Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shopping spree?

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One may be wondering why is it that Hosnian Prime had difficulty closing a deal with Star Tours ICly for opening a route there so that they could deliver freight and passengers (some of which will be One Sith refugees) on a regular basis.

Hosnian Prime is in the same hex as Chandrila; the One Sith acknowledged that Core World as not being their property. Technically the Hosnian system is outside the GR's cloud of influence but, in practice, Hosnian Prime is a GR world in all but de jure control.

Plus the Fifth Avenue is the main stop on Hosnian Prime for all things shopping-related, with selections even rivalling those available on dark-sided Coruscant. For all the fashionistas or the more vain Republican characters, this is your chance to return loaded with all the goods you could possibly want. Is anyone up for a shopping spree? Or anyone willing to broker a deal with Star Tours for the Republic regarding Hosnian Prime or delivery of relief supplies to Republican-held worlds?
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