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Approved NPC Shoretrooper Armor Platoon

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Army Logistics Officer




  • :: Unit Name :: Shoretrooper Armor Platoon, Coastal Defense Stormtrooper Armor Platoon
  • :: Affiliation :: Thea Thea : New Imperial Order
  • :: Classification :: Specialized Armor: Tropic Warfare Unit
  • :: Description ::
    With their unique variant of lighter and tan-colored Stormtrooper armor, Shoretroopers are a rarity in the galaxy due to the limited number of tropical environments, especially those with tactical significance to the New Imperial Order. Yet the uniquely unforgiving and complex parameters of such environments deemed the need to gather some of the most promising recruits and best veterans. Shoretrooper Armor Platoons are primarily configured for defending garrisons or breaking through fortified installations.​
  • :: Combat Function ::
    : Mobile Armor Doctrine : Specifically made to support flexible battle-lines and defensive positions, each armor section within a platoon has a high level of autonomy and operational freedom. Emphasizing mobility and the ability to quickly reposition over more traditional, static armor elements and tactics, each armor section can independently act with insurgency and guerrilla warfare protocols. Maximizing terrain advantages with flexible deployment strategies allow each Shoretrooper Armor Platoon to adaptively support the most critical allied positions and lethally strike at the enemy's weakest points.
    : Operational Scope : Specifically trained and equipped for hot, humid and wet environments, ranging from tropical jungles, swamps to beaches. Due to the partially aquatic nature of potential battle grounds, all Shoretroopers are trained in marine-tactics as well as aquatic-based warfare. This extends to each and every Shoretrooper being able to pilot a versatile range of aquatic, land, and starship vessels.
    : Self-Sufficiency : Equipped with an expanded support elements and support personnel, with specific training in hostile environment survival. Each platoon is expected to be able to operate and survive independently without additional logistics or supplies. Scavenging and efficiently utilizing resources is second-nature to every Shoretrooper.
  • :: Tropical Warfare Specialists ::
    Equipment, survival training, advanced tactics, and experience operating within tropical environments have made Shoretroopers extremely efficient and effective in their natural habitats.​
  • :: Flexible Movement ::
    Shoretrooper Armor Platoons can easily navigate the complex and often uneven terrain common to tropical environments by primarily utilizing walkers and multi-wheeled vehicles.​
  • :: Lightning Strikes ::
    Relying upon more mobile assault walkers and armor elements to provide extremely effective infantry support, Shoretrooper Heavy Armor Platoons are made to quickly overwhelm enemy positions.​
  • :: Only the Tropics ::
    While they retain their combat experience as highly trained soldiers and veterans, the specialized training and equipment of Shoretroopers have little benefit outside of tropical areas.​
  • :: Weak Against Heavy Armor ::
    Both Shoretrooper Armor Platoons lack dedicated anti-armor elements. The Shoretrooper Heavy Armor Platoon is primarily configured with medium armor elements and has less heavy armor elements than the norm.​

The Shoretrooper Armor Platoon is the smallest operational unit of Shoretroopers. Formally organized and formed by Thea Thea , Shoretroopers were created to address the New Imperial Order's inability to effectively secure or assault tropically-located positions. Due to the highly specialized nature of Shoretroopers, they are limited in number and have most notably been assigned to the top secret Imperial compound on Scarif.


While AT-ACTs are meant to be used as logistical vehicles for Heavy Armor Platoons, they can provide effective infantry support. Their taller nature over their AT-ATx counterparts make their legs more vulnerable to anti-vehicular weapons and thus, fare poorly against actual armor units. This was demonstrated on Scarif, in which AT-ACTs were used effectively in the first engagement against rebel infantry but quickly were neutralized with air-to-ground support by X-Wings and U-Wings.
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Thea Thea

I just want to walk through your permissions because from some of them I cannot tell that you personally have permission to use them.

Here are the ones I need clarification on and the reasons why:

REC-TT/01 "Pernach" - Class Turbo Tank -- does not appear on the requisition list you linked
REC-ACS/01 “Batillum” - Pattern Entrenching Tool -- does not appear on the requisition list you linked
Revealer -- None of the caps show permission to use resources from Coronodex arms or Zeph Halo. This link to the company is also broken so I have no way of checking to see if any such permission has been edited into the company page itself.

A note on your permissions: since the majority of them are for the NIO and not you personally if this unit ever ceases to be part of the NIO it will invalidate those permissions. You may want to reach out to the original writers to get permission for these items personally as opposed to using a blanket faction permission.
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