Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Short LOA

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I'm going to take a short LOA for a couple days or so. My depression is hitting me a bit hard and it feels like that each time I post, people are just ignoring me. Doesn't really help that no one probably is going to care that I'm gone for a couple days anyway.​
damn depression.​
So yeah. Leaving for a few days to try and get into better head-space.​
[member="Baroness Magrath"]
I'd hug-tackle you, but I know from first-hand-experience that in times like this, that doesn't always help. In fact, it can make things worse. So instead I will offer you a hug, hand-shake, or fist bump.

In addition I will offer my semi-sisterly-sort-of-advice:
Take some time off. Get some fresh air, take a walk if it isn't snowing like crazy where you are (a lot of my internet buds are huddled in their homes right now, attempting to escape the 3+ feet of snow), maybe drink some tea (caffeine-free, preferably. Caffeine can have negative affects on you when you're feeling down. Especially when it wears off! Though, of course, it works differently on every person. It might be just what you need to help get by!), spend some time with cute animals (dogs, cats, birbs), and try listening to some music! Sometimes upbeat electronic stuff does it for me, while other times I need to blast some Mary Lambert and sing along while totally not crying at all whatsoever.

Depression is a real thing. It's a jerk. And things that usually make you happy generally don't do as much. We can't expect it to just 'go away' or 'stop bothering us' at random. Unfortunately there isn't that much we can do when it gets worse than usual. Sometimes our docs/therapists might suggest a slightly higher dose of meds or they might recommend relaxing, getting a good night's sleep (but not to much! otherwise your cycle gets messed up and you actually end up feeling worse), and reminding yourself that this isn't your fault. Chemicals in your brain are misbehaving! They are being jerks! And it's completely okay to not feel up to everything you usually do! Perfectly fine. Now, of course, that doesn't mean we can just shut down. It just means we might have to take it down a notch or two for a little bit.

This has been your daily advice from a 15-year-old girl... who happens to also have depression (along with other... how to say it... conditions. I never liked the word disorder). If you ever want/need to talk, just send me a message. I'll respond to it as quick as I can!
Have a cat:
It is punching your depression in the face.
Pretty much everything Nyx just said, though I would suggest honey with the tea.

As someone who has struggled with ptsd related depression did years I can understand how you feel. Things do get better but it isn't easy, sometimes we need help to deal with it. It's true strength to be able to ask for help

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