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Shri-tal part 2

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Iella E'ron"], [member="Rianna Ordo"], [member="Rasu Gan"], [member="Sochi Ru"] the planet we need to make the descriptions of the major locations longer, prettier and add in more culture now I could do this by myself but this is a silver jedi world made by the silver jedi. Please your input will be amazing.

Image Credit:
Name: Shri-Tal

Region: Outer Rim
System: Asobi
Suns: 1 G-type named Ni Uki
Orbital Position: 3 planet in habitation zone
System Features:
  • Sekirei: A prison colony world, the people of Shri-tal have created in the dangerous world a habitation zone that prisoners are kept in. Fossilized remains of cities and people buried deep underground.

  • Kazahana Asteroid Field: On the edge of the system and filled with debris from Imperial trash dumps. The asteroids provide a small obstacle to navigate.

  • Uzeme Nebula: Region of Ionized space surrounding the Asobi system that have helped protect it by inhibiting hyperspace travel except through marked passages.
  • Catia: A densely covered jungle obscuring ancient ruins devoted to Fellowship of Kooroo a cult that used the world thousands of years ago, natural crystals form on the world that can be harvested for a lightsaber color crystal

  • Dogisia: A trading hub used by the people of Shri-tal, most market place transactions occur on the moon with several security firms working to keep the peace and guilds protecting the small, closed off kiosk to the invisible market.

  • Orsonian: A quarantined moon after an outbreak, technology, especially starship technology is restricted with only drop pods being used to send droids down to the planet. There is a large valley covered in a field of black orchids that an ancient cult used for ritual and experiments. The orchids were transplanted to the moon from Marfa after an incident.

  • Golan Defense Platform: In orbit and maintained by dedicated servants, warriors and droids for protection of the planet but mainly to watch Orsonian and keep the outbreak under control.
Coordinates: Between Voss and Raxus just below Toola
Rotational Period: 23 hours
Orbital Period: 360

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 16,000km
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: .5 above standard
Primary Terrain:
  • Oceans
  • Mountains
  • Tundra
  • Forests
  • Grasslands
  • Plains

Native Species:
  • Human (Atrisian)
Immigrated Species:
  • Twi-lek
  • Vanr
  • Sith purebloods
  • Whiphids
  • Jawa
  • Other
Immigrated Animals/plants:
  • Nexu
  • Taozin
  • Ice puppies
  • Terentatek
  • Nerf
  • Dart Flower
  • Vine coffee
  • Vine silk
  • Bloodvine
  • Other
Primary Languages: Atrisian
Government: Democracy
Population: 9.2 million
  • 80% human
  • 2% sith purebloods
  • 4% Vanr
  • 10% Twi-lek
  • 4% other
Demonym: Tals
Major Imports:
  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Ships

Major Exports:
  • Crystals
  • Illerium
  • Tea's/coffee's
  • Rare silks
  • Murals
  • Flowers
  • Assassin/bounty hunter/mercenaries

Affiliation: Silver Jedi

Major Locations:
  • The Dragon King's Palace: The sight of an ancient and wise seer from the stars. The Duinuogwuin has been on the planet for years and offering advice to the Emperor's or Empresses even providing his blessing at their naming ceremony. The palace is tended to by members of a holy order dedicated to knowledge and wisdom but outside the jedi to prevent retaliation. Origins originate back further into the planets history but like old god they find new things.

  • The Cloud Pavilion: A large import and export hub on the world, with traders coming from around the galaxy to exchange certain goods. Small domes are built to grow exotic plants from around and help with exotic creatures from nearby planets. The habitation domes for growing can mimic several climates including volcanic, desert, jungle, forest and snow covered.

  • The Emperors Palace: A lavish and old style castle built with the city around it. The design is much like a wheel with the spokes roads leading to the central outer wall where the bulk of an army is housed to defend their emperor or empress. The inner wall houses homes of the highest officials and then the large castle at the center. The outer walls of the city are divided into two sections the rich farmland and upper business district area.

  • The Pillow Book: An old tavern created in the prime of Shri-tal's modernization by Xim and the longest running establishment on the planet. The sections underneath house a guild works and base for trained assassin's and bounty hunters of the GenoHaradan. The top most sections are legit business supplying credits to the rulers of the planets.

  • Ancient Ruin: Carbon dated to pre republic times and containing murals of beings coming from the sky to wipe out technological advancement to a level they deem acceptable. The remains of a broken hypergate are at the center but not as old as the ruins themselves. The only sign of connections is the Ophidian Grotesques an ancient statue found on Coruscant.
  • Name Day Ceremony: Celebrating the birth of someone.

  • Emperor's Day: Burned in effigy the figure of past emperor's Palpatine, Zambrano, Moridan, Voratcious, Krayt. To celebrate the liberation, celebration is suspended when under control of the sith.

  • Kanto Festival: An annual festival to promote and prey for fertility and a bountiful harvest. Encompassing agriculture and the people of the planet. There is candy, statues, shrines and costumes.
Daily Life:
  • Traders and Artisans: The primary backbone o the trading hub and economy who make the goods. Their status within the cities is afforded the cleaner districts and most protection having the inner ring of the capital. The more goods you can produce for the planet the more status you have.

