Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shoden Moz - "Minister of Mischief"

Shoden Moz

Lady Mischief of Nordel
Shoden Moz-Excron



NAME: Shoden Moz-Excron

FACTION: Commenor

RANK: Minister's Daughter / Special Operator


AGE GROUP: Young Adult

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5' 0"


EYES: Grey


SKIN: Fair



+ Capable at self defense: Due to her adoptive Father, and her time growing up alone, Shoden is a capable person when it comes to self defense.
+ Resourceful: Similarly, she's developed an ability to be self reliant.
+ Kind Spirited: For the most part, Shoden is rather kind to people, an endearing trait in the galaxy.

- Handicap: Shoden's left hand has been missing for as long as she can remember. Further, she refuses to get a replacement, saying "it's been like this so long why bother? It would throw me off."
- Mischievous: Kind spirit or no, Shoden loves to cause harmless mischief when she can. While she does her best not to cause too many damaging problems, this can get her into very bad situations.


Appearing rather typical for a young girl of her age, Shoden prefers to keep her hair shoulder length or shorter, to make grooming it easier. Despite this, her frequency to leave her home to explore often means it ends up a tangled, rough mess, often giving her something of a slightly wilder look despite the grin likely plastered to her face. She tends to wear lighter clothing alongside good boots, so she can stay outside longer and remain comfortable, and often has spots of dirt on her skin or clothes because of this.

For as long as she can remember, Shoden has lived at the orphanage, being passed over for more cute, younger kids by prospective parents. It wasn't really fair, it's just how it was. The girl didn't voice her disappointment, of course, instead preferring to enjoy her time best she could. Naturally this meant mischief, and adventures, much to her caretaker's endless frustration when trying to keep her in line. Especially when she began to skip out on attending any meetings with possible parents, simply having come to believe that they'd inevitably get a younger child if possible. Of course, when it came time for one [member="Darlyn Excron"] to talk to her, the man couldn't help but become amused with the girl's antics.

See, he tried to meet with her several times, and always she would sneak off before hand, even when the caretaker did her best to keep track. Eventually, truly growing curious at the girl's behavior, and somewhat for her safety as a 'public servant', he went out to look for her. He found her sitting in a tree, carefree, having climbed herself despite her obvious handicap. And the rest, as one says, is history. Though she doesn't fully trust her new father, she is old enough to recognize the effort he's putting in after all, and does try her best to get along.

Despite now causing mischief on a royal level. Which, as she puts it, is endlessly entertaining.


Family Blaster





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