nexus such as this before. It was... amazing. He could feel the Force calling out to him, surrounding him. It took a minute for Khan to remember why he was here. To teach the Acolyte.

He had a feeling that it would be much easier to conjure lightning here then it had been before... The Felactian smiled, before turning back to Sage. He looked forward to using the power the Nexus would give him... to summoning the Force, to use it against the Acolyte... But he couldn't kill him. That would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it? He only had to have him feel it's effects, so he could learn it himself... A small shock would do.

Khan smiled as Sage announced that he was ready, and gave a nod. A moment later, Sage could feel the Darkside surge aruond Khan. It had come so easily... the force practically poured itself into him in this place. Before he had to concentrate for much too long to somply form sparks, and even longer to produce lightning... Now it was coming easy, here. The Darkside manifested in the Felactian's arms, suddenly spreading the scent of burned fur in the clearing. If he hadn't already, that's probably when Sage realized what was about to happen.

Then the Knight raised both arms, sparks appearing from his fingers for a split second before turning into arcs of white electrictiy, like a pilot light starting a blaze. However, whether it was because Khan could not control the power of the Nexus, or because he simply didn't want to, this was not a small shock...

(Sorry... :p Not enough to shut off your heart or anything, though. Just... to hurt. A lot.)
The smell of burning cat assaulted his nostrils, and sparks began to gather around the Felactian’s clawed fingertips. Khan Ra's eyes gleamed with a ferocity that Sage wouldn't want to have to stare down on the battlefield, and the humanoid's tail wagged like a cat with a bird in its sights. Kark, here it comes. Sage, a former slave, was no stranger to the feeling of being electrocuted. Devices like stun bolts, electro-whips, a stun collar, even a cattle prod had all become so familiar during his captivity, that he was practically desensitized to their sting. Those pains were gnat bites compared to the agony that Sage felt when he was enveloped in Khan Ra’s field of Force electricity. The burning current seared along his veins, surging into his body so fiercely, his skeleton could be seen through his skin.

Sage howled like an animal as the Force lightning coursed through him and once it subsided, he lay on the forest floor, his fingers twitching uncontrollably. His brain felt like it had force reset itself, his vision blurry. Additionally two questions lingered in his fuzzy mind.

What was he thinking, stupidly suggesting that they both come to a Force nexus for this lesson? And was Khan Ra trying to kill him?

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan smiled as he finally lowered his hands, stopping the tendrils of lightning that had been assaulting the Acolyte. His hands were burned and bare, the tips of his fingers blackened, but he didn't care. He felt fantastic. He was exghausted, sure- of course he would be after using a ability he only barley used, ecspecially one as strong as Lightning. But the Nexus was already restoring his stamina. The Darkside surged around him, urging him to use it again, it's power humming in the air even louder now after the discharge of Darkside energy. However, shocking [member="Sage Bane"] again would likely kill him... Though he cared little if he did, that was not why he was here.

The Knight stepped over Sage, staring down at him while he looked around woozily. Had he fried something? "Stand up." He spoke as if he was talking about something as simple as breathing, rather then something as unrealistic as suddenly growing wings and flying to Tatooine.
“Stand up,” growled the feline humanoid, his sharp canines gleaming. As if Sage had a choice in the matter. The last thing the Acolyte wanted was the humiliation of being hauled to his feet by his teacher, so even though every cell in his body felt like it was trying to rearrange itself, Sage managed to rally. Groaning, he planted his hands firmly on the ground and slowly hoisted himself up, steadying himself on a nearby dead tree. A burning smell suddenly offended his nose, and Sage realized that it was his own hair, which had been singed on the ends.

He faced his teacher with as much composure as he could muster, but there was an obvious flinch in his posture, as if he were bracing for another current.

“How...” he stammered, unable to finish a sentence for a moment, his synapses still misfiring. He shook his head and stared at Khan Ra with a quizzical expression, well, two Khan Ras given his double vision. Finally he spit out a complete sentence.

“How does one block against an attack such as that?”

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan gave a pleased sort of grin as he saw the Acolyte flinch. He was tempted to shock him again, now that he was standing... No, that would leave him to weak to train. This whole trip would be pointless. The Knight gave a short of shrug as he asked his question. "A shield. Tutaminis, perhaps. Questions for another time." In truth- it was unlikely Khan could defend against the power himself... His strategy would likely be get behind cover as soon as possible. Before dying.

When Khan spoke again it was a tone that said 'now you better not fail at this'. "You've felt Ligthning now. You know what it does, how it feels... Now summon it." He spoke as if he was asking him to do the easiest thing in the world, even though it was far from easy, even for Khan. "The Darkside is strong here. Use it."

(Sorry for the late reply and short post, Easter 'n all)
[member="Sage Bane"]
The Felacatian seemed almost gleeful about leaving Sage in a twisted, writhing heap on the ground, trying to remember his own name. But that was no surprise. Powers that could inflict stratsopheric amounts of pain, like Force lightning, were attractive to the most sadistic of the Sith. What did that say about Sage's psychology? Questions for another time indeed.

Instead of shocking him again, his teacher commanded Sage to summon the lightning himself, and to use the Force nexus to help him. He closed his eyes and focused on calling thick swells of the dark side into his body. He recalled how Khan Ra's lightning felt as it coursed into his body, and how every cell reeled from the aftershocks. As he envisioned it, tiny blue sparks leapt from his fingertips. Holding out his hands in front of his face, he watched the current flow through and around his fingers, growing stronger with every breath.

A vicious gleam appeared in Sage's eyes. He turned towards his teacher and thrust out his hands, striking Khan Ra with the blue electric current. It wasn't a powerful one of course, but it might marginally sting the humanoid. Khan had not specifically asked him to shoot the electricity at him, but Sage had a foolish tendency to get carried away sometimes.

No worries! Take your time if you need to :)

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