  • Soldiers: A second path in many things, commoners who wish to gain benefits and a decent credit wage can join the military to gain citizenship. Mostly used for internal security of the capital and cities, stationed on the wall of Orsonian to protect from infected or there is the few sent to the ancient Golan platform to maintain and keep it going.

  • Commoners: The everyday people of Shri-Tal that work under, for and to make those who have taken to trade skills of military service. They are not looked down upon but do not have all the rights and privileges as the other classes, their positions cover the largest ones with those who work and care for the dead seen as unclean and were born from criminals.
  • Emperor/Empress: A title denoting the current ruler through blood or political maneuvering. They are the absolute authority on the world and in times of old were seen as the first under the gods a vessel of their will and power. Over the years the family has changed with a Moff being installed in times of the empire and overthrown when the New Republic came. One edict of the emperor was kennels and preserves as he believed canine species were tied to his legacy and made them sacred.

  • Office of the Goddess: Religious zealots and very firm isolationists, founded during the era of the Republic under Contispex IX and brought into direct conflict with the order of Tal. The small war that ensued brought the movement gaining a foot hold on the planet and after the fall of Contispex XIX they became very isolation of the planets surface enacting strict traveling guidelines and moving the main trade hub to the moon.
  • Sisterhood of Shadows: The reformed religion that has been on the planet since oral history, when a cataclysm happened and they fled fighting with beings from Muspilli to hide and survive. Over several centuries they became ingrained into the society of the planet adopting as time went several stances and sects. From warriors of the shadow a sisterhood of mute fighters sent to war to caretakers of knowledge in an ancient Stardragons temple.

  • Kooroo: An ancient cult on the moon of Catia, when they made contact with the sisterhood a small war broke out with crusades being led to try and conquer them... but then they vanished retreating from the galaxy into Firefist and leaving beyond their temple, their doctrines and rituals. Practice of Kooroo is banned by the sisterhood under penalty of death.

  • Order of Tal: A breakaway sect that developed from the Sisterhood and serves as religious leaders advisers of the emperor or empress. Their state within the government is considered by some to much with secret vaults of treasures from around the planet and its own country with immunities in the capital.
Technology: Galactic standard
The origin's of Shri-tal is shrouded in something far older then most groups within the galaxy. During the before times when the Hypergates were created and Centerpoint, there was a region of space where three religious sects fought. Their battle using the humans and being from planets they could find. The Warriors of Shadow took slaves from the Deep Core world of Atrisia something they found when leaving conflict with the Zhell.

Seeding their world with the slaves and using them in conflict with the other sects of the Nihl retreat. War against the Kanzers led to the first destruction of Loa in their battle and the destruction of the codex. This attracted attentions from older beings, things that slept beyond shadows and were described within the codex. The Warriors of Shadow fled using one of the hypergates and going to a new world they could call their own.

When they arrived the slaves they brought learned to serve them as the sisterhood put them to work and the ripples of the actions echoed through the force. They ordered the destruction of the hypergate so the Kanzer could not follow them, it was a dangerous thing to allow to survive but the rest of their order was in the Rift away from them and engaged in fighting with the other groups for several thousand years.
The people of Shri-tal before the advent of space capable ships lived a relatively normal existence. They were divided into fiefdoms The inhabitants finding peace among themselves as their small wars for domination and control played out leading to eventual some standard of technology.

Then beings from the sky came and this mysterious race built ruins on the surface of the planet, on the moons with foreign materials. Stone and elements not known or native to the planet, some of the earliest technology found and legends are of tools created from metal fallen from the skies. As the time ticked on the planet was visited.

Ancient being came and settled bringing their war like culture and obsession with taking what they wanted. They taught the Tals hatred and enslaved many of them. It took nearly a thousand years of slavery and subjugation under the purebloods to drive them off as the Tals learned to practice warfare and deception.

Once the majority were driven off several of their creatures and a small portion of people remained. A tribe that was sent deep into the mountains but warned to never come down. When the next beings came offering peace and knowledge from a group called the jedi order the Tals descended upon them and attacked at first... but the jedi were not like the sith they kept to their word and shared.
With membership into the Republic the planet became... Happy and prosperous, hyperdrive and ships allowing for visits to the worlds around such as Toola where Whiphid hunters shared some teachings for the snow even setting up a colony with imported species that could combat the sithspawn the sith had brought to the world.

It brought much attention none more so from a man who wished to set up a guild house for his order of personal bounty hunters and assassins. With an overseer to help protect the fledgling Galactic Republic. All of them working with the Tals to best improve and build towards friendlier relations with the community.

The importing of species and influx of creatures and people from the galaxy brought a boom to the construction and economy. Temples were built and trade hubs created on the moon for them to use, the people went out and explored the galaxy further then they ever had before visiting the shining jewel of Coruscant where statues similar to the ones they had on their world.

The Republic's starcharts allowed for many things to also be sold off using supply and demand. Their trade of ores and food giving way to exotic creatures from the region and with some work The invisible market flourished setting up a shop for Genoharadan to use the world coming from the old sith space. Their work creating plenty of opportunities while they branched out.

