Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In Umbris Potestas Est

FACTION: Confederation of Independent Systems
RANK: rank does your Whatcharacter hold in his/her faction?
AGE: 230
GENDER: male
HEIGHT: 2.38 meters, 7'10
WEIGHT: 134 kilograms, 295 pounds
EYES: Amber
HAIR: brown
SKIN: I don't even think Shorurra knows
FORCE SENSITIVE: YES!!!....just kidding


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Abnormal strength and speed: blessed with great grace strength and speed even compared to his fellow wookies.
intelligence and ingenuity: Shorrura is a quick thinker and is able to resolve difficult or complex situations on the fly.
Anger issues: Shorrura like most of his brethren is prone to fits of extreme rage that will impair his judgement.
Stubborn to the point of insubordination: Shorurra knows what he likes and dislikes and acts accordingly. If a suicidal order is given, he had better really, really like you if you expected him to follow it.

Shorrura's bowcaster
2 Ryyk blades
scouter-type HUD
comm,creds ect.
Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Shorurra was born on Kashyyyk in a small beach village. He was an extremely active pup whether it was participating in whatever hunts that the elders or fishing in the ocean. Eventually his thirst for adventure led him to a local anti-Trandoshan militia. He took down many slave ships while in the company of the Wookie militia. Unfortunately this wouldn't last. The militia was sent straight into a trap where the Trandoshans killed most of the wookies. those who survived were kidnapped and enslaved. Shorurra was forced into slavery for a 3 years until finally he could not endure any more. When he was being sold to a new owner he took an oppurtunity and attacked security. The rest of Wookie slaves followed suit and soon the ship was theirs. Fortunately a CIS scout craft recovered the slave ship and Shorurra was transported into CIS space. Their military was impressed with his skills and offered him a place in it. They wouldn't specify what exactly but Shorurra relished the thought of a new adventure.


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