Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So the people who have known me for some time might remember I am in a few orchestras and that they keep me quite busy sometimes. Now, this weekend (30th January - 1st February) I'll be away from my computer - and most likely my phone - for that reason so that no replies in the threads I am in will come this weekend. This also means I won't be on the forums at all, maybe not even in Skype.

I hope it's not a huge problem that it'll most likely mean I'm not going to post ICly until the 6th of February. :p
Okay, a little change of plans. I won't be going to the orchestra this weekend, but I'll most likely be staying in bed for the two days due to me managing to get ill again. This means there is a bit higher chance that I will post in a few threads (mostly the ones marked with a high priority in my to do list).

*feels sick*


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