As the sith threat rose and was cast down again the government of the world changed loyalties several times. The people of the world working with the Republic when they could but choosing to be more business minded in their dealings with the sith and Puis Dais when they overtook the Republic, casting the jedi order aside for nearly eight centuries.

With the wars starting and the the formation of the Army of Light things changed. The jedi who came to the world were more militant but it was understandable, sith experiments on the moon brought an infection. Their alchemy damning the moon when they found the orchids and tried to copy the experiments of a sith master on a world called Faustin.
The detonation of the thought bomb brought a time of peace, the sith had disappeared from the galaxy into hdiing. The people of Shri-tal moved on supporting the Galactic Republic as it worked to rebuild and face the other threats of the galaxy.

The rise of the CIS brought new challenges, the outer rime sieges brought droid armies and clone soldiers to the skies and planet. The pursuit of weapons or new materials to use to make better droids had the CIS trying to strip mine the planet, unleashing droid armies and force the government through blockade of trade to join the CIS.

That was stopped as a large Republic fleet encountered the droid army and for seven months a large siege destroyed the stardragons palace a place built for a once wise sage like being. With the destruction deposits of Illerium were discovered allowing the world to gain a new export gasses for ejection seats.

The fall of the Republic led to a deactivation of the droid armies and irradiated Illerium from the fallout in some places halted construction of the ancient temple.
In the aftermath of the clone wars and rise of the Empire, the people of Shri-tal were subjugated by the new empire. The Emperor using the climates and relative isolation of the world to harvest and import from expensive plants for his court. A garrison being built with the express purpose to handle and protect vine coffee beans, the rare silks and the few sithspawn still on the planet.

When word of the Tals moon reached the scientists who explored it they descended upon the world. Then went to the moon to harvest the infected creatures there for their experiments, leaving an open field of the dangerous and beautiful orchids on the planet's surface that matched the one on the moon.

Then reports came of rebellion, of people standing against the evils of the empire and Shri-Tal became a hidden base offering sanctuary in the mountains and access to the brought in defense platform. A dangerous and powerful Golan that could protect the system if rebel ships arrived en mass.

Then with the fall of the emperor at endor the people of Shri-tal celebrated bringing a small amount of peace to themselves and enjoying the freedom. They still had Imperial soldiers but with the warlords now preparing to go for power it allowed them to overpower some fo them.
After the fall of the Galactic Empire the Tals found themselves at peace, with the majority of Imperial units, soldiers, and ships being recalled the system was left in peace. Minus the guards for the gardens and bays that Emperor Palpatine created to grow his rare blend and imported plants.

The Rebel alliance proved useful coming and offering help kicking the remnants of the Galactic empire off the planet in exchange for access to the trade hub. THeir work with the Tals proved beneficial and over a hundred years eventually Shri -tal rejoined the Galactic Alliance and its systems.

That proved useful as the One sith rose and the Galactic empire under the Fels retreated into hiding. Shri-Tal aided hiding several Imperial knights and allowing them sanctuary on their world in exchange for fighting on the moon to handle the infection after an Imperial experiment aggravated the creatures there.
The infection spread rapidly, the Gulag virus infecting travelers who came to the world and it spread throughout the planet. The population in the mountains was devastated as the people of Shri-tal focused on closing their borders and trying to minimize the infection.

As the dark time fell upon the planet and the ravages of the plague came to a stop a couple of centuries later the people struggled to rebuild. Focusing on the structure they needed and letting the ships be cannibalized to properly repair things, scout ships were sent out to nearby worlds to gather information and keep the navigational beacons activated.

To help then another sage from the sky appeared, a stardragon who had been going throughout different worlds and using space to avoid the plague. He setup in the ancient temple and provided council to the people of the planet.
The times after the darkness and the Gulag changed many things for the Tals their planet became isolated again allowing it to get back to being focused on its own rebuilding. The first contact with the Reborn Sith Empire came in violence and blood leading to more troopers and sithspawn being brought to the surface.

As time went on and the sith's war against the jedi, the Republic and the mandalorians continued things changed. More troopers were pulled off world and ships from the system. One of the biggest changes came with the constant changes in the regime and how some allowed for obscurity.

Then there was destruction and the Tals opened their borers to the Vanr who's home planet of Dromuund Kaas was wiped out by the Mandalorians. The beings while darkside and dangerous were in need of a home to call their own and a region of the planet near the tribe of sith was opened for them to use.

After the fall of the Empire the people of Shri-tal celebrated recreating the ancient tradition they held to of burning their oppressors in effigy yearly for a good harvest. The world celebrated as the Republic moved to try and stabilize the region but it wasn't the Republic they met with.

The peaceful and helpful jedi of the Silver order found the world through the navigation beacons and offered to lend aid. Their skills helped keep the infection contained to the moon and trade was opened with Voss who then was able to trade with the rest of the worlds in the Republic.
Notable PCs:
Intent: To create a world near the Silver jedi for a small campaign and story as well as conflict to help their more diplomatic minded students

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