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Faction Shoring Up The Front [TSE]


"Milord, the logistics of such an undertaking..."
"The logistics do not concern me, Magnate, only results."
The Muun official winced at the Emperor's words, but he knew better than to continue arguing what was already a foregone conclusion. As the emergent threat on the Empire's southwestern border continued to escalate, the Emperor and his councilors had deemed it a prudent necessity to prepare defenses in order to better withstand the coming storm. Among the myriad of orbital defenses being towed, or in some cases constructed, in orbit of worlds such as Prefsbelt IV, Yaga Minor, Scipio, Mygeeto, and Morishim, the Emperor had also issued an edict of evacuation to these same worlds and many others along the border. Troop transports were briefly converted into civilian vessels to facilitate this vast exodus further towards the Empire's center, while an entire blockade of warships was placed along hyperspace and subspace lanes between the worlds. The Emperor himself had come to Muunilinst to oversee the efforts personally, his visage visible from an elevated platform as civilians were hurdled towards the transports.
"When the enemy comes, they will find little purchase. The civilian population will be placed out of harm's way for the coming struggle, and the Empire can fight to its full extent." The Emperor looked back to the Magnate, bright copper halos burrowing into the alien's own eyes. "And when the fighting had subsided, we can rebuild and allow the displaced to return to their homes. They may not understand the necessity now, but in time they will come to praise and revere what we have done for them." The Muun bowed his head, still clearly not a hundred percent pleased with what the Emperor was telling him, but he would not stand in his way. "Very well, my Emperor. If you will give me leave, I must aid with the evacuation." The Emperor waved the Muun away and continued to stand in silence as he watched the cacophonous roar of the evacuation continue around him.
It had not seemed possible that the Empire could be threatened on this front, it was their most defended and most loyal portion. Nevertheless, the Empire would not be slow to prepare for the enemy. From the reconnaissance reports, they had taken up residence on Nirauan; where the Emperor had spent many days consorting with the short-lived Empire of the Hand in the days before the revival of the Chiss Ascendancy. The Empire knew that space well, it had been thoroughly mapped during that time. Some of their older waystations still existed out that way, and they had become indispensable as a method by which to monitor the rebel movements. When the attack did come, the Empire would not be caught unaware.
He briefly glanced up towards the sky, the sight of so many ships nearly blocking out the light from the nearby star.
On the ground, Caide stands with his arms crossed and his helmet off in a civilian doorway, staring down a trio of superior officers as they stare back at him.

"Out of the way, legionnaire, that's an order." the officer in the front touches his pistol. "Wouldn't want a court marshal, would we?"

Caide's one eye flicks to the pistol at the officer's hip, and for a second the green orb is filled with a white hot aggression and violence ground into him by years of military service, the same service starting his blond hair graying at 30. He quickly crushes it down as he raises his eye back to the officer, his expression neutral as he holds his ground.

"Last I checked, sir, our orders were to evacuate the citizens, the mandate said nothing about looting their homes." Despite his stubborn stance in the doorway, he wasn't sure what he could actually do. He couldn't very well assault the three, it would be their words against his, and even defending himself would likely get him in trouble for the same reason. Still, he couldn't back down. He had no great sense of patriotism, and he had no illusions of being more than a killer, but Caide didn't like cowards. As the three officers approach him, Caide cracks his neck and resigns himself to take a beating to avoid a court marshaling or worse...

tags: anyone who would like to join

Lily Kuhn


The Sith Empire had its fair share of enemies, be it politically minded individuals within the Empire itself that worked against the empire's better interests to further their own careers or external opposition like the Silver Jedi or the Network and its band of mercenaries and mandalorians. On occasion an internal conflict of interests bleeds over into an external opposition and an empire, specifically the Sith Empire in this instance, finds itself in a fight for legitimacy. Enter the New Imperial Order, a group of men and women that saw the Empire as a broken system and strove to supplant it as the "better" empire in the region. Always a government ruled by military strategy, the Sith Empire was already in the motions of moving its citizenry away from suspected "hot spots" - planets which might be points of interest for the New Imperial Order to invade on their inevitable war path towards the most highly defended planet in the galaxy to date, Bastion.

It was a decent plan, all things considered, though where the intelligence coming from that the Muun homeworld could ever possibly be a target was beyond her - not that it was even something she'd have heard about in her department. Foreign Intelligence wasn't her shtick, and neither was the evacuation effort, but she was here all the same. This wasn't some misplaced sense of nationalist pride, either - Lily was an expatriate of another government altogether, one she had held the throne of until her abdication in order to leave the public eye and the tumultuous core it resided within behind. Lily Kuhn, former Empress of Teta, was very familiar with foreign invasions and occupations having lived through the occupation of her star system by three entirely different interstellar governments. It was her personal experience with a hostile government breathing down her neck that was being shared with the locals in an effort to convince the more stubborn residents and industry heads to leave their homes behind for the short term, until all of this blew over or amounted to nothing.

