Thraishe Krine
Big Poppa Pimpin'
Thirsty, I slowly walked into the infamous Mos Eisley Cantina and took a seat. Never had i seen a place with more low-life, scum than Mos Eisley.
"Can I get you a drink," the bartender said as I took a look around at the thugs and criminals in the Cantina, "or are you just looking for trouble?"
"Yeah uh...I'll have a Mead..." I said, glancing at a large Trandoshan sitting to my left.
The bartender gave me my drink and shook his head, "don't want any trouble here son. Best to keep to yourself."
I nodded and moved my cloak out of the way of my Force Pike and rested my hand on the hilt as I drank my mead.
The Trando next to me picked up my mead and drank it, laughing in my face as he did. With that, I drew my Pike and stepped back. He drew a holdout blaster pistol and pointed it at me as all the music stopped and everyone stared at us.
"Well? Are you gonna make a move?" The Trando spoke in a mix of Basic and Dosh.
I lunged forward, piercing the lizards thick skin with the end of my Pike. He slumped over in a pool of green blood.
"This is gonna be a long day," I thought to myself.
"Can I get you a drink," the bartender said as I took a look around at the thugs and criminals in the Cantina, "or are you just looking for trouble?"
"Yeah uh...I'll have a Mead..." I said, glancing at a large Trandoshan sitting to my left.
The bartender gave me my drink and shook his head, "don't want any trouble here son. Best to keep to yourself."
I nodded and moved my cloak out of the way of my Force Pike and rested my hand on the hilt as I drank my mead.
The Trando next to me picked up my mead and drank it, laughing in my face as he did. With that, I drew my Pike and stepped back. He drew a holdout blaster pistol and pointed it at me as all the music stopped and everyone stared at us.
"Well? Are you gonna make a move?" The Trando spoke in a mix of Basic and Dosh.
I lunged forward, piercing the lizards thick skin with the end of my Pike. He slumped over in a pool of green blood.
"This is gonna be a long day," I thought to myself.