Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should I come back?

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
I mean, I'm not exactly familiar with all the new(you guys totally aren't new) faces and whatnot. The climate is different. The Sith are probably still awful! I'm just not sure.


Disney's Princess
Take a look at your schedule and see how much time you have available. PbP can work with any schedule. Maybe you can only post on Fridays? Maybe you can only post once a month? It doesn't matter. It can work. Just remember to give your schedule to the people you RP with so they can plan ahead.

The only person in control of your future, is you. :D


Disney's Princess
Reyven Samoth said:
...When did you get a sex change?
Well... Ya see. This one time in Brazil? Or was it that trip to Paris? Anyway! I turned into a Gundam last month and it just wasn't for me. Figured I'd give being a female 'the old college try'.

Oh. And turns out! Girl restrooms are pretty similar to Guy restrooms AND Gundam restrooms. Ha. Who knew? :p
Jay has always been a beautiful Disney Princess on the inside, you should see him toss his hair!

PS: Dear Jay, I'll be the disgustingly cute big-eyed animals to your spur of the moment totally unorchestrated ballad expressing your feeling for any random passers-by <3

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] [member="Reyven Samoth"]


Disney's Princess
Reyven Samoth said:
No, bad red lady. Don't encourage him.

I'm sorry? Did somebody call for a real man? :p

(See Reyven. It's still the same crazy place you left behind. Bring a whistle this time and everything will be fine.)
[member="Reyven Samoth"] you're an adult, you decide bro. It's hard for us oldtimers to come back and see the new folks. Either adjust or lurk man. I'd love to see you back, but that's your call.
[member="Reyven Samoth"] you should do what makes you comfortable. Come back and try it if you don't like what's happening you always have the option to go. Ultimately your decision is up to you.

Writers will work with your schedule like Jay says you just have to communicate it to them so they understand and aren't left waiting or wondering.

Writing is meant to be fun and relaxing. :)
Listen to some chill tunes, get yourself in the SW mindset, get back in the game. Have fun. If it aint fun, aint worth doin' it.


Now that's my SWRP Chaos tune for the night.
[member="Reyven Samoth"]

I have to agree with [member="Death's Hand"]. It's a little bit difficult to come back and see many new faces you have never seen before, but remember that there are also older members who you know already. It's your decision whether you want to return and I definitely support either decision you make. But I'd love to see you here again! :)

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
So I decided I was gonna come back, but delayed it since I was going outta town this past weekend(lotsa drinking at a wedding). Now that that's out of the way, I should be appearing randomly.

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