The Tetan had found herself employed by the Sith Empire after her child was old enough to be watched by a sitter, specifically after finding out how unwelcome she would be on her former home world with it seized by some radical Jedi establishment that had purported a religious cleanse of anyone with even a hint of darkness in them - as the daughter of a Sith Lord and a man that had built their fortunes off of a war that split the galaxy in two for decades there was much more than just a few skeletons in her closet. Rather than risk the kind of scrutiny she'd been under when the Galactic Alliance had her under their thumb for a second time, Lily found herself in the bureaucratic wing of the Empire as an official in their Diplomatic Services. It wasn't her job to monitor the evacuation effort, but it was certainly her responsibility to curtail any attempts at corruption during an evacuation that might serve to undermine Sith-Imperial standards.

"Excuse me, sir, are the residents home? I am making my rounds to make sure all citizens leave their homes peacefully and cooperatively with the Empire's mandate - I can only assume that such fine soldiers such as yourselves are here to make sure that nobody's belongings are stolen by looters. Could the three of you escort me next door, it would be awful if anything were to happen to a senior official in the Imperial Diet, wouldn't it?" Lily said, her tone as fake as the smile she wore on her face - the kind of fake that more than implied that the looting-in-progress had been caught red handed, like an angry mother finding a naughty child's hand in the cookie jar. "Of course, I suppose I could just call your superior officers and make sure I had their permission for you to take me, if that is a problem." She added as she clasped her hands together in front of her chest in perhaps the most condescending way possible.

Mazrim Caide/Taim Mazrim Caide/Taim
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Caide catches Lily Kuhn 's eye as she diffuses the situation and gives her a subtle nod of gratitude. He turns away from the grumbling, nervous officers and closes the door of the empty house before speaking.

"Of course ma'am, I think all four of us should accompany you, just to be on the safe side. Some of the locals are upset with the sudden evacuation, and you never know when you might find some cowardly opportunists lurking around the corner."

He barely contains his spiteful smirk as he watches the three officers stiffen in anger at his oh so subtle dig. What were they going to do now? For the first time perhaps since he began moonlighting as Taim, he was glad for imperial interference.

He gives a perfect solute, his one good eye showing a small glimmer of gratitude for the bailout.

"Legionnaire Mazrim Caide at your service ma'am."

The three officers grumble their names and ranks out nervously, knowing that they had to give their rank and name now that Caide had. Mazrim supposed it was a bit cruel, but he wanted to make sure these three got their names on someone's chit list, if only to cover his own back.
Magnate’s Citadel, Muunilinst

Moff Tithe sat in the antechamber to the Magnate’s Office, a room empty save for the mute Imperial Crownguards who accompanied the Emperor everywhere he went. As the governor of neighbouring Sector Group II, Aerarii had journeyed to Muunilinst in Sector Group I to coordinate efforts against the coming storm and update the Emperor on his efforts to secure his borders.

Aerarii rose from his seat and strode to a nearby window. All around the city of Harnaidan, and indeed all across the planet, swarms of Iota-class Shuttles were lifting off from the thousands of Sith-Imperial Banking Clan maximum security vaults, carrying priceless treasures into the dozens of Usury-class Treasury Ship sitting in low orbit. All non-essential air traffic across the planet had been suspended the allow the shuttles to move as freely as possible.

Treasury worlds such as Muunilinst held massive reserves of credits, valuable gems and priceless artefacts, all of which were needed to fund the Empire’s massive war machine. While credits could always be reminted, the crown jewels, pre-Gulag artworks and aliens antiques which had been pilfered by the Sith during their expansion would not be so easily replaced. After being carefully catalogued and stored the treasures were being transferred further away from the border world to the more secure core worlds. A similar process was underway on Scipio and Mygeeto, two of the worlds Tithe governed.

Aerarii looked at his chrono. He had asked a new member of the Empire, a potential propagandist, to meet him here to offer her a position. With war on the horizon there was going to be a lot of work for someone with her unique talents.

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

Of all the offers to reach Inanna after her application was submitted, one stood out from the rest. A very official-looking invitation from a Moff arrived, requesting that she meet him on Muunilinst to discuss matters further. It seemed he wanted to put her to work in propaganda—not a bad place to start.

Intrigued, she boarded a ship bound for the world colloquially known as “Moneylend”—and quickly realized she was walking into a mess.

Well, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. The planet was in the process of being hastily evacuated in preparation for a possible invasion, and the skies were filled with shuttles carrying civilians and valuables. Troops were already marching through the deserted streets. As one would expect, they had problems with looting—on her way to the Magnate’s Office, she overheard an officer angrily confronting some soldiers who were stealing from the abandoned homes and businesses.

