Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Should a Hyperdrive smell like that?

Kat had recently delivered a prisoner off and gotten her bounty. Finally heading off into hyper-space. Find some place to stay, figure out what her next job would be. Life was busy, and life was hard. That's just how it was. She hummed to herself setting in the coordinates for the next planet. The Hyperdrive kicked in and moments later it took off. She laid down on the ships floor, brushing aside some of the dirt and groaning as she felt the ships rumble. It was shakier then usual. And the hard of the floor wasn't too great, especially while she was still in armor. She set it aside, knowing she'd have no need for it at the moment. She was not currently on a job. She might put the gauntlets on after she left the ship, and definitely the vibro-blades. But the full thing seemed a bit excessive. She wore it when on duty or somewhere dangerous, she was not.

The Falleen actually began drifting to sleep when a strange smell hit her nose. Her eyes shot open. There were no prisoners on board so it wasn't going to be them. And she had searched the ship before taking off so it was definitely not a stowaway or something. That was not a good sign. She ran back to her seat, changing coordinates and setting it so she could stop off at the nearest one. The moment she came out of hyper-space she heard a creaking and cracking noice.

Ok, maybe putting on the armor was a good idea. As she started bringing the ship down into a landing she started hurrying her armor back on. At the very least if someone thought they could rip her off, they'd be a little less likely to do it to a Mandalorian then to some falleen girl. She took the ship down as quick as possible into the nearest port.

Now, it was time to start looking for a mechanic.
Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid

”Looks like you’re good to go,” Jay said to the pilot of the ship whose wing they currently hung under. Just a maintenance check with the flight controls, nothing major. In fact, “nothing major” could describe almost any other repair Jay had worked on. It didn’t bother them much, but every now and again they dreamed of fixing up some volatile gyro-stabilizer or a malfunctioning life support system, a job that really tested their skills more so than just doing maintenance on an old navigation system.

He hopped down onto the ground and unhooked the suspension cables as the pilot handed them some credits and boarded, ready for takeoff. Jay simply waved and sat down at their bench to wait for another ship to land. They pocketed the money and took out a small connector tool to tune up their mechanical arm. The third and fourth finger pulleys locked up more than usual as of late, but Jay was determined to keep it working for as long as they could.

Binary clicks and beeps from the comm system shook them alert to the shadow deepening on the landing platform, signaling another customer. They put the tool back in their pocket and stood to observe the ship better as it lowered into view.
Kat had eventually managed to discover a mechanic. Local who seemed to have at least some good reputation. She hadn't studied him in depth, but a mechanic was a mechanic. And as long as he did his job she was fine. She had to wait though, it seems he had others to work on first. And so she sat near her ship awaiting her turn. Finally it came and she pulled her Pursuer-class_enforcement_ship into the landing platform. Stepping out, wearing her Beskar'gam with her hair tucked into the helmet as she came out after landing and opening the doors.

She wasn't really armed with many visible weapons aside from the two vibro-blades and a Beskad across her back. She had mostly used close range weapons aside from those built into her armor. It was just how she was. She stopped not far outsider her ship, speaking aloud, "The name's Kat Kenrid. I'm hoping you can help me out with a Hyperdrive problem." she tipped her head inside, "Problem being I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to stink. At least I assume it's the Hyperdrive. It only started when I began using the thing."

Straight to the point but sometimes people just didn't want to cooperate. It wasn't an aggressive tone she used. In fact, it was fairly pleasant in spite of the wording.
Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid

Jay wasn’t sure who or what they expected the pilot to be, but someone in a full set of armor with what looked to be a dangerous set of weapons attached certainly wasn’t it. They wondered if the pilot was someone important somewhere, and suddenly felt rather underdressed in an old oil-stained shirt and cargo pants.

They nodded politely to Kat’s introduction and listened as she listed off the problem. They furrowed their brows a bit at the news. They’d both fixed and taken apart hyperdrives in their work, but Jay couldn’t remember a time when one smelled weird.

“Jay Esmiel,” they introduced and offered up their left hand on instinct. “And you’re right, hyperdrives are definitely not supposed to smell at all.” They turned to look at the vessel.

The ship itself was nothing to gawk at, but “never judge a motor by the casing” was a lesson Jay learned early on. It was roughed up in places, but overall the ship looked to be in good condition, hyperdrive excluded. “I’m gonna do an external look-over to make sure nothing’s dented or broken enough to hurt the internal mechanisms, then check the system to make sure there’s nothing blocking or changing data input, alright?” Jay was always upfront about what exactly they were doing, just as a precautionary measure. The customer’s business is the customer’s business right up until the moment when a heavy crate dents a pipe and causes a fuel leak.

“Did you notice anything strange beforehand, or is this the first time it’s happened?” Jay began with the basic questions as he moved closer to inspect the outer layers.
Jay Esmiel Jay Esmiel (I'll leave most of the hyperdrive importance up to you and just add in what Kat knows)

She nodded her head as he introduced himself, shaking his hand with a firm grip quickly. Though she was wearing crushgaunts she was quite sure not to use them in that moment. He also seemed quite sure them having an odor was a bad thing. She clasped her hands together in front of her watching as he mentioned giving it a look over, and explained what else he was doing. Another nod, "All good." she answered simply.

He asked about noticing strange things,
"The ship shook a bit more then normal when I started it up, before it actually went into hyperdrive. And only during hyperspace did I start to smell it. I had to change routes because of that. I'd rather not have it screw up while it's working. Other then that everything seemed to be working all fine."

Letting out a sigh she ran a finger along the side of the ship, "Unfortunately, this thing is extremely old. I don't actually know how old cause the person I got it from never really told me. Just that it was probably not even manufactured anymore. It works pretty well most of the time, but it could really use an update."

The next words she mumbled to herself, "Like a better Hyperdrive. Or a built in carbonite chamber."

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