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Shuri Yuki Blades

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Submission Name:Sahura Yuki Blades
Link to Submission: Shura Yuki Blades:
Reason for Modification: More Research and Upgrades from additional funding
Modification: Upgrades, improvements


Image Credit: [s]
Intent: To create a multipurpose saber combining several fields Matsu has studied in.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Matsu Ike
Model: Multifunctional sabers
Affiliation: Matsu Ike
Modularity: Yes crystals can be installed
Production: Unique
  • Phrik
  • Crystals
  • Internal Components
Classification: Lightsaber
Size: Interlocking Lightsabers
Length: 1-3 meters
  • Usually 1 meter each
  • 3 meters when extended
Weight: 3kg
Other Features:

Description: Built and crafted by the jedi Master Matsu Ike for her personal use. The phrik hilts are designed in a v shaped curve making the hilts longer but also easier to place the crystals a common problem with curved hilts that took more skill to place. The casing is designed for a special purpose utilizing a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse to function underwater. A force activated pressure setting to keep others from being able to use it or grab hold while it flies is also present. The power cells connect into a z-shape that is able to be thrown as a zeison shal disc blade while the duel phased saber blades can extend to three meters but only when thrown.
Primary Sources:

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