Inside the Office, things were quieter. Two guards in red armor stepped forward to stop her from going any further. Though they said nothing, she guessed at what they wanted.

“My name is Inanna Hoole,” she said. “I’m here to meet with Moff Aerarii Tithe. He’s expecting me.” At the slightest hesitation from them, she was quick to add, “I’d rather not disappoint him by being late.”

The guards stepped aside, letting her pass into the antechamber. Inside she was greeted by more silent guards. Beyond them, a man with silver hair and thick-rimmed glasses was seated in a chair. No doubt he heard the doors opening, but since the guards had not announced her and she was eager to get down to business, she stepped forward before the man had a chance to say a word.

“Moff Tithe?” Once she had confirmation that this man was the one she was supposed to meet, she gave a slight curtsy—chivalry needn’t die on her watch—and introduced herself. “My name is Inanna Hoole. You requested to see me.”
The Inexhaustible

<"You forget you were placed in command of this operation because your skill of logistic calculation is far greater than any I the Empire and yet your probe yourself to be a fool. It will not take days to evacuate the remainder of the civilian population nor will it take months to oversee completion of the orbital defenses. The Emperor will not tolarate your failure, Navarch">

The words were bitter and cut deep into the hurt of the Muun Navarach whom Thaelius was yelling at. Was Thaelius possibly wring for helping at the subordinate? Absolutely not. With those words he left the Navarach to correct his mistakes as he marched to meet with Moff Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe . The newly appointed Moff seemed to have a taken a personal interests in the planted security and Thaelius would be damned if he was to be embarrassed by those he recommend.

<"Moff Tithe, I trust you find everything in order?"> As soon as he entered the room, he felt the cold gaze of the two guards which quickly turned into a sharp salute. "Pathetic, they still believe in human superiority" he thought to himself.

<"The defense of Munnilist is far from over however as I plan to assign a flotila of Destoyer's and accompanying vessels in addition to an almost impenetrable planetary defense system>"

Inanna Harth Inanna Harth | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Those Who Wish To "Converse" With Me
Magnate’s Citadel, Muunilinst

“Ahh, Miss Hoole. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” In response to her curtsy Aerarii offered a slight bow and a flourish of his hand. He nodded his head toward the two crimson clad Crownguards . “Do excuse the royal guard, their silence in a mark of devotion, not discourtesy.” He poked out the tip of his tongue and made a slashing motion across it with his finger. Crownguards had their tongues ceremonially removed during their initiation, along with other parts of their anatomy, as a sign of ultimate fealty to the Emperor they were sworn to protect.

The governor stepped over to one of the large windows looking down over the city of Harnaidan and waved for Inanna to join him. “I’m sure it has not escaped your astute notice that we are in the midst of preparations for war.” Down below civilians were being loaded onto transports as Legionaries constructed defensive bunkers and bulwarks. “The denizens of my sector group are terribly afflicted by fear in the time of nearing conflict. I am sad to say that it is hampering our efforts to the make necessary preparations.”

The riots of Scipio and Mygeeto, while small by galactic standards, had caused great inconvenience for the local defence forces who were hurrying to reinforce key structures and precincts. The hit squads Aerarii had authorised to discreetly quell the protests were keeping things contained for now, but a flare up seemed inevitable.

“Someone with your talents could be instrumental to keeping the populace safe,” he explained. “Now more than ever, the citizens of the Empire are in need of truth, none of this New Imperial fear mongering propaganda.” The Office of Imperial Truth had put significant resources into the area, and Inanna would be an excellant fit to help keep the citizenry in line.

“Tell me, what would you recommend I say to my people, to allay them of their unease?”

Navarach-Princeps Ordo entered the antechamber, and explained to Aerarii the steps he was taking to secure Muunilinst. Appointing a cool and collected Chiss to plan the orbital defences was a wise idea.

“We are planning similar arrangements at Mygeeto, though I fear they are not quite as progressed,” Aerarii advised the vice admiral. “I would of course welcome the counsel of someone with your military adroitness.”

The Inexhaustible
<"Of ccourse. Our ground deployments on Myegto are quite impressive although...slightly disorganized. None the matter however, for the Dominarch and his aides will be visiting both worlds very soon. I also I am here to inform you that military actions on the border of New Imperial space is increasing in addition the Galactic Alliance sending several military convoy's. I suspect an allied attack"> The Chiss Admiral may have been old but he wasn't stupid. The Galactic Alliance would most likely do anything to ensure they predecessor was avenged for it was the Sith who orchestrated the original alliances demise.

