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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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SIA Missions | Intel & Law Enforcement

Nikolai Messervy

The following free-formed, open-ended, non-DM'd missions are available for relevant members of the SIA and GA Law Enforcement (they are currently not open for freelancer or Jedi Shadows alone, but SIA operatives may partner with these individuals as desired. These were contemplated as missions that could be completed solo or in small groups, so bring friends if you want! This is a test run to see how the missions go; please indicate which mission you would like to claim, and link the thread when you start it so we can follow your progress! I welcome your feedback, either here or in the GA Discord. Thanks!

Please select only one (1) mission to start with.

Internal Affairs

The Virgo Complication:
As you are aware, Senator Natasi Fortan was recently in the custody of the Mandalorian Enclave. Though she is now back in Alliance space, she must be debriefed to determine whether she was compromised and, if so, to what extent. The SIA has a somewhat troubled relationship with the Senator, so this will require something of a soft touch. Schedule a sit-down with the Senator through her office and find out how bad the damage is.

The Asmodean Cacophony:
In a Senate meeting, somehow Darth Carnifex – or someone claiming to be Carnifex – managed to broadcast a signal to the Senators with a threat to the Galactic Alliance. Obviously we can’t have that kind of security breach go unchecked. Find out what happened and how and, while you’re at it, find out how to fix it. Also of interest: does Carnifex have access to get data, or is it a one-way signal?

The Treasonous Flamboyancy:
Good afternoon, Agents. There have been unsettling rumors about some of the august members of the Senate and where their loyalties may really lie. This one will require a light touch, so take it easy. Pick a Senator and investigate them in whatever way you see fit: infiltrate their office, investigate their background with other sources, or schedule a sit-down with them. Just be advised that if you blow it, I’ll disavow all knowledge and you’ll spend the rest of your career gathering intel from a Hutt’s backside. Only one of those is a joke.

The Grey Subversion:
Listen up, Agents. The galaxy is a beautiful and wondrous place, but it’s also a cesspit. You can find any manner of vice, and any number of criminals willing to peddle it to you. Slaves, drugs, illicit gambling – these criminals will push it all. We need to know more about them, so your task is to infiltrate a criminal enterprise and report back. Don’t blow your cover, and whatever you do, don’t get in too deep.

The Malevolence Misfortune:
Good morning, Agents. The Sith are always coming up with new and creative ways to be evil and strive for galactic domination. Obviously, we can’t let that happen, but with our attention divided, we need to be a little creative ourselves in our approach. You will infiltrate the Sith in whatever way you can; that may be tricky if you’re not Force sensitive, but we assume they use non-Force sensitives for some things. So get in there and find out whatever you can.
Currently claimed by Dominik Borra Dominik Borra


The Osterman Curiosity:
Good evening, Agents. We’ve received reports of a physical breach in an SIA server farm. The data thieves managed to steal a hard drive containing the names, code names, addresses, and personnel files of dozens of retired and semi-retired SIA assets. The hard drive is encrypted to prevent copying, however, it could be decrypted and this information would be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. We’ve tracked the device to Nar Shaddaa, where it will be put up at auction (along with various and sundry other black market goodies) at a high-end nightclub. Your mission is to retrieve that hard drive by any means necessary, while limiting collateral damage. A bonus will be offered for concrete evidence detailing the identity of the thieves. Good hunting, Agent.

The Corellian Demolition: The development of a new chemical weapon is always a concern, and we have discovered there are plans to deploy a new version of a highly lethal nerve gas in a crowded civilian center. The weapons are currently being transported via a Mag-Lev Train to Coronet City, where we believe the terrorists have plans to deploy the weapons, resulting in catastrophic loss of life. You must stop the train, capture the chemical weapons, and kill or apprehend any terrorists involved in the plot, by any means necessary. Note that the Mag-Level Train being used to transport the weapons are dual-purpose luxury travel trains with cargo holds. Any collateral damage will be unacceptable. Happy hunting, Agents.

The Aquarius Directive: Good afternoon, Agents. Your destination is a fashion show at Cloud City’s prestigious Whitetower Arms Hotel by Blue Lotus, one of the galaxy’s leading couture brands. Your target is Clarys Boralle, noted supermodel and SIA operative whom we have reason to believe has been compromised by criminal elements. We have traced the leak of information regarding classified war materiel routes to her. Apprehend Boralle – quietly, and without casualties – and return her to Coruscant for questioning. Remember that Cloud City is outside of our jurisdiction, so discretion is key. Currently claimed by Seku Bondara Seku Bondara


The Corellian Defenestration: Good morning, Agents. Your destination is Coronet City, Corellia, at the luxurious Highmoore Hotel & Resort. The penthouse suite has been reserved by one Miseno Solgrave, whom we have linked to plans to deploy chemical weapons in a Galactic Alliance civilian center. While another team is working on disrupting the chemical weapons’ transportation (see The Corellian Demolition), your team is tasked with infiltrating the penthouse and eliminating Solgrave. Solgrave is not a Galactic Alliance citizen and is not entitled to typical due process requirements, but given the optics, it would be better if this took place quietly and looked like an accident, and to that end you will receive a considerable bonus should you fulfill that request. Current claimed by Relan Dredec Relan Dredec

Provisioning - Repeatable/Non-Exclusive

Were You Expecting An Exploding Pen?: Spies love gadgets. Go invent some. (Create factory submissions for nifty spy gadgets. Your SIA colleagues will love you forever.)

And How The Hell Did You Find Out Where I Lived?: Spies need safe houses, training facilities, luxury hotels and casinos to populate. Go make some. (Create codex submissions for fun roleplay locations. Your SIA colleagues will love you forever.)
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The Malevolence Misfortune is perfect for Dominik and his background. The Assassination is also tempting, but this says to take only one at a time. So I'll take TMM. How would I fulfill this? Start a private thread and just write it all out myself or in a specific place?

Nikolai Messervy

The Malevolence Misfortune is perfect for Dominik and his background. The Assassination is also tempting, but this says to take only one at a time. So I'll take TMM. How would I fulfill this? Start a private thread and just write it all out myself or in a specific place?

The Malevolence Misfortune was cooked up with a mind toward collaborating with a Sith buddy (or buddies) that could, if you like, branch out into a broader story. Not to limit your creativity, though -- if you want to do a solo thread that would work as well, it would just need to be an NPC Sith group you're working against. You can also work with other SIA people or Jedi or whoever if you want to collaborate that way.
As Chief of Task Force Null, some other members of the group could be brought in I suppose. But the group has been pretty inactive since the end of the last Hyperspace War. I would totally be down to do this with your Sith buddies, though!

Thread is started.

Nikolai Messervy

The Corellian Defenestration

Agent en-route.

Nikolai Messervy


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