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Character Shorurra Groznik

  • Thread starter Shorurra Groznik
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Shorurra Groznik

NAME: Shorurra Groznik

FACTION: The Jedi Order; Ashlan Crusade

RANK: Jedi Master


AGE: Early 200’s

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 400 lbs.

EYES: Green

FUR: Tawny Brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Powerful in the Force, Master of the Lightside of the Force and talented in many disciplines and skills, as befitting a centuries old Jedi Master
  • Immense physical strength, and quick for his size; though he “mastered” all forms of lightsaber combat, he is a staunch Djem So purist, and a master of Wrruushi.
  • Gifted Tactician and Strategist; militant minded
  • Very large and noticeable target
  • Stubborn, set in his ways
  • Truly abhors the Sith and all that they stand for
Massive and furry.

A lifelong Jedi Guardian, Lightside zealot, and veteran of several wars. Shorurra has trained many Jedi over the last two and a half centuries, inspiring lifelong loyalty in the soldiers who followed him.

His name means “Lethal Warrior, Golden Riddle”. Groznik was his name as a child, granted to him for his tawny fur and habit of playing tricks on his fellows. He gained the name Shorurra in his first war, during which he joined the Jedi Order.

Since, he has led soldiers and star pilots in dozens of military engagements across the stars. He has participated in the skirmishes and wars of many lightside factions over the years, including the New Jedi Order, the Silver Jedi Order, and the Ashlan Crusade, for he believes in his heart of hearts that the Darkside is an unnatural mutation of the Force caused by the inherent limitations of biological beings. He has no mercy for anything belonging to the Dark, and executed Sith with cold prejudice.

To him, they are a stain that must be eradicated from every corner and crevice of the galaxy.

  • Green Greatsaber
    • Double Bladed
    • Dual-Phase
  • Guardian Armor
  • Starchaser Cloak
  • Corvette

  • Froaddik: Shorurra's strong right hand, who leads the platoon when Shorurra cannot.
  • Lowkazza: Shorurra's adjutant- Froaddik leads them, but Lowkazza guides them.




  1. Return of the General
    1. The Battle of New Alderaa- Shorurra leads Galactic Alliance Defense Forces in a brutal battle against the Empire in the streets of New Alderaa, facing against the vaunted General Aron Growie.
    2. --
    3. --
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