Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
Shule's Workshop
The remote Dantooine Jedi enclave, a run-down memory of a happier age, is home to Shule Windspeaker. Shule is a Jedi Master, though he accepts no stipend from the Order, and dabbles in the Jal Shey arts to pay his modest bills.
Shule's workshop does not usually sell to Darksiders or known violent criminals. At this time, Shule's workshop does not accept custom orders.
Instead of money (as Jedi generally don't own much), Shule is known to accept Jedi errands as payment. (Threads, completed or well underway, involving Jedi missions on or near Dantooine. For missions and special teaching assignments, approach Shule IC in this thread.)
Jal Shey Products
Note: Jal Shey items, unlike virtually all other known Force-crafted objects,
work just as well for non-Force-users as for the Force-sensitive.
All clothing made from genuine Dantari linen.
Jal Shey Kasha Stone - Difficult to craft. A Jal Shey interpretation of the ancient Cerean Kasha stones. Used to help clear the mind of distractions for enhancing Force-based meditation. Can provide clarity of thought for non-Forcers. Available in large traditional form or in lightsabre focusing crystal size. 10000cr large, 1000cr small.
Levantine Captain's Uniform - Difficult to craft. Only available to senior naval Captains in the Levantine Sanctum patrol forces. Provides better bridge awareness and resistance to battle meditation, among other benefits. No cost.
Jal Shey robes of remembrance - Very difficult to craft. A Jedi outer-robe imbued with the Force, capable of exerting a very specific and powerful mental influence on Sithspawn, and counteracting Dark Side control over them. 6500cr
Jal Shey neophyte armor - A lightweight armor imbued with the Force, capable of soothing contention in the hearts of the wearer and others nearby. Suitable for apprentices and non-Force-users. 2500cr
Jal Shey advisor armor - Difficult to craft. A lightweight armor imbued with the Force, capable of soothing contention in the hearts of the wearer and others nearby. Suitable for knights and non-Force-users. 3500cr
Jal Shey mentor armor - Very difficult to craft. A lightweight armor imbued with the Force, capable of soothing profound contention in the hearts of the wearer and others nearby. Suitable for masters and experienced non-Force-users. 4500cr
Jal Shey belt - Difficult to craft. A belt which enhances the wearer's resistance against Dark Side influence, especially mental and emotional influence. Suitable for knights and non-Force-users. 2500cr
Jal Shey mentor belt - Very difficult to craft. A belt which greatly enhances the wearer's resistance against Dark Side influence, especially mental and emotional influence. Suitable for masters and experienced non-Force-users. 5500cr
Jal Shey perception gloves - A pair of gloves or wristbands which aid in perceiving one's surroundings through intuition, regardless of whether the wearer is Force-sensitive. Suitable for apprentices, knights, and experienced non-Force-users. 2500cr
Jal Shey meditation gloves - Difficult to craft. A pair of gloves or wristbands which aid in perceiving one's surroundings through intuition, regardless of whether the wearer is Force-sensitive. A more advanced version of Jal Shey perception gloves. Suitable for masters and experienced non-Force-users. 4000cr
Other Products
Basic Force-imbued blade - Difficult to craft. Only available to Force-users because of the role the blade's final owner needs to play in its creation. 5500cr