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Approved NPC Shoretrooper Light Platoon

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Army Logistics Officer




  • :: Unit Name :: Shoretrooper Light Platoon, Coastal Defense Stormtrooper Light Platoon
  • :: Affiliation :: Thea Thea : New Imperial Order
  • :: Classification :: Specialized Light Infantry: Tropic Warfare Unit
  • :: Description ::
    With their unique variant of lighter and tan-colored Stormtrooper armor, Shoretroopers are a rarity in the galaxy due to the limited number of tropical environments, especially those with tactical significance to the New Imperial Order. Yet the uniquely unforgiving and complex parameters of such environments deemed the need to gather some of the most promising recruits and best veterans. Relying on highly unconventional warfare tactics, Shoretroopers operate on squad-level tactics and strategies, focusing on flexible, highly coordinated, and adaptive battlefield tactics that weave into a complex and coordinated assault or defense. Each squad is given a high level of operating autonomy and led by highly skilled and experienced NCOs: their highly effective combat leadership is battle proven, with individual Shoretroopers delegated command over other Stormtroopers.​
  • :: Combat Function ::
    : Tactics : Highly autonomous, squad-level operations coordinated on an organizational level. Operational decisions are made by the squad leader and each squad can independently act with insurgency and guerrilla warfare protocols. Each squad is also extremely mobile, often used as patrol or reconnaissance units.
    : Operational Scope : Specifically trained and equipped for hot, humid and wet environments, ranging from tropical jungles, swamps to beaches. Due to the partially aquatic nature of potential battle grounds, all Shoretroopers are trained in marine tactics as well as aquatic-based warfare.
    : Self-Sufficiency : Equipped with expanded support elements and support personnel, with specific training in hostile environment survival. Each platoon is expected to be able to operate and survive independently without additional logistics or supplies. Scavenging and efficiently utilizing resources is second-nature to every Shoretrooper.
  • :: Tropical Warfare Specialists ::
    Equipment, survival training, advanced tactics, and experience operating within tropical environments have made Shoretroopers extremely efficient and effective in their natural habitats.​
  • :: Strong Leadership and Tactical Expertise ::
    Due to their highly self-sufficient and autonomous nature in the field, as well as the high reliance on the tactical and leadership abilities of their NCOs, all Shoretroopers are excellent squad leaders and commanders.​
  • :: Lightning Strikes ::
    The lighter armor of Shoretroopers allows them to be quicker than their bulkier Stormtrooper counterparts. They leverage this high mobility to create a fast-pace tempo to their operations, overwhelming the weak points of their opponents with devastatingly precise accuracy and speed.​
  • :: Only the Tropics ::
    While they retain their combat experience as highly trained soldiers and veterans, the specialized training and equipment of Shoretroopers have little benefit outside of tropical areas.​
  • :: Light Armor ::
    Similar to scout troopers, Shoretroopers have limited leg armor for increased flexibility and speed. In addition, their armor is weak to corrosive chemicals in exchange for improved ventilation and water resistance.​
The Shoretrooper Light Platoon is the smallest operational unit of Shoretroopers. Formally organized and formed by Thea Thea , Shoretroopers were created to address the New Imperial Order's inability to effectively secure or assault tropically-located positions. Due to the highly specialized nature of Shoretroopers, they are limited in number and have most notably been assigned to the top secret Imperial compound on Scarif. Other than Scarif, Shoretroopers also continued to exist after the fall of the First Galactic Empire and most notably defended a secret mining facility on Morak.


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Thea Thea

As per this staff announcement, Codex and Factory are both closed till the 7th of January. I will be moving your submission into pre codex where if necessary you can continue to work on it. On the 7th of January please tag myself Allyson Locke Allyson Locke to have your submission moved.

Until then no live judging will happen until the codex & factory opens in January. Please refrain from further posting within the live judgement areas until then.

Thea Thea

Taking a quick look at this submission and there are two things I need you to handle before I will review this any further.


The link for the LOGO links back to a submission here on Chaos. Unfortunately that is not an acceptable way to link the logo. You will need to provide the correct link or find a different image.​

You link a list of factory and codex submission that the NIO are permitted to use. This does not conform to the rules in two ways.​
Do not place links in submissions to threads that are within the Archives or anywhere that cannot always be publicly viewed. (Ex. Faction Groups/Google Docs/Etc)

I cannot view this link unless I join the faction, therefore you may not use it.​
Factory Submissions that are included in Codex Submissions must conform to the limits of production and affiliation set forward in the Factory. If an item listed was created by another member and has specific affiliations or is listed as "Closed Market" you will be required to include proof of purchase/permission by the original submitter for the equipment or you will need to choose something else. (A more detailed breakdown of affiliations and permissions can be found here.) No exceptions.
You need to prove that you personally have permission to use the times you have listed. Just because the NIO has listed them as available items, it does not mean you have direct permission. You will need to reach out to the creator of each weapon that is not affiliated with the NIO and obtain the proper permission. The hyperlink in the rule I quoted will show you exactly what we are looking for here. I am sure that the crew in the NIO can help you with this as they have been down this road a few times.​

You have hidden your equipment list in a spoiler. Unfortunately that is also against Codex Rules.​
Spoilers and Tabs are not permitted in submissions, however, images can be placed in Spoilers. This is the only exception. Text should not be hidden.
I will need you to pull the equipment out of the spoiler list. Once you do these things for me I'll go ahead and give this a further review.​
Thea Thea

I noticed from the screen cap in the permissions that you may have wanted these subs to remain in the pre-codex. Based on the thread here it seems they were moved from live judging to pre-codex because of the shut down, and then moved back here as it was re-opened. I can always move them back though if that is what you want.

If not, and if these are ready for live judging, I can go ahead and review them now. Just here to help.


Army Logistics Officer
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

Sorry, you just caught me at a bad time IRL. I appreciate all the time you guys put in to moderate these threads and take the time to look it over. I apologize for being snarky in that screencap, but I also don't want to self-censor a mistake.

Anyways, the subs are ready to judge.
Thea Thea

Sounds good.

I just want to walk through your permissions because from some of them I cannot tell that you personally have permission to use them.

Here are the ones I need clarification on and the reasons why:

REC-ACS/01 “Batillum” - Pattern Entrenching Tool -- does not appear on any requisitions you sent me
BAW-63 Heavy Rotary Blaster Cannon -- None of your permissions indicate permission to use anything from Roble Manufacturing
Revealer -- None of the caps show permission to use resources from Coronodex arms or Zeph Halo. This link to the company is also broken so I have no way of checking to see if any such permission has been edited into the company page itself.

A note on your permissions: since the majority of them are for the NIO and not you personally if this unit ever ceases to be part of the NIO it will invalidate those permissions. You may want to reach out to the original writers to get permission for these items personally as opposed to using a blanket faction permission.

The three that are listed and linked above you will have to secure before these can be approved.
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