<"1,200 warships have been deployed all together. The Executer has placed command of the Naval defense in my hands until the time arises where a higher ranking officer is needed. Are there any specific request from yourself or the government of Muunilist for I must continue my observations and then report to his majesty and the Grand Moff">

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
If she had been inclined to think Moff Tithe looked somewhat eccentric, as soon as he opened his mouth that impression increased tenfold. She successfully suppressed the urge to giggle and followed him over to the window, peering out at the civilians being loaded up for departure.

The Moff’s words intended to show concern for the lives of innocents, but Inanna sensed he was not sincere. He didn’t care about the civilians whose lives had been placed in his hands. She had expected to encounter people like this within the power structure of the Sith Empire, but actually witnessing it in person was no less impactful.

Still she listened to him, paying careful attention to each word. The New Imperial Order was the enemy they were in fear of, and though he was trussing the matter up by calling it “truth”, he was asking for someone to fight propaganda with more propaganda.

She decided to play along.

“I would recommend you tell them the truth,” she replied. “The enemy is real, and they are a threat to be taken seriously.”

She gestured out the window. “Don’t treat these people like mindless cattle to be herded by your soldiers. They can be tools of the Sith regime, but as any craftsman knows, if you don’t take care of your tools, they will break and become useless. So you must take care of them… and to truly care for something, you must have a certain level of respect for it. Seek the potential in each of them, focus your efforts on sounding the drums of war, and the people will follow the rhythm of their own free will—”

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a brisk Chiss officer. Inanna watched the soldier out of the corner of her eye as he conversed with the Moff. If Tithe was pretending to care, the Chiss openly despised the ones whom he had been ordained to protect. She wondered what drove such men to seek positions in the military in the first place, if they did not care about safeguarding what was theirs. The glory of battle, she supposed.

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Thaelius Thaelius
Magnate’s Citadel, Muunilinst

Aeraii alternated his gaze between Inanna and the city below as she spoke. She advocated respect for the citizens of Sector Group II, under the belief that it would bring out the best in them. Far from being slaves, citizens of the Sith Empire were afforded the ability to largely get along with their lives unencumbered, at least in Tithe's assessment. Just so long as their entire lives were devoted to eternal and unwavering service for the Emperor. Honestly, it was a miracle that other galactic powers got anything done given how much latitude their people were given to frivol away their time.

“Yes, tools of the Empire,” he mused, which was undoubtedly not Inanna’s intention in using that turn of phrase. “You may be onto something. Tell you what, I need someone who can speak to the citizenry, someone with a certain pizazz. Could I interest you in a role with the Office of Imperial Trust, with a particular focus on the worlds I govern. We could even try this ‘respect’ ideas of your, ehh?” A mind reading shapeshifter could be a potential element of his propaganda machine.

Navarach-Princeps Ordo gave his assessment of the defences on Mygeeto and the mustering of strength by the New Imperial Order along the Sith Empire’s borders, to which Tithe nodded along. “An unholiest of alliances,” he added when collusion between the NIO and the Galactic Alliance was mentioned. The Empire had ground the GA to dust before, and they were foolish if they thought the same fate did not also await them this time. “May they find solitude knowing their pitiful existences will soon be dashed from the galaxy.”

“I shall detain you no further,”
he replied to the Chiss vice admiral. “Idle chatter, while pleasant, will mean little should the enemy somehow prosecute an effective offensive, regardless of its inconceivability.”

Under different circumstances, perhaps some hesitancy would be in order. Inanna could be shrewd if the situation called for it, but now was not such a situation. Still, she didn’t want to seem too eager—or worse, desperate. That wouldn’t sit well with those present.

So she waited a few moments, as if pondering the notion. Inanna the public speaker, a representative of the Office of Imperial Truth. Inanna the propagandist. Inanna the talking head. Inanna, the people’s harlot…

The Alliance and the NIO in allegiance? She looked up at the Chiss officer in surprise. At the moment, she wasn’t all that politically aware, but she had at least heard of both factions. Interesting.

Raising her eyebrows, she turned to Moff Tithe. “I expect the pay would be adequate,” she replied, “and the opportunities expansive.”

It would be a good place to start, certainly.

She smiled, her tone turning silky. “I’m game. Tell me, what would be our first order of business?”

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Thaelius Thaelius
The Inexhaustible
"Before I leave, Ms. Hoole. The citizens of the Sith Empire are like children, intelligent, powerful and respectable children to say the least. But all children must be cared for, taught and protected by thier elders. Moff Tithe and I both represent...uncles or older cousins of the citizens. The Emperor is thier father. Use that in your propaganda. Make the Empire look protective and father like"

As he left he smiled at both of them. "By the way, Moff. Money isn't everything. I know you plan to stay here and coordinate the defense but...but careful. I'd hate to see you die"

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

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