Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Show off your artwork!

Hey there Chaos! I'm by no means on earth a fantastic artist but I wanted to open up a thread where people can show off their art! (I hope nothing like this already existed and I just didn't see it...)

Anyways. I'm not claiming this is any good....because it's not. However my character [member="Niyla Alura"] , she existed a lonnnnngggg time before I posted anything on here. I remember when I was rping her as a jedi on instagram and twitter. Yikes. So I may have sat down and attempted to draw her once. Here is the outcome:


Yeah... what was I thinking. XD

I'm going to move this to the Art & Design forum.

That said, here's something I drew a million years ago for another Star Wars RP site. It's of a Sith lord Cragmoloid. It took me six months since I kept getting distracted. :)



Well-Known Member
Pet project over the last couple of months, still a WIP.


From left to right: Vrag, Ralltiir tiger, [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Reverance"], Mandalorian orange.
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

I really like the art, thanks for contributing.

And dang dude that elephant looks monstrously cool! Seeing art of OC characters is also pretty